The Dead Sea Scrolls (2013 Flint), book
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<bibexternal title="The Dead Sea Scrolls" author="Flint"/>
The Dead Sea Scrolls (2013) is a book by Peter W. Flint.
Published in Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 2013.
Table of contents
The discovery of the Scrolls in the Judean Desert -- Archaeology of the Qumran site: the caves, buildings, and cemeteries -- Dating the scrolls found at Qumran -- The Bible before the scrolls -- The Biblical scrolls -- The Dead Sea scrolls and the Biblical text -- The scrolls, the Apocrypha, and the Pseudepigrapha -- The shape and contents of the Scriptures used at Qumran -- The Nonbiblical scrolls -- The movement associated with Qumran and its place in early Judaism -- Religious thought and practice reflected in the Qumran scrolls.