God's Warrior (1967 Slaughter), novel
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God's Warrior (1967) is a novel by Frank G. Slaughter
A biographical novel of Paul the Apostle.
Editions and translations
Published in Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1967 (#1000+). A bestseller.
External links
- 1967
- Fiction--1960s
- Fiction--English
- Literature
- Novels
- English language--1960s
- Pauline Studies--1960s
- Pauline Studies--Fiction
- Pauline Studies--English
- Paul of Tarsus (subject)
- Paul of Tarsus--fiction (subject)
- Paul of Tarsus--literature (subject)
- Top 1960s
- Fiction--Top 1960s
- English language--Top 1960s
- Pauline Studies--Top 1960s