The Christian Platonists of Alexandria (1886 Bigg), book
The Christian Platonists of Alexandria (1886) is a book by Charles Bigg.
Published in Oxford, England: Clarendon, 1886.
1. Introduction. Philo and the Gnostics.--2-3. Clement.--4-6. Origen.--7. The reformed paganism.--8. Summary.
External links
- 1886
- English language--1850s
- Hellenistic-Jewish Studies--1850s
- Hellenistic-Jewish Studies--English--1850s
- Philo Studies--1850s
- Philo Studies--English--1850s
- Early Christian Studies--1850s
- Early Christian Studies--English--1850s
- Clement of Alexandria (subject)
- Origen (subject)
- Top 1850s
- Scholarship--Top 1850s
- English language--Top 1850s
- Philo Studies--Top 1850s
- Hellenistic-Jewish Studies--Top 1850s
- Early Christian Studies--Top 1850s