
From 4 Enoch: : The Online Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism, and Christian and Islamic Origins
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The Zadokites (or "sons of Zadok") are a dynasty of High Priests (the House of Zadok) who ruled the Temple of Jerusalem from the establishment of the Second Temple to the eve of the Maccabean revolt.


List of Zadokites High Priests and years in office

< Jehozadak, son of Seriah >

  • Onias I, son of Jaddua, ca. 320-280 BCE
  • Simon I, son of Onias, ca. 280-260 BCE
  • Onias II, son of Simon I, ca. 240-218 BCE
  • Onias III, son of Simon II, 185-175 BCE, murdered 170 BCE
  • Jason, son of Simon II, 175-172 BCE

< Onias IV, son of Onias III >

< Ananias ben Onias >

The Zadokites in ancient sources

The Zadokites in Scholarship

The Zadokites in Fiction

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