Bibliotheca sancta (1566 Sisto da Siena), book

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Bibliotheca sancta (1566) is a book by Sisto da Siena.


Sisto's work is the largest and most comprehensive introduction to the Christian Bible authored in the 16th century.

Sisto created the term "Deuterocanonici" to denote the OT Apocrypha from a Roman Catholic perspective.

"The Bibliotheca sancta, first published in Venice in 1566, was an encyclopedia of monumental erudition... The eight parts of the work comprise material on the structure and order of the Bible; a dictionary of all the authors and writings mentioned in the Scriptures; a treatise on the principles and techniques of interpreting the Scriptures, comparing the different methods of the Fathers; a bio-bibliography of the Catholic commentators on the Scriptures, treating hundreds of commentators; annotations and summaries on difficult and controverted verses of the Scriptures, from Genesis to the Apocalypse; the correction of false or heretical interpretations of verses in the New and Old Testaments, followed by various indices, including an index of heretics." (University of Notre Dame Rare Books and Special Collections).

Editions and translations

Published in Venice [Italy]: Griffio, 1566.

Table of contents

External links