Enoch Colloquia
Revision as of 08:00, 18 November 2019 by Gabriele Boccaccini (talk | contribs) (→Schedule (Boston, 2020))
Enoch Colloquia
3rd Enoch Colloquium (San Diego, 2019)
Gospel of John: Anti-Jewish or Radical Jewish Sectarianism?
Adele Reinhartz and Gabriele Boccaccini; Deborah Forger, chair
2nd Enoch Colloquium (Denver, 2018)
Paul the Second Temple Jew
Mark Nanos and Gabriele Boccaccini; Isaac Oliver, chair
1st Enoch Colloquium (Boston, 2017)
Jewish Apocalypticism (at Harvard University)
Giovanni Bazzana and Gabriele Boccaccini, chairs
Schedule (Boston, 2020)
4th colloquium on Second Temple Judaism (9-10:30 11-12:30)
(workshop, by invitation only)
The Gospel of Matthew and Second Temple Jewish Sectarianism
John Kampen and Gabriele Boccaccini
5th colloquium on Christian Origins (14:30-16; 16-17:30)
(workshop, by invitation only)
20 - Plenary address. 1st Enoch Seminar Life Achievement Award.
21:30 - Reception
(open to the general public)