Salomé = Hérodiade (Herodias / 1904 Lohse / @ 1881 Massenet), London production (opera)

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-- Covent Garden, 6 July 1904, Emma Calvé (Salome), Charles Dalmores (John the Baptist), Kirkby Lunn (Herodias), Maurice Renaud (Herod Antipas]], Placon (Otto Lohse, conductor) <French>

Hérodiade (1904) is a stage production of Hérodiade (Herodias / 1881 Massenet / Milliet, Grémont), opera. Conducted by Otto Lohse.


First London performance of Massenet's Herodiade. In order to satisfy the censor, the title of the opera, the names of the characters and the libretto were altered to avoid any reference to John the Baptist, and the setting was changed from Jerusalem to Ethiopia. Sang in French. was first performed in London in its French verat the Théâtre Lyrique de la Gaîté, Paris, on 18 October 1903



Premiered in London, England: Covent Garden, 6 July 1904.

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