The Lazarus Projects (2005 Cowart), novel

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<bibexternal title="'The Lazarus Projects" author="Cowart"/>

The Lazarus Projects (2005) is a novel by John W. Cowart.


"In THE LAZARUS PROJECTS, by John Cowart, a team of modern scientists travels back through time to investigate the events surrounding the crucifixion of Jesus Christ by Roman authorities in the year 33. Miami businessman Lazarus Wienstien, multi-millionaire owner of one of America's largest breweries, proposes this investigation. The bizarre death of his only grandson on the very day Mr. Wienstien discovers his own cancer motivates him to initiate five research projects, one of which, he hopes, will insure his personal survival after death. These projects include experiments in cyronics, geriatrics, hypnotic regression, resuscitation and resurrection."--Publisher description.


Published in Jacksonville, FL: Bluefish Books, 2005.