2021 Enoch Seminar on Apocalypticism

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Ancient Apocalypticism: History, Method, and Reception

11th Enoch Seminar - University of Munich (LMU) (23-28 May 2021)

Chairs: Loren Stuckenbruck, Gabriele Boccaccini, Kelley Coblentz Bautch

Organising Committee

  • Lorenzo DiTommaso, Concordia University Montreal, Canada (acting Vice-Director)
  • Kathy Ehrensperger, University of Wales Lampeter, Wales
  • Deborah Forger, Dartmouth University, USA
  • Gabriella Gelardini, Nord University, Norway
  • Matthias Henze, Rice University, USA
  • Liv Ingeborg Lied, Norwegian School of Theology, Norway
  • Isaac Oliver de Oliveira, Bradley University, USA
  • Benjamin E. Reynolds, Tyndale University, Canada
  • Cecilia Wassen, Uppsala University, Sweden
  • Archie T. Wright, Regent University, USA
  • Jason M. Zurawski, University of Groningen, Netherlands (General Manager)

Advisory Board

  • Daniel Assefa, Capuchin Franciscan Institute Addis Abeba, Ethiopia
  • Albert Baumgarten, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
  • Esther Chazon, Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel
  • John Collins, Yale University, USA
  • Paula Fredriksen, Boston University, USA
  • Ida Fröhlich, Catholic University Budapest, Hungary
  • Lester Grabbe, University of Hull, England
  • Annette Reed, New York University, USA
  • Adele Reinhartz, University of Ottawa, Canada
  • Benjamin Wright, Lehigh University, USA


The symposium is organized around seven special areas or clusters (called “Groups” in the schedule further below):

(1) Apocalypses, Method, and Reception (1 Plenary + 10 Seminar papers + 10 Responses) 10 + 1 (2) Apocalypses in the Ancient Mediterranean Context (1 Plenary + 4 Seminar papers + 4 Responses) 4 + 1 (3) Ancient Israel (1 Plenary + 4 Seminar Papers + 4 Responses) 4 + 1 (4) Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins (1 Plenary + 12 Seminar papers + 12 Responses) 12 + 1 (5) Christianity in Late Antiquity (1 Plenary + 8 Seminar papers + 8 Responses) 8 + 1 (6) Judaism in Late Antiquity (1 Plenary + 4 Seminar papers + 4 Responses) 4 + 1 (7) Islam in Late Antiquity (1 Plenary + 4 Seminar papers + 4 Responses) 4 + 1

Summary of Numbers:

One overall Plenary / Public Lecture for the Congress as a Whole

7 Keynote Lectures, 46 Seminar Papers, 46 Responses

TOTAL: 100 active participants (95 rooms at the Schloss, 15 rooms max at nearby hotel; large meeting room holds max 120 people = MAX # of total participants is 110)

In addition to the Public Lecture, Keynote Lectures, Seminar Papers, and Responses, there will be:

(1) a moderated panel with 3 Senior Scholars on changes in the field since 1970’s (2) a mentoring session with younger scholars

Moderators/Session chairs and perhaps some responses will be chosen among paper givers and the organizing committee

Responder will be, where possible, from other areas.


(1) Apocalypses, Method, and Reception ACCEPTED Hindy Najman (will address integration of apocalypse into broader humanities, ethics of reading, and philology)

(2) Apocalypses in the Ancient Mediterranean context ACCEPTED Jan Bremmer (Vergil and Jewish Apocalyptic)

(3) Ancient Israel WAITING TO HEAR Martti Nissinen (specialist on prophecy)

(4) Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins ACCEPTED Annette Yoshiko Reed

(5) Christianity in Late Antiquity ACCEPTED Lorenzo DiTommaso

(6) Judaism in Late Antiquity ACCEPTED Ra'anan Boustan

(7) Islam in Late Antiquity ACCEPTED Carlos Segovia


DAY 1 (Sunday)

10:00-11.00 Welcome [Loren Stuckenbruck] -- Presentation of the conference

11:00-12:30 -- Opening Session - [Chair: Gabriele Boccaccini?]: Interview with Senior Scholars (who were in Uppsala)

12:30pm-2:00pm -- BREAK

2:00pm-3:00pm -- GROUP 1 (Area Keynote Paper): Apocalypses, Method, and Reception (45 min + 15 min discussion)

  • Hindy Najman, University of Oxford

3:00am-3:30am – BREAK

3.30-5.00 – Special Area Sessions (3 running in parallel), with 2 seminar papers (15 min) and 2 responses (5-7 min each), plus discussion (45 min)

  • 2 seminar papers + 2 respondents (Group 1, section A) [chair: ??]
  • 2 seminar papers + 2 respondents (Group 1, section B) [chair: ??]
  • 2 seminar papers + 2 respondents (Group 1, section C) [chair: ??]

DAY 2 (Monday)

9:00am Welcome -- 9:15-10:00 -- [Chair: ???]: Recap of DAY 1 [with the chairs of the previous day] + some special guests

10:00am-11:am -- GROUP 2: Keynote Paper (45m + 15m discussion)

11 - 11:30 -- BREAK

11:30am-1:00pm -- Special Area Sessions (3 running in parallel), with 2 seminar papers (15 min) and 2 responses (5-7 min each), plus discussion (45 min)

- 2 seminar papers (Group 1, section D) [chair: ??] - 2 seminar papers (Group 1, section E) [chair: ??] - 2 seminar papers (Group 2, section A) [chair: ??]

1:00pm - 2:00pm -- BREAK

2:00pm-3:00pm – GROUP 3: Keynote Paper (45m + 15m discussion)

3:00pm-3:30pm -- BREAK

3:30-5:00 – Special Area Sessions (3 running in parallel), with 2 seminar papers (15 min) and 2 responses (5-7 min each), plus discussion (45 min)

  • 2 seminar papers (Group 2, section B)
  • 2 seminar papers (Group 3, section A)
  • 2 seminar papers (Group 3, section B)

Day 3 (Thursday)

9:00am Welcome -- 9:15-10:00 -- [Chair: ???]: Recap of DAY 2 [with the chairs of the previous day] + some special guests

14.00-15.30 – GROUP 4: Area Keynote Paper (50-60 min), with moderated discussion (30 min) 15.30-16.00 – BREAK (coffee, tea) 16.00-18.00 – Special Area Sessions (3 running in parallel), with 2 seminar papers (15 min) and 2 responses (5-7 min each), plus discussion (45 min)

  • 2 seminar papers (Group 4, section A)
  • 2 seminar papers (Group 4, section B)
  • 2 seminar papers (Group 4, section C)

Morning Session 8.30-10.30 – Special Area Sessions (3 running in parallel), with 2 seminar papers (15 min) and 2 responses (5-7 min each), plus discussion (45 min)

  • 2 seminar papers (Group 4, section D)
  • 2 seminar papers (Group 4, section E)
  • 2 seminar papers (Group 4, section F)

Day 4 (Thursday)

9:00am Welcome -- 9:15-10:00 -- [Chair: ???]: Recap of DAY 3 [with the chairs of the previous day] + some special guests

Morning Session 8.30-10.00 – GROUP 5: Area Keynote Paper (50-60 min), with moderated discussion (30 min) 10.00-10.30 – BREAK (coffee, tea) 10.30-12.30– Special Area Sessions (3 running in parallel), with 2 seminar papers (15 min) and 2 responses (5-7 min each), plus discussion (45 min)

  • 2 seminar papers (Group 5, section A)
  • 2 seminar papers (Group 5, section B)
  • 2 seminar papers (Group 5, section C)

14.00-15.30 – GROUP 6: Area Keynote Paper (50-60 min), with moderated discussion (30 min)

  • 15.30-16.00 – BREAK (coffee, tea)

16.00-18.00 – Special Area Sessions (3 running in parallel), with 2 seminar papers (15 min) and 2 responses (5-7 min each), plus discussion (45 min)

  • 2 seminar papers (Group 5, section C)
  • 2 seminar papers (Group 6, section A)
  • 2 seminar papers (Group 6, section B)

Day 5 (Thursday)

9:00am Welcome -- 9:15-10:00 -- [Chair: ???]: Recap of DAY 4 [with the chairs of the previous day] + some special guests

10.00-11:00 – GROUP 7 (Area Keynote Paper): Islam in Late Antiquity (45 min + 15 min Q&A)

11.00-11.30 – BREAK

11.30-1:00pm – Special Area Sessions (2 running in parallel), with 2 seminar papers (15 min) and 2 responses (5-7 min each), plus discussion (45 min) - 2 seminar papers (Group 7, section A) - 2 seminar papers (Group 7, section B)

1:00 - 2:30pm -- BREAK

2:30--4:30 -- Wrap-up session (final panel) - Conclusions