Category:Bulgarian language
Revision as of 20:56, 11 October 2012 by Gabriele Boccaccini (talk | contribs)
List of scholarly and fictional works in Bulgarian (in chronological order).
In Depth
- Bulgarian Scholarship -- survey of scholarly works
- Bulgarian Fiction -- survey of fictional works
See also: Bulgaria -- Bulgarian -- Bulgarian Scholars -- Bulgarian Authors
External links
Pages in category "Bulgarian language"
The following 13 pages are in this category, out of 13 total.
- Живота на апостола Павла = The Life of St Paul (1892 @1888 Stalker / Tomov), book (Bulgarian ed.)
- Йосиф Флавий и отношението му към старозаветните писания (Josephus Flavius and His Attitude to the Old Testament Scriptures / 1963 Piperov), book (Bulgarian)
- Prologat kam kn. Premadrost na IIsus sin sirachov i znacenieto mu za istorijata na starozavetnija kanon (1976 Valcanov), book
- Кумрански текстове с апокрифно съдържание и славянските старозаветни апокрифи (The Apocryphal Qumran Texts and the Slavonic OT Pseudepigrapha / 1976 Valcanov), book
- Тълкуване на книгата Притчи Соломонови (Interpretation of the Book of Proverbs of Solomon / 1984 Piperov), book
- Otrazenija na starozavetnata apokrifna tradicija v srednevekovnata balgarska kultura (1986 Valcanov), book
- Свещен Коран (Holy Qur'an / 1997 Teofanov), book