Category:Second Temple Studies--1960s
Revision as of 19:38, 22 June 2015 by Gabriele Boccaccini (talk | contribs)
![]() Second Temple Studies in the 1960s
![]() Noticeable works of the 1960s
![]() Noticeable authors of the period
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This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Pages in category "Second Temple Studies--1960s"
The following 155 pages are in this category, out of 155 total.
- San Giovanni Battista (St. John the Baptist / 1960 Cillario / @1675 Stradella), sound recording (oratorio)
- Queen of Persia (1960 Cotton), novel
- Salome (1960 Kempe, Borkh / @1905 Strauss), Munich production, sound recording (opera)
- Letters of Caiaphas to Annas (1960 Martin), novel
- Spartacus (1960 North), film music
- Flavio Josefo. La guerra judaica (1960 Ricciotti / García Martínez, Galano), book (Spanish ed.)
- Gesetz und Geschichte: Untersuchungen zur Theologie der jüdischen Apokalyptik und der pharisäischen Orthodoxie (1960 Rössler), book
- Nabucco (1960 Schippers, MacNeil / @1842 Verdi), sound recording (opera)
- Las visitas de la Reina de Saba (The Visits of the Queen of Sheba / 1960 Serrano), novel
- Nabucco (1960 Singer, Winters / @1842 Verdi), sound recording (opera)
- Nabucco (1960 Vernizzi, Dondi / @1842 Verdi), sound recording (opera)
- Paulus, die Pharisäer und das Neue Testament (1961 Baeck), book
- Nabucco (1961 Bartoletti, Bastianini / @1842 Verdi), sound recording (opera)
- Geschichte Israels, von Abraham bis Bar Kochba = Geschiedenis van Israël, van Abraham tot Bar Kochba (Concise History of History, from Abraham to the Bar Cochba Rebellion / 1961 Beek / Hirsch), book (German ed.)
- História do judaísmo antigo (1961 Campos), book
- Lamp Unto My Feet: Esther (1961 CBS), TV episode
- (++) Le vie quotidienne en Palestine au temps de Jésus (1961 Daniel-Rops), book
- Hérodiade (Herodias / 1961 Etcheverry / @1881 Massenet), sound recording (opera)
- Obras completas de Flavio Josefo (1961 Farré), book
- Greek Influence in Jewish Eschatology, with Special Reference to the Apocalypses and Pseudepigraphs (1961 Glasson), book
- Die Zeloten (1961 Hengel), book
- Belshazzar's Feast (1961 Ormandy / @1931 Walton), sound recording (oratorio)
- Salome (1961 Schippers, Tynes / @1905 Strauss), Spoleto production, sound recording (opera)
- Philonis Alexandrini Legatio ad Gaium (1961 Smallwood), book
- A Study of the Zadokite High Priesthood within the Graeco-Roman Age (1961 Smith), thesis
- Salome (1961 Solti, Nilsson / @1905 Strauss), sound recording (opera)
- Judith, Spanish ed. (1961 Stivel / @1840 Hebbel), TV production (play)
- Untersuchungen zum eschatologischen Verzögerungsproblem (1961 Strobel), book
- Belshazzar's Feast (1961 Wagner / @1931 Walton), sound recording (oratorio)
- Introduction to the Old Testament (1961 Weiser / Barton), book (British ed.)
- (+) The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible (1962 Buttrick), edited volumes
- The Book of Esther (1962 Castelnuovo-Tedesco), oratorio
- Daniel to Paul: Jews in Conflict with Graeco-Roman Civilization (1962 Cornfeld), book
- (+) Christian Origins and Judaism (1962 Davies), book
- The Pharisees: The Sociological Background of Their Faith, 3rd ed. (1962 Finkelstein), book
- Judith, English ed. (1962 Clurman / @1931 Giraudoux), London production (play)
- Zwischen den Testamenten = Between the Testaments (1962 Russell), book (German ed.)
- Titus (1962 Törnroos / @1902 Järnefelt), Finnish (TV) production (play)
- Concise History of Israel, from Abraham to the Bar Cochba Rebellion = Geschiedenis van Israël, van Abraham tot Bar Kochba (1963 Beek / Pomerans), book (English ed.)
- Der Paraklet (1963 Betz), book
- Israel and the Nations: from the Exodus to the Fall of the Second Temple (1963 Bruce), book
- Hérodiade (Herodias / 1963 Dervaux / @1881 Massenet), sound recording (opera)
- Ce que l'Ancien Testament ne dit pas (The Old Testament Apocrypha / 1963 Dimier), book
- They Marched with Spartacus (1963 Houghton / Jacques), illustrated novel
- La notion d’alliance dans le judaïsme aux abords de l’ère chrétienne (1963 Jaubert), book
- Mission to Claudius (1963 Kolb), novel
- Hérodiade (Herodias / 1963 Lombard / @1881 Massenet), New York production, sound recording (opera)
- Tigrane II & Rome (1963 Manandyan), book (French ed.)
- Il Vecchio Testamento (1963 Parolini), film
- Hérodiade (Herodias / 1963 Prêtre / @1881 Massenet), sound recording (opera)
- Nabucco (1963 Rescigno, Protti / @1842 Verdi), sound recording (opera)
- The Jews from Cyrus to Herod, 3rd ed. (1963 Snaith), book
- Salome (1963 Suitner, Goltz / @1905 Strauss), Dresden production, sound recording (opera)
- Pseudepigrapha Veteris Testamenti Graece (1964- Brill), book series
- Jean-Baptiste, témoin de l'Agneau (1964 Daniélou), book
- Lo que no dice el Antiguo Testamento = Ce que l'Ancien Testament ne dit pas (The Old Testament Apocrypha / 1964 Dimier / Revilla), book (Spanish ed.)
- Quello che l'Antico Testamento non dice = Ce que l'Ancien Testament ne dit pas (The Old Testament Apocrypha / 1964 Dimier / Martinetto), book (Italian ed.)
- The Old Testament Apocrypha = Ce que l'Ancien Testament ne dit pas (1964 Dimier / Tester), book (English ed.)
- Einleitung in das Alte Testament unter Einschluss der Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen, 3rd ed. (1964 Eissfeldt), book
- (+) Agrippa's Daughter (1964 Fast), novel
- (++) From the Exile to Christ: A Historical Introduction to Palestinian Judaism = Das Judentum Palästinas zur Zeit Jesu und der Apostel (1964 @1959 Foerster / Harris), book (American ed.)
- Palestinian Judaism in New Testament Times = Das Judentum Palästinas zur Zeit Jesu und der Apostel (1964 @1959 Foerster / Harris), book (British ed.)
- Studien zur Geschichte Israels im persischen Zeitalter (1964 Galling), book
- Studien zu dem Buche Ezra-Nehemia (1964-1965 Mowinckel), book
- Gli invincibili dieci gladiatori (Spartacus and the Ten Gladiators / 1964 Nostro), feature film
- Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte (1964 Reicke), book
- Grandes épocas e ideas del pueblo Judío = Great Ages and Ideas of the Jewish People (1964-65 Schwarz), edited volume (Argentine ed.)
- John the Baptist (1964 Scobie), book
- On Charismatic Leadership, from Simon Maccabaeus until Simon Bar Kochba (1964 Wirgin), book
- Salome (1965 Böhm, Nilsson / @1905 Strauss), New York (Met) production, sound recording (opera)
- Tobias and the Angel (1965 Castelnuovo-Tedesco), oratorio
- Was nicht im Alten Testament steht = Ce que l'Ancien Testament ne dit pas (The Old Testament Apocrypha / 1965 Dimier / Lampus), book (German ed.)
- Judith, German ed. (1965 Döpke / @1931 Giraudoux), TV production (play)
- (++) The Old Testament: An Introduction, Including the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha = Einleitung in das Alte Testament unter Einschluss der Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen, 3rd ed. (1965 @1964 Eissfeldt / Ackroyd), book (English ed.)
- Nabucco (1965 Gardelli, Gobbi / @1842 Verdi), sound recording (opera)
- Judith, English ed. (1965 Rabb / @1931 Giraudoux), New York production (play)
- King Herod (1965 Kay), oratorio
- Salome (1965 Keilberth, Weathers / @1905 Strauss), Munich production, sound recording (opera)
- Salome (1965 Kosler, Silja / @1905 Strauss), Vienna production, sound recording (opera)
- Herod król Judei (1965 Krawczuk), book
- Ascensão e queda do estado Judéo-Helenistico (1965 Levin), book
- The Source (1965 Michener), novel
- Ezra, Nehemiah (1965 Myers), book
- Apokalyptik, ihre Form und Bedeutung zur biblischen Zeit (1965 Rowley / Pesch), book (German ed.)
- Salome (1965 Sébastian, Nilsson / @1905 Strauss), Buenos Aires production, sound recording (opera)
- Herodes und Marianne (1965 Semmelroth / 1849 Hebbel), TV production (play)
- Beware of Caesar (1965 Sheean), novel
- Salome (1965 Varviso, Pilarczyk / @1905 Strauss), Philadelphia production, sound recording (opera)
- Geschichte Israels = A History of Israel (1966 Bright / Botterweck), book (German ed.)
- La historia de Israel = A History of Israel (1966 Bright / Villanueva), book (Spanish ed.)
- The Burning Fiery Furnace (1966 Britten / Plomer), opera (music & libretto)
- The Work of John the Baptist (1966 @1964 Daniélou / Horn), book (English ed.)
- Nabucco (1966 Gavazzeni, Guelfi / @1842 Verdi), sound recording (opera)
- Ha-Kanaim la-deror (1966 Livneh), novel
- Grottorna i ökenbergen (1966 Sundgren), novel
- Il mondo del Nuovo Testamento (1966 Tourn), book
- Metsadah (1966 Yadin), book
- La pourpre de Judée; ou, Les délices du genre humain (1967 Clavel), novel
- Gloriosii mei frati (My Glorious Brothers / 1967 Fast / Litman-Litani), novel (Romanian ed.)
- ספר יוסיפון (Josippon / 1967 Hominer), book
- Jérusalem au temps de Jésus = Jerusalem zur Zeit Jesu (Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus / 1967 Jeremias / Le Moyne), book (French ed.)
- Salome (1967 Klobucar, Nilsson / @1905 Strauss), Milan production, sound recording (opera)
- Filone Alessandrino e un'ora tragica della storia ebraica (1967 Kraus Reggiani), book
- (+) Mariamne (1967 Lagerkvist), novel
- Herod and Mariamne (1967 Lagerkvist / Walford), novel (English ed.)
- The Zealots of Masada (1967 Pearlman), non-fiction book
- Philon d’Alexandrie, In Flaccum (1967 Pelletier), book
- Pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament et manuscrits de la Mer Morte (1967 Philonenko), book
- Kristendomens historiska bakgrund (1967 Reicke), book (Swedish ed.)
- Herod: Profile of a Tyrant (1967 Sandmel), book
- Johannes der Täufer (1967 Schütz), book
- Salome (1967 Sebastian, Silja / @1905 Strauss), Geneva production, sound recording (opera)
- Kerygma und Apokalyptik (1967 Strobel), book
- Daniel und ein Volk in Gefangenschaft (1968 Bolliger / Schindler), children's novel
- イスラエル史 = A History of Israel (1968 Bright / Shinya), book (Japanese ed.)
- Arbeiten zur Literatur und Geschichte des hellenistischen Judentums
- La Betulia liberata (The Liberation of Bethulia / 1968 Cillario / @1771 Mozart), sound recording (oratorio)
- St. Stephen and Herod (1968 Fussell), oratorio
- Спартак (Spartacus / 1968 Grigorovich / 1954 Khachaturian), ballet
- The Rider and His Horse (1968 Haugaard/Dillon), children's novel
- Bérénice (1968 Jolivet / @1670 Racine), French (TV) production (play)
- Salome (1968 Krombholc, Silja / @1905 Strauss), Amsterdam production, sound recording (opera)
- Salome (1968 Leinsdorf, Caballé / @1905 Strauss), sound recording (opera)
- The World of the Restoration (1968 Myers), book
- Theocracy and Eschatology = Theokratie und Eschatologie (1968 @1959 Plöger / Rudman), book (English ed.)
- Nabucco, Bulgarian ed. (1968 Raichev, Popov / @1842 Verdi), sound recording (opera)
- The Last Days (1968 Rayner), novel
- The New Testament Era (1968 Reicke / Green), book (English ed.)
- Herodes: Bildnis eines Tyrannen (1968 Sandmel / Bracher), book (German ed.)
- Spartacus (1968 Seregi / 1954 Khachaturian), ballet
- Le judaïsme et le christianisme antique: d'Antiochus Epiphane à Constantin (1968 Simon/Benoît), book
- John the Baptist in the Gospel Tradition (1968 Wink), book
- Hordos ha-Adomi (1969 Amichal Yeivin), play
- The Song of Salome (1969 Bloom), novel
- New Testament History (1969 Bruce), book
- Simon Bar Cochba: Rebellion in Judea (1969 Finch), novel
- Arena (1969 Ghnassia), novel
- Judentum und Hellenismus (Judaism and Hellenism / 1969 Hengel), book
- The Children of the Cave (1969 Livneh), children's novel
- Judith, French ed. (1969 Maurice / @1840 Hebbel), TV production (play)
- The Braggy King of Babylon (1969 McCall / Roberts), children's novel & art
- Jews in Babylonia (1969 Reznikoff), poetry
- The Fifth Book of the Maccabees (1969 Reznikoff), poetry
- Die jüdische Apokalyptik (1969 Schmidt), book
- Alttestamentlich-jüdische Apokalyptik (1969 Schreiner), book
- Erodiade (Herodias / 1969 Testori), play
- The Crucible of Christianity: Judaism, Hellenism and the Historical Background to the Christian Faith (1969 Toynbee/Schalit), edited volume
- Salome (1969 Wallberg, Bukovac / @1905 Strauss), Venice production, sound recording (opera)
- Judith (1969 Wilchek), novel
- Salomé (1969 Koralnik / @1893 Wilde), TV production (play)
- Спартак (Spartacus / 1970 Grigorovich, Zhuraitis / @1968 Grigorovich, Khachaturyan), video recording (ballet)
- Спартак (Spartacus / 1977 Derbenyov, Grigorovich, Zhuraitis / @1968 Grigorovich, Khachaturyan), video recording (ballet)
Media in category "Second Temple Studies--1960s"
The following 24 files are in this category, out of 24 total.
- 1960 * Parkes.jpg 337 × 499; 22 KB
- 1960 * Russell.jpg 339 × 499; 39 KB
- 1960 Kubrick (film).jpg 278 × 418; 42 KB
- 1960 Leon.jpg 300 × 435; 30 KB
- 1960 * Simon.jpg 655 × 1,000; 149 KB
- 1960 * Toombs.jpg 658 × 1,000; 100 KB
- 1960 Walsh (film).jpg 200 × 295; 16 KB
- 1962 * Bickerman.jpg 316 × 499; 31 KB
- 1962 * Zeitlin.jpg 335 × 499; 33 KB
- 1963 Dodd (book).jpg 140 × 224; 10 KB
- 1964 * Russell.jpg 337 × 499; 17 KB
- 1964-T * Bonsirven en.jpg 339 × 499; 39 KB
- 1964 * Sloan.jpg 667 × 1,000; 35 KB
- 1965 * Howie.jpg 750 × 1,000; 77 KB
- 1966 Braun.png 357 × 536; 29 KB
- 1966 * Yadin.jpg 379 × 499; 48 KB
- 1967 * Russell.jpg 355 × 499; 25 KB
- 1967 * Brandon.jpg 382 × 582; 59 KB
- 1967-T * Simon en.jpg 1,074 × 1,637; 188 KB
- 1968-E * Brown Fitzmyer Murphy.jpg 346 × 500; 33 KB
- 1969 * Sandmel.jpg 331 × 499; 35 KB
- 1969 * Bauer.jpg 599 × 799; 122 KB
- 1969-T * Jeremias en.jpg 312 × 499; 30 KB
- 1969 Toaff.jpg 424 × 638; 56 KB