The Crown and the Cross (1959 Slaughter), novel
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<bibexternal title="The Crown and the Cross" author="Slaughter"/>
The Crown and the Cross (1959) is a novel by Frank G. Slaughter.
Focuses on “the life of Christ.”
Published in the Cleveland, OH: World Pub. Co., 1959.
External links
- 1959
- Fiction--1950s
- Fiction--English
- Literature--1950s
- Novels
- English language--1950s
- Historical Jesus Studies--1950s
- Historical Jesus Studies--Fiction
- Historical Jesus Studies--English
- Jesus of Nazareth (subject)
- Jesus of Nazareth--fiction (subject)
- Jesus of Nazareth--literature (subject)
- Top 1950s
- Fiction--Top 1950s
- English language--Top 1950s