Associazione Biblica Italiana (1948-), learned society

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The Associazione Biblica Italiana (ABI) is the Italian Catholic association for Biblical Studies.

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Founded in 1948, the Italian Biblical Association comprises over 500 scholars of both ecclesiastical and state Universities, Seminaries and higher Institutes of religious studies. Officially recognized by the Italian Episcopal Conference, it represents the latter in the Catholic Biblical Federation (CBF). The ABI has two main goals: yearly biblical and interdisciplinary conventions on a national level are dedicated to scientific research, as are also the journals Rivista Biblica and Ricerche Storico-Bibliche; moreover, the association publishes biblical studies and miscellanies in the series Supplementi a Rivista Biblica. On a more popular and pastoral level, it organizes annual courses for various categories and also publishes the periodical Parole di vita.

Settimane Bibliche Nazionali


The first nine meetings of the Settimana Biblica were organized by the Pontifical Biblical Institute:

  • 1930 (Rome, Italy; 22-29 September) - 1st Meeting
  • 1931 (Rome, Italy) - 2nd Meeting
  • 1932 (Rome, Italy) - 3rd Meeting
  • 1933 (Rome, Italy) - 4th Meeting - La redenzione
  • 1935 (Rome, Italy) - 5st Meeting
  • 1936 (Rome, Italy) - 6th Meeting - S. Paolo: la conversione, la figura e la dottrina
  • 1937 (Rome, Italy) - 7th Meeting
  • 1938 (Rome, Italy) - 8th Meeting
  • 1939 (Rome, Italy) - 9th Meeting


Since 1948, the Settimana Biblica has been organized by the Associazione Biblica Italiana:

  • 1948 - (Rome, Italy) - 10th Meeting
  • 1950 - (Rome, Italy) - 11th Meeting
  • 1952 - (Rome, Italy) - 12th Meeting - San Giovanni
  • 1954 - (Rome, Italy) - 13th Meeting
  • 1956 - (Rome, Italy) - 14th Meeting - San Pietro
  • 1958 - (Rome, Italy) - 15th Meeting
  • 1960 - (Rome, Italy) - 16th Meeting
  • 1962 - 17th Meeting - San Giovanni
  • 1964 - (Rome, Italy; 21-26 September) - 18th Meeting - Il messianismo
  • 1966 - (Rome, Italy) - 19th Meeting - San Pietro


  • 1968 - (Rome, Italy) - 20th Meeting - Costituzione conciliare Dei Verbum
  • 1970 - (Rome, Italy) - 21th Meeting - Esegesi ed ermeneutica
  • 1972 - (Rome, Italy) - 22th Meeting - Fondamenti biblici della teologia morale
  • 1974 - (Rome, Italy) - 23th Meeting - La cristologia in san Paolo
  • 1976 - (Rome, Italy) - 24th Meeting - Evangelizare pauperibus
  • 1978 - (Rome, Italy) - 25th Meeting - Quaerere Deum


  • 1998 (Rome, Italy; 7-11 September) - 35th Meeting - Spirito di Dio e sacre scritture nell'autotestimonianza della Bibbia


  • 2008 - (Rome, Italy) - 40th Meeting - Processo esegetico ed ermeneutica credente: una polarità intrinseca alla Bibbia
  • 2010 - (Rome, Italy; 6-10 September) - 41th Meetings - Genesi 1-11: evento storico e tradizione riletture e teologia biblica

Convegni di Studi Veterotestamentari

  • 1979 (?) - 1st Meeting
  • 1989 (Prato, Italy; 11-13 September) - 6th Meeting - Pentateuco come Torah: storiografia e normatività religiosa nell'Israele antico
    • Pentateuco come Torah (1991 Boschi), edited volume
  • 1991 (Perugia, Italy; 12-14 September) - 7th Meeting - L'epoca di Ezechia: alle origini della letteratura religiosa di Israele
    • L'epoca di Ezechia (1993 Boschi), edited volume
  • 1999 (Torreggia, Italy; 6-8 September) - 11th Meeting - Il testo biblico in tensione tra fissità canonica e mobilità storica
    • Il testo biblico in tensione tra fissità canonica e mobilità storica (2001 Barbaglia), edited volume
  • 2003 (Foligno, Italy; 8-10 September) - 13th Meeting - L'elezione di Israele: origini bibliche, funzione e ambiguità di una categoria teologica
    • L'elezione di Israele (2005 Termini), edited volume
  • 2005 (Sassone-Ciampino, Italy; 5-7 September) - 14th Meeting - Origine e fenomenologia del male: le vie della catarsi veterotestamentaria
    • Origine e fenomenologia del male (2007 Cardellini), edited volume
  • 2007 (Fara Sabina, Italy; 10-12 September) - Religione biblica e religione storica dell'antico Israele

Convegni di Studi Neotestamentari (1985-)

  • 2009 (Ariccia, Italy; 10-12 September) - 13th Meeting - Il Cristianesimo ellenistico dal I al II secolo
  • 2011 -14th Meeting
  • 2013 - 15th Meeting

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