Category:Aristobulus II (subject)

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Judea under Aristobulus II

Aristobulus II, son of Salome Alexandra, was a member of the Hasmonean dinasty, who rules as High Priest and King from 66 to 63 BCE. He was the last king of the Maccabees.


Aristobulus II was the son of Alexander Jannaeus and Salome Alexandra, and the younger brother of John Hyrcanus II. When in 67 BCE his brother was designated to succeed their mother as King, he overpowered him and took the throne and the office of High Priest, from 66 to 63 BCE.

With the Roman intervention in 63 BCE, John Hyrcanus II with the military support of the Idumean Antipater regained the High Priesthood.

Aristobulus II and his two sons, Alexander and Antigonus, were deported to Rome but never gave up their claims. First, Alexander managed to escape and raised an army that caused John Hyrcanus II and Antipater no little annoyance in Judaea. It took the intervention of the Roman general Gabinius to regain control of the region.

In 56 BCE Aristobulos II and Antigonus also escaped and with Alexander continued to create trouble and revolts in the region.

In 49 BCE Aristobulos II was murdered by poison and his son Alexander executed. In 40 BCE Antigonus, with the support of the Parthians led a rebellion against Rome and for a few years gained the kingship and High Priesthood before being defeated and killed in 37 BCE by Herod the Great.

Aristobulus II in ancient sources

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