Miracle Man: The Lazarus Chronicles (2000 Ogzewalla), novel

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<bibexternal title="Miracle Man: The Lazarus Chronicles" author="Ogzewalla"/>

Miracle Man: The Lazarus Chronicles (2000) is a novel by Lynn C. Ogzewalla.


"What ever happened to Lazarus? Did he continue to live his if as if it were uninterrupted, growing old and dying again at a later time? Or did he live as a changed being, quickened like John the Revelator. If the answer were the latter, it would be inspiring to converse with him who had witnessed history firsthand. Think of what someone like that could have seen or actually been apart of, having lived since the time of Christ. Think how certain events might have been influenced by Lazarus in an unseen way."--Publisher description.


Published in Springville, UT: Bonneville Books, 2000.

External links

  • [ Google Books]