Category:Jewish History (subject)
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Jewish History
Pages in category "Jewish History (subject)"
The following 47 pages are in this category, out of 47 total.
- ספר יוחסין / Sefer ha-Yuhasin (History of the Jews / 1566 Zacuto), book (Hebrew / ed. princeps)
- צמח דוד (The Plant of David / 1592 Gans), book (Hebrew)
- (++) Historia de' riti hebraici (1637 Modena), book
- Biblioteca magna rabbinica (1675-1693 Bartolocci/Imbonati), book
- Bibliotheca latino-hebraica (1694 Imbonati), book
- L’histoire et la religion des juifs, depuis Jésus-Christ jusqu’à présent (The History of the Jews, from Jesus Christ to the Present Time / 1706-1707 Basnage), book
- The History of the Jews = L’histoire et la religion des juifs (1708 @1706-07 Basnage / Taylor), book (English ed.)
- Den Jødiske historie (History of the Jews / 1777-1782 Bastholm), book (Danish)
- Geschichte der Juden (1786 Bastholm), book (German ed.)
- Dizionario storico degli autori ebrei e dello loro opere (1802 De Rossi), book
- The History of the Jews from the Destruction of Jerusalem to the Nineteenth Century (1812 Adams), book
- Geschichte der Israeliten seit den Zeit der Maccabäer bis auf Unsere Tage (1820-1829 Jost), book
- Das Judenthum und seine Gechichte (1864-71 Geiger), book
- Jewish Quarterly Review (1889-), journal
- Det israelitiske Folks Historie (1893 Buhl), book
- Przewodnik judaistyczny: obejmujacy kurs literatury i religii (1893 Nussbaum), book
- Geschichte der jüdisch-hellenistischen und talmudischen Litteratur (1894 Winter/Wünsche), book
- Vseobshchaia istoriia evreev (1901-1904 Dubnow), book
- Los Hebreos (1916 Bazán), book
- Евреи в древности в Средние века = Jews in Antiquity and in the Middle Ages (1922 Tiumenev), book
- Hebrew Union College Annual (1924-), journal
- Stranger than Fiction: A Short History of the Jews (1925 Browne), book
- A History of the Jews (1930 Sachar), book
- A Bird's-Eye View of Jewish History (1935 Roth), book
- A History of the Jews, 2nd ed. (1940 Sachar), book
- A History of the Jews, 3rd ed. (1948 Sachar), book
- A Social and Religious History of the Jews (1952-1983 Baron), book
- A History of the Jews, 4th ed. (1953 Sachar), book
- Great Ages and Ideas of the Jewish People (1956 Schwarz), edited volume
- Grandes épocas e ideas del pueblo Judío = Great Ages and Ideas of the Jewish People (1964-65 Schwarz), edited volume (Argentine ed.)
- The Source (1965 Michener), novel
- A History of the Jews, 5th ed. (1965 Sachar), book
- Toldot `am Yisrael (1969 Ben-Sasson), edited volume
- Encyclopedia Judaica (1971-72 Roth, et al.), book
- A History of the Jewish People (1976 Ben-Sasson), edited volume (English ed.)
- Jewish People, Jewish Thought: The Jewish Experience in History (1980 Seltzer), book
- Juifs: la mémoire et le présent (1981-1995 Vidal-Naquet), book
- Pagine ebraiche (1987 Momigliano), book
- 猶太百科全書 = Encyclopedia Judaica (1993 Roth / Xu, Ling), book (Chinese ed.)
- Essays on Ancient and Modern Judaism = Pagine ebraiche (1994 @1987 Momigliano / Masella-Gayley), book (English ed.)
- Ιστορία της Θρησκείας του Ισραήλ (1995 Agouridis), book
- Los judíos: la memoria y el presente = Juifs: la mémoire et le présent (The Jews: History, Memory and the Present / 1996 @1981-95 Vidal-Naquet / Schmucler, Zadunaisky), book (Argentine ed.)
- The Jews: History, Memory, and the Present (1996 Vidal-Naquet), book (English ed.)