Historia Aethiopica (1681 Ludolf), book

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Historia Aethiopica (1681) is a book by Hiob Ludolf.


In Book III (De rebus ecclesiastics Habessinorum), ch.4 (De Libris Sacris Habessinorum), #49 (Liber Henochi falsus), Ludolf discussed rumors of an Ethiopic version of 1 Enoch but was skeptical about its existence. In particular proved that the ms. purchased in 1633 by French intellectual and collector Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc, and then at the Library of Cardinal Mazarin, was not a copy of the "lost" Book of Enoch but a theological commentary containing merely citations of and allusions to the Book of Enoch--the treatise De mysteriis coeli & terrae, & de la S.S. Trinitate by Abba Bahaila Michaelem.


Published in Frankfurt, Germany: 1681.

Online editions