Category:Qoheleth (text)
Revision as of 00:25, 31 July 2012 by Gabriele Boccaccini (talk | contribs)
The Book of Qoheleth / Ecclesiastes (see Online Text) is a Second Temple Jewish document, now included in collections of the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament.
- / [[]] / In: The Anchor Bible Dictionary (1992 Freedman), dictionary,
- Qoheleth / Samuel L. Adams / In: The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism (2010 Collins / Harlow), dictionary, 1125-1126
External links
Pages in category "Qoheleth (text)"
The following 36 pages are in this category, out of 36 total.
- Kohelet / L'Ecclesiaste di Salomone (1571 Pomis), book
- Il libro del Cohelet volgarmente detto Ecclesiaste (Qoheleth / 1866 Castelli), book
- Prediger und Hoheslied (1898 Siegfried), book
- Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon (1902 Margoliouth), book
- An Introduction to Ecclesiastes (1904 McNeile), book
- A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Ecclesiastes (1908 Barton), book
- Koheleth: The Man and His World (1951 Gordis), book
- (+) Proverbs; Ecclesiastes (1965 Scott), book
- Four Strange Books of the Bible: Jonah, Daniel, Koheleth, Esther (1967 Bickerman), book
- Ecclesiaste (Qoheleth / 1967 Di Fonzo), book
- Ecclesiastico (Qoheleth / 1968 Vattioni), book
- Ecclesiaste (Qoheleth / 1971 Sacchi), book
- Kohelet (1978 Lauha), book
- (+) Eccclesiastes (1987 Crenshaw), book
- Il libro di Qoèlet (Qoheleth / 1992 Bonora), book
- Ecclesiastes (1997 Seow), book
- To Every Thing There Is a Season (1998 Dillon & Dillon), art
- The Book of Ecclesiastes (1998 Longman), book
- Death in Qoheleth and Egyptian Biographies of the Late Period (1999 Burkes), book
- Ecclesiastes (2000 Brown), book
- Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs (2000 Davis), book
- Il libro del Qohelet: tradizione, redazione, teologia (2001 Bellia, Passaro), edited volume
- Ho cercato e ho esplorato: studi sul Qohelet (2001 Mazzinghi), book
- Il libro di Qohelet (Qoheleth / 2002 Laras), book
- Fe, política y economía en Eclesiastés: Eclesiastés a la luz de la Biblia hebrea, Sira y Qumrán (2002 Zamora García), book
- Ecclesiastes (2004 Fox), book
- Proverbs; Ecclesiastes; Song of Solomon (2005 Wright), book
- 傳道書 (Ecclesiastes / 2005 Xie), book
- Eclesiastés: Lecciones de teología, economía y política (2007 Zamora García), book
- Qohelet: l'ombre et le soleil (2008 Garuti), book
- Vom offenbaren und verborgenen Gott: Studien zur spätbiblischen Weisheit und Hermeneutik (2008 Kaiser), book
- The Wisdom Books: Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes (2010 Alter), book
- Chi era Qohelet? : traduzione e commento (2011 Luzzatto), book
- Du non-sens - L'Ecclésiaste (2012 Asurmendi)
- Ecclesiastes and Scepticism (2012 Weeks), book
- Tutto è vanità: il libro di Qoèlet nelle versioni della LXX, della Pesitta e del Targum (2015 Pazzini, Cavalli, Manns), book