Category:Tribe of Reuben (subject)
According to Jewish (Christian, and Islamic) traditions, the Tribe of Reuben (= House of Reuben = Sons of Reuben = Reubenites) was one of the Twelve Tribes--the descendants of Jacob's son Reuben.
According to the Biblical narrative, the Sons of Reuben settled in Egypt with the other descendants of Jacob, and then followed Moses and Joshua in their way back to the Land of Israel.
The Tribe of Reuben received by Moses its portion of the land on the eastern side of the Jordan River and the Dead Sea (see map) and were part of the loose confederation of Israelite tribes at the time of the Judges.
Loyal to the monarchy of Saul and David, the Tribe of Reuben joined the Northern Kingdom of Israel under Rehoboam, until the deportations following the Assyrian invasion of 721 BCE made them become one of the ten Lost Tribes.
External links
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