Category:Antiquitates Iudaicae (text)
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Antiquitates Iudaicae / Jewish Antiquities is a work by Josephus.
- See Online Text: Book <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <11> <12> <13> <14> <15> <16> <17> <18> <19> <20>
- Book I -- From Creation to the Death of Isaac
- Book II -- From the Death of Isaac to the Exodus out of Egypt
- Book III -- From the Exodus out of Ehypt to the Rejection of the Generation
- Book IV -- From the Rejection of that Generation to the Death of Moses
- Book V -- From the Death of Moses to the Death of Eli
- Book VI -- From the Death of Eli to the Death of Saul
- Book VII -- From the Death of Saul to the Death of David
- Book VIII -- From the Death of David to the Death of Ahab
- Book IX -- From the Death of Ahab to the Captivity of the Ten Tribes
- Book X -- From the Captivity of the Ten Tribes to the First Year of Cyrus
- Book XI -- From the First Year of Cyrus to the Death of Alexander the Great
- Book XII -- From the Death of Alexander the Great to the Death of Judas Maccabeus
- Book XIII -- From the Death of Judas Maccabeus to the Death of Queen Alexandra
- Book XIV -- From the Death of Queen Alexandra to the Death of Antigonus
- Book XV -- From the Death of Antigonus to the Finishing of the Temple by Herod
- Book XVI -- From the Finishing of the Temple by Herod to the Death of Alexander and Aristobulus
- Book XVII -- From the Death of Alexander and Aristobulus to the Banishment of Archelaus
- Book XVIII -- From the Banishment of Archelaus to the Departure of the Jews from Babylon
- Book XIX -- From the Departure of the Jews from Babylon to FAdus the Roman Procurator
- Book XX -- From Fadus the Procurator to Florus
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Pages in category "Antiquitates Iudaicae (text)"
The following 37 pages are in this category, out of 37 total.
- (++) De antiquitate Judaica. De bello Judaico (1470 Schüssler), book (ed. princeps - Latin)
- De antiquitate Judaica. De bello Judaico (1475-76 Brandis), book
- (++) Flavii Iosephi opera (Josephus' Works / 1544 Arlenius), book (ed. princeps - Greek)
- Giosefo De l'antichita giudaiche (1544 Lauro), book
- Josephi Judei Historici preclara opera (1513-14 Goullet), book
- Flavio Giuseppe, Dell'Antichità de' Giudei (1580 Baldelli), book
- Flavii Josephi opera quae exstant (1611 La Rovière), book
- Delle Antichità et Guerre giudaiche (1620 Lauro, Berna), book
- The Works of Flavius Josephus (1702 L'Estrange), book
- (+) Flavii Josephi Judiske historia (1713-52 Arnauld d'Andilly / Gyllenstierna), book (Swedish ed.)
- Flavii Iosephi quae reperi potuerunt opera omnia, graece et latine (1720 Hudson, Hall), book
- Flavii Josephi Quae reperiri potuerunt, opera omnia, graece et latine (1726 Havercamp), book
- The Works of Flavius Josephus which Are Extant (1733 Court), book
- (++) The Genuine Works of Flavius Josephus (1737 Whiston), book
- The Works of Flavius Josephus (1777 Thompson, Price), book
- (+) Delle opere di Giuseppe Flavio (1779-1780 Angiolini), book
- Flavii Iosephi hebraei opera omnia, graece et latine (1782-85 Oberthür), book
- The Whole Works of Flavius Josephus (1785-87 Clarke, Yorke), book
- The Whole Genuine and Complete Works of Flavius Josephus ... to which is now first added, A Continuation of the History of the Jews, from Josephus down to the Present Time (1785 Maynard, Kimpton), book
- The Whole Genuine and Complete Works of Flavius Josephus (1792 Bradshaw), book
- Geschichte der Juden, von der Rückkehr aus der babylonischen Gefangenschaft bis zur Zerstörung des zweiten Tempels (History of the Jews, from their Return from the Babylonian Exile to the Destruction of the Second Temple / 1808 Beer), book
- Flavii Josephi opera, graece et latine (1845-47 Dindorf), book
- Flavius Josephus: Sämtliche Werke (1899-1900 Clementz), book
- Les Antiquités judaïques et le peintre Jean Foucquet (1908 Durrieu), book
- A zsidók története (1946 Révay), book
- Obras completas de Flavio Josefo (1961 Farré), book
- Dawne dzieje Izraela (Antiquitates Iudaice / 1962 Radozycki), book
- The Interpretation of Biblical History in the Antiquitates Judaicae of Flavius Josephus (1976 Attridge), book
- Flavius Josèphe: 1. Les Antiquités Juives, livres I à III (1990 Nodet), book
- Иудейские древности (Iudeiskie drevnosti) (Jewish Antiquities / 1994 Fedosika, Dovgialo), book
- Flavio Giuseppe, Antichità giudaiche (1998 Moraldi), book
- Flavius Josephus: Judean Antiquities 1-4 (2000 Feldman), book
- Flavius Josephus: Judean Antiquities 5-7 (2001 Begg), book
- Flavius Josephus: Judean Antiquities 8-10 (2001 Begg, Spilsbury), book
- I Giulio-Claudi in Flavio Giuseppe: AI XVIII-XX (2001 Galimberti), book
- Il terzo libro delle Antichità giudaiche di Flavio Giuseppe e la Bibbia (2002 Castelli), book
- Flavio Giuseppe: Storia dei Giudei, da Aessandro Magno a Nerone (2002 Simonetti), book