John's Apologetic Christology (2001 McGrath), book
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<bibexternal title="John's Apologetic Christology" author="James McGrath"/>
John's Apologetic Christology: Legitimation and Development in Johannine Christology (2001) is a book by James F. McGrath.
Editions and translations
Published in Cambridge [England]: Cambridge University Press, 2001 (Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series, 111).
Table of contents
- Part 1: Introduction
- 1. Introduction: the development of Johannine Christology
- 2. A conflict setting and a distinctive Christology
- Part 2: Jesus and God
- 3. Are there 'two powers' in John?
- 4. God's Equal or God's Agent? (John 5)
- 5. 'I obey, therefore "I Am"' (John 8.12-59)
- 6. 'You are gods'-but who are 'you'? (John 10.22-39)
- 7. In the bosom of the Father (John 1.1-18)
- 8. Conclusion to part 2
- Part 3: Jesus, Moses, and Torah
- 9. The Word and the glory (John 1.1-18)
- 10. Descent and ascent (John 3.1-21)
- 11. Bread from heaven (John 6)
- 12. Legitimating sings (John 9)
- 13. Conclusion to part 3
- Part 4: Other Issues and Conclusion
- 14. Other possible issues
- 15. Putting the pieces together
- 16. Conclusion