Category:Budapest, Hungary
Revision as of 01:29, 26 June 2013 by Gabriele Boccaccini (talk | contribs)
Budapest is the capital city of Hungary, Europe.
< Higher Education >
< Publishers : Buschmann >
< Museums: Museum of Fine Arts (Magyar Szépmüvészeti Múzeum) >
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Pages in category "Budapest, Hungary"
The following 12 pages are in this category, out of 12 total.
- Deuterokanonikus bibliai könyvek
- Deuterocanonica (2004- L'Harmattan), book series
- A csábítás teológiája. A kísértés fogalmának története az Ókorban (The Concept of Temptation in Antiquity / 2005 Pesthy), book
- The Concept of Authority in Early Jewish Literature (2010), conference
- Political Power and Ideology in Early Jewish and Early Christian Literature (2011), conference
- A szívnek van két rekesze (The Heart has Two Chambers / 2012 Koltai), edited volume
- Aspects of Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature (2013), conference