Jesus: The Evidence (1984 Wilson), non-fiction
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<bibexternal title="Jesus: The Evidence" author="Wilson"/>
Jesus: The Evidence (1984) is a biography by Ian Wilson.
"An investigative report of the evidence surrounding the origins of Christianity and the life of Jesus Christ."--Publisher description.
Published in London, England: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1984; and Cambridge, MA: Harper & Row, 1985.
External links
- [ Google Books]
- 1984
- Non-Fiction
- Books
- English language
- Made in the 1980s
- Historical Jesus Studies
- Historical Jesus Studies--Non-Fiction
- Historical Jesus Studies--British Non-Fiction
- Historical Jesus Studies--English language
- Jesus of Nazareth (subject)
- Jesus of Nazareth--research (subject)
- Top 1980s
- Scholarship--Top 1980s
- English language--Top 1980s
- Historical Jesus Studies--Top 1980s