Category:Born in 1800s

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Born in 1800s
Born in 1800s


The category: Born in 1800s, includes Scholars, Authors and Artists who were born in the first half of the 19th century, or between 1800s and 1849.

< 1800s -- 1810s -- 1820s -- 1830s -- 1840s >

Jacques-Paul Migne (1800-1875)

Abraham Geiger (1810-1874)
Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901)
Theodor Mommsen (1817-1903)
Isaac Mayer Wise (1819-1900)

Ernest Renan (1823-1892)
Alfred Edersheim (1825-1889)
Lew Wallace (1827-1905)


Generations : 2000s -- 1990s -- 1980s -- 1970s -- 1960s -- 1950s -- 1940s -- 1930s -- 1920s -- 1910s -- 1900s -- 1850s -- 1800s -- 1700s -- 1600s -- 1500s -- 1450s -- 1400s -- Medieval

Timeline : 2020s -- 2010s -- 2000s -- 1990s -- 1980s -- 1970s -- 1960s -- 1950s -- 1940s -- 1930s -- 1920s -- 1910s -- 1900s -- 1850s -- 1800s -- 1700s -- 1600s -- 1500s -- 1450s -- Medieval -- Home

Gustave Doré (1832-1883)
James Tissot (1836-1902)
Giovanni Bovio (1837-1903)
Henryk Siemiradzki (1843-1902)
Wilson Barrett (1846-1904)