Category:Qumran Studies--1970s
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Pages in category "Qumran Studies--1970s"
The following 53 pages are in this category, out of 53 total.
- (+) The Dead Sea Cipher (1970 Peters), novel
- Synové světla a synové tm (Sons of Light and Sons of Darkness / 1970 Segert), book
- Starotestamentowy kult ofiarniczy w liscie do hebrajczyków a w manuskryptach i dokumentach z Qumran (The Old Testament Sacrificial Cult in the Letter to the Hebrews and the Manuscripts and Documents from Qumran / 1970 Skwarczewski), book
- Тексты Кумрана (The Qumran Texts / 1971 Amusin), book
- The Genesis Apocryphon of Qumran Cave I (1971 Fitzmyer), book
- Los descubrimientos del mar Muerto (1971 González Lamadrid), book
- Τό Σάββατον ἐν Κουμράν καί τή Κ. Διαθήκη (The Shabbat in Qumran and in the New Testament / 1971 Gratseas), book
- A Classified Bibliography of the Finds in the Desert of Judah, 1958-1969 (1971 Jongeling), book
- Die Umdeutung des Kultus in der Qumrangemeinde und im Neuen Testament (1971 Klinzing), book
- I manoscritti di Qumran (1971 Moraldi), book
- Il Maestro di giustizia (1971 Moraldi), book
- (+) Treasure of the Caves: The Story of the Dead Sea Scrolls (1971 Noble), non-fiction
- I figli della luce (1971 Penna), book
- Le Targum de Job de la grotte XI de Qumrân (1971 Ploeg/Woude), book
- Einleitung in die alttestamentlichen Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen (Judaism outside the Hebrew Canon / 1971 Rost), book
- John Mark's Secret (1972 Cowley), novel
- Krscanstvo prije Krista? (1972 Werber), book
- Aspekty spoleczne gminy z Qumran (Social Aspects of the Qumran Community / 1973 Tyloch), book
- Textual Criticism of the Old Testament: The Septuagint after Qumran (1974 Klein), book
- The Language and Linguistic Background of the Isaiah Scroll = הלשון והרקע הלשוני של מגילת ישעיהו השלמה ממגילות ים המלח (Kutscher 1974 @1959), book (English ed.)
- Los papiros griegos de la cueva 7 de Qumrán (1974 O'Callaghan Martínez), book
- Kumran ili Betlehem: rukopisi Mrtvog mora--pokop mrtvih teorija (1975 Bagaric), book
- (+) Qumran and the History of the Biblical Text (1975 Cross, Talmon), edited volume
- The Dead Sea Scrolls: Major Publications and Tools for Study (1975 Fitzmyer), book
- 死海写本, 2nd ed. = Les manuscrits de la Mer Morte (The Dead Sea Scrolls / 1975 Laperrousaz / Nozawa), book (Japanese ed.)
- Qumran and Predestination: A Theological Study of the Thanksgiving Hymns (1975 Merrill), book
- The Halakhah at Qumran (1975 Schiffman), book
- An Unknown Jewish Sect (1976 Ginzberg), book (English ed.)
- Los documentos de Qumrán (1976 Jiménez F. Bonhomme), book
- Qoumrân, l'établissement essénien des bords de la mer Morte (1976 Laperrousaz), book
- La Règle de la communauté de Qumran, son évolution littéraire (1976 Pouilly), book
- Judaism outside the Hebrew Canon = Einleitung in die alttestamentlichen Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen (1976 Rost / Green), book (English ed.)
- La conversión de san Pablo: Damasco ¿ciudad de Siria o región de Qumrán? (1976 Sabugal), book
- Кумрански текстове с апокрифно съдържание и славянските старозаветни апокрифи (The Apocryphal Qumran Texts and the Slavonic OT Pseudepigrapha / 1976 Valcanov), book
- Studies in Qumran Law (1977 Baumgarten), book
- 1QM, the War Scroll from Qumran (1977 Davies), book
- Comunione e condivisione dei beni (1977 Del Verme), book
- (++) Qumrân grotte 4.II (Qumran Cave 4.II / DJD 6 / 1977 Vaux, Milik), book
- The Dead Sea Scrolls: Qumran in Perspective (1977 Vermès), book
- Megilat ha-Mikdash (1977 Yadin), book
- The Temple Scroll (1977-1983 Yadin), book (English ed.)
- Qumrân: sa piété, sa théologie et son milieu (1978 Delcor), edited volume
- Die Tempelrolle vom Toten Meer (1978 Maier), book
- 死海古卷與聖經 = The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible (1978 Pfeiffer / Yuan Rong), book (Chinese ed.)
- I manoscritti del Mar Morto (1978 Soggin), book
- The Qumran Text of Samuel and Josephus (1978 Ulrich), book
- I campi lessicali della separazione nell’ebraico biblico, di Qumran e della Mishnah (1978 Vivian), book
- Israel and the Dead Sea Scrolls (1978 @1955 Wilson), reprint
- Shikai shahon (1979 Wilson), non-fiction (Japanese ed.)
Media in category "Qumran Studies--1970s"
The following 7 files are in this category, out of 7 total.
- 1972 * LaSor.jpg 220 × 350; 13 KB
- 1972-E Charlesworth.jpg 387 × 600; 38 KB
- 1973-T * Vaux en.jpg 400 × 604; 12 KB
- 1975 * Vermes.jpg 309 × 499; 41 KB
- 1976 * Milik.jpg 471 × 640; 17 KB
- 1976 * Gaster.jpg 400 × 616; 238 KB
- 1979 Allegro.jpg 319 × 499; 25 KB