Category:Made in the 1670s
Revision as of 10:28, 18 February 2012 by Gabriele Boccaccini (talk | contribs)
The category: Made in the 1670s, includes scholarly and fictional works created between 1670 and 1679.
Pages in category "Made in the 1670s"
The following 55 pages are in this category, out of 55 total.
- Judith; sive, Bethulia liberata (1670 Charpentier), oratorio
- Tite et Bérenice (1670 Corneille), play
- Mariamne (1670 Hallmann), play
- Henoch (1670 Hülsemann / Pfeiffer), dissertation
- Sophia (1671 Hallmann), play
- Samson Agonistes (1671 Milton), play
- An Account of the Rise and Progress of Mahometanism (1671 Stubbe), ms.
- S. Andrea Apostolo (1672 Benevoli / Benigni), oratorio
- Claudio Cesare (Claudius Caesar / 1672 Boretti / Aureli), opera (music & libretto), Venice premiere
- Herod the Great (1672 Boyle), play
- The Apostolical History (1672 Cradock), book
- Historia doctorum misnicorum (1672 Otho), book
- Tite et Titus; ou, Les deux Bérénices (1673 Anonymous), play
- Herod and Mariamne (1673 Pordage), play
- Matthäuspassion (St. Matthew Passion / 1673 Theile), oratorio
- Li Maccabei (The Maccabees / 1674 Bicilli / Mazzei), oratorio
- Matthäuspassion (St. Matthew Passion / 1674 Funcke), oratorio
- Exercitations on the Epistle to the Hebrews concerning the Priesthood of Christ (1674 Owen), book
- Lo sposalizio di Rebecca (1675 Arresti), oratorio
- Biblioteca magna rabbinica (1675-1693 Bartolocci/Imbonati), book
- Il Nerone (Nero / 1675 Boccaccio), play
- The Tragedy of Nero, Emperor of Rome (1675 Lee), play
- Lexicon rabbinico-philologicum (1675 Otho), book
- San Giovanni Battista (St. John the Baptist / 1675 Stradella / Ansaldi), oratorio
- Biblia Novi Testamenti illustrata (1676 Calov), book
- Piso's Conspiracy (1676 Lee), play
- Gli sponsali d'Ester (The Nuptials of Esther / 1676 Legrenzi / Orsi), oratorio
- The Works of Josephus, rev. ed. (1676 @1602 Lodge), book
- Titus and Berenice (1676 Otway), play
- La passione di Giesù Christo (1677 Cherici), oratorio
- Il Sansone (1677 Colonna / Balbi), oratorio
- The Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus Vespasian (1677 Crowne), play
- Il Nerone (Nero / 1677 Liberati / Ficieno), oratorio (music & libretto)
- The Doctrine of Justification by Faith (1677 Owen), book
- Ester liberatrice del popolo ebreo (Esther Liberating the Jewish People / 1677 Stradella / Orsini), oratorio
- The Life of Herod the Great (1678 L'Estrange), book
- Il sacrificio di Abele (The Sacrifice of Abel / 1678 Melani / Pamphili), oratorio
- Il Vespasiano (Vespasian / 1678 Pallavicino / Corradi), opera (music & libretto), Venice premiere
- Adam und Eva (Adam and Eve / 1678 Theile), opera
- (+) The Life and Death of Mahumed, the Author of the Turkish Religion (1679 Addison), non-fiction
- Die Makkabäische Mutter mit ihren sieben Sohnen (1679 Franck / Elmenhorst), oratorio
- Il Nerone (Nero / 1679 Pallavicino / Corradi), opera (music & libretto), Venice premiere
- Passio secundum Ioannem (St. John Passion / 1679 Scarlatti), oratorio
- Emperor Constantine (1670 Bernini), art
- David Playing the Harp (1670 Bray), art
- Salome (1670 Dolci), art
- David with the Head of Goliath (1670 Forabosco), art
- Return of the Prodigal Son (1670 Murillo), art
- Samuel Anoints David (1670 Preti), art
- Marriage of Tobias and Sarah (1673 Steen), art
- Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple (1674 Lairesse), art
- Death of Joseph (1674 Lucini), art
- David with the Head of Goliath (1675 Rosi), art
- Christ at the Column (1679 Parodi), art
Media in category "Made in the 1670s"
This category contains only the following file.
- 1670 * Spinoza.jpg 437 × 644; 54 KB