Category:Patriarchs--music (subject)
Revision as of 10:56, 21 January 2016 by Gabriele Boccaccini (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Works of music related to the Patriarchs'''")
Works of music related to the Patriarchs
Pages in category "Patriarchs--music (subject)"
The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.
- Lo sposalizio di Rebecca (1675 Arresti), oratorio
- Agar et Ismaele esiliati (1683 Scarlatti / Totis), oratorio
- Giacobbe in Mesopotamia (1698 Casini), oratorio
- Joseph (1745 Fesch), oratorio
- Joseph and his Brethren (1744 Haendel / Miller), oratorio
- Isacco, figura del Redentore (1776 Myslivecek / Metastasio), oratorio
- La sacra rappresentazione di Abramo e d'Isaac (1917 Pizzetti / Belcari, Castellino), oratorio