Category:Apocalypse of Peter (text)

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Apocalypse of Peter


The book presents itself as the vision received by Peter at the event of the Transfiguration of Jesus. The presence of Peter]] at that event was recorded in the Synoptics and stated in 2 Peter.

As in Revelation, the divinity of Jesus is now stressed.

“My Lord and God Jesus Christ” (16)

The vision focuses on the description of the Last Judgment:

“Then shall they all behold me coming upon an eternal cloud of brightness; and the angels of God who are with me shall sit up the throne of my glory at the right hand of my heavenly Father; and he shall set a crown upon my head. And when the nations behold it, they shall weep, every nation for itself” (ch. 6).

As in all description of the Last Judgment, the separation between the righteous and the wicked is done according to their deeds.

As usual, the major sins are idolatry, murder and fornication (porneia).

As in 2 Peter, the emphasis on God’s Mercy does not annul the reality of God’ Justice.