Kristuslegender (Christ Legends / 1904 Lagerlöf), novel
Kristuslegender (1904) is a novel by Selma Lagerlöf.
An international success.
"Kristuslegender är en novellsamling som utkom första gången 1904. Precis som alltid, väver Lagerlöf här en lika dramatisk som drömlik och övernaturlig väv av personporträtt, händelser och miljöer."--Publisher description.
Published in Stockholm, Sweden: Bonnier, 1904.
Translated into several languages, including German, English, French and Spanish.
External links
- 1904
- Women Authorship--1900s
- Women Authorship--Swedish
- Fiction--1900s
- Fiction--Swedish
- Literature--1900s
- Novels
- Swedish language
- Historical Jesus Studies--1900s
- Historical Jesus Studies--Swedish
- Historical Jesus Studies--Fiction
- Jesus of Nazareth (subject)
- Jesus of Nazareth--fiction (subject)
- Jesus of Nazareth--literature (subject)
- Top 1900s