The Dead Sea Scrolls (2013 Flint), book
The Dead Sea Scrolls (2013) is a book by Peter W. Flint.
"Drawing together all the evidence, this timely book explores: The discovery and dating of the Dead Sea Scrolls; their relationship to the Hebrew Bible, Apocrypha, and New Testament; their messianic and apocalyptic messages; the identity, nature, and theology of the Qumran community; the nonbiblical scrolls; and controversies surrounding the scrolls. This comprehensive, guide provides an introduction to all aspects of the scrolls, including their teachings, the community that created them, the world of Judaism, the origins of Christianity, and our understanding of Jesus and the New Testament. Features photos of the original texts, the sites, and the scholars who deciphered them, and includes illustrative passages from the scrolls."--Publisher description
Published in Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 2013.
Table of contents
The discovery of the Scrolls in the Judean Desert -- Archaeology of the Qumran site: the caves, buildings, and cemeteries -- Dating the scrolls found at Qumran -- The Bible before the scrolls -- The Biblical scrolls -- The Dead Sea scrolls and the Biblical text -- The scrolls, the Apocrypha, and the Pseudepigrapha -- The shape and contents of the Scriptures used at Qumran -- The Nonbiblical scrolls -- The movement associated with Qumran and its place in early Judaism -- Religious thought and practice reflected in the Qumran scrolls.