Salome (1922 Bryant), feature film
Salome (1922) is a silent film directed by Charles Bryant.
Based of Salome (1893 Wilde), play, and Bearsley’s designs. Starring Alla Nazimova (Salome).
Editions and performances
Produced in the United States (1922). Premiered at the Criterion Theater in New York on 31 December 1922.
External links
- 1922
- Fiction
- Cinema
- Films
- American Fiction
- American Cinema
- Made in the 1920s
- Salome (subject)
- Salome--fiction (subject)
- Salome--cinema (subject)
- Herod Antipas (subject)
- Herod Antipas--fiction (subject)
- Herod Antipas--cinema (subject)
- Herodias (subject)
- Herodias--fiction (subject)
- Herodias--cinema (subject)
- John the Baptist (subject)
- John the Baptist--fiction (subject)
- John the Baptist--cinema (subject)