John (2006 O'Day / Hylen), book
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John (2006) is a book by Gail R. O'Day and Susan Hylen.
"The Gospel of John is one of the most beloved books in the Christian canon. Its stories and images have long captured the imaginations of Christians. Not only is it one of the most popular writings of the New Testament, but many aspects of its style and outlook are distinctive. In this clear, thorough, and accessible commentary on the Gospel of John, scholars Gail O'Day and Susan Hylen explore and explain this Gospel's distinctive qualities."--Publisher description.
Editions and translations
Published in Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 2006 (Westminster Bible Companion) .
External links
- [ Google Books]
- 2006
- Scholarship
- Books
- English language
- Made in the 2000s
- Johannine Studies
- Johannine Studies--Scholarship
- Johannine Studies--???? Scholarship
- Johannine Studies--English language
- Gospels Studies
- Gospels Studies--Scholarship
- Gospels Studies--???? Scholarship
- Gospels Studies--English language
- Gospel of John (text)