Category:Historical Jesus Studies--Dutch
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The category: Historical Jesus Studies--Dutch, includes (in chronological order) scholarly and fictional works in Dutch language dealing with Historical Jesus Studies.
Pages in category "Historical Jesus Studies--Dutch"
The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.
- De prins uit het huis van David (1881 Ingraham), novel (Dutch ed.)
- Jezus de Nazarener (1904 Verhulst), play
- Jezus en Manachéém (1951 Praag), novel
- (+) Jezus: het verhaal van een levende (Jesus: An Experiment in Christology / 1974 Schillebeeckx), book
- De Dode-Zeerollen en de verzwegen waarheid = The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception (1994 @1991 Baigent, Leigh / Smit, Michon), arch-fi (Dutch ed.)
- Het Qumran-mysterie = Qumran (The Qumran Mystery / 1997 @1996 Abécassis / Abeling), novel (Dutch ed.)
- Kluizenaars = Quarantine (1999 @1997 Crace / Willemse), novel (Dutch ed.)