Diálogo teológico en el que expone la epístola del apóstol San Pablo a los romanos = Dialogus theologicus (A Theological Dialogue / 2010 @1574 Corro / Ruiz de Pablos), book (Spanish ed.)

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<bibexternal title="Diálogo teológico en el que expone la epístola del apóstol San Pablo a los romanos" author=""/>

Diálogo teológico en el que expone la epístola del apóstol San Pablo a los romanos (2010) is the Spanish edition of Dialogus theologicus: quo epistola Diui Pauli apostoli ad Romanos explanatur (A Theological Dialogue: Wherin the Epistle of S. Paul the Apostle to the Romanes Is Expounded / 1574 Corro), book.


The 1574 book by Antonio del Corro was translated from Latin into Spanish for the first time in 2010.


Published in Alcalá de Guadaíra, Sevilla [Spain]: MAD, 2010.


External links

  • [ Google Books]