Kenneth Atkinson (1960-), scholar

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Kenneth Atkinson is an American scholar, at the University of Northern Iowa (Cedar Falls, IA), USA.


Born in 1960. PhD (1999) in Hebrew Bible and Post-Biblical Literature, at Temple University. Assistant Professor (1999-2004) and Associate Professor (2004-) at the Department of Philosophy and World Religions of the University of Northern Iowa (Cedar Falls).

Works on Second Temple Judaism


Articles in edited volumes

Articles in academic journal

  • Co-authored with Hanan Eshel and Jodi Magness, “Do Josephus’s Writings Support the ‘Essene Hypothesis’?” Biblical Archaeology Review 35 (2009): 56-59.
  • Taxo’s martyrdom and the role of the "nuntius" in the "Testament of Moses": implications for understanding the role of other intermediary figures / Kenneth Atkinson / Journal of Biblical Literature 125.3 (2006) 453-476
  • Representations of history in 4Q331 (4Qpap-Historical Text C), 4Q332 (4QHistorical Text D), 4Q333 (4QHistorical Text E), and 4Q468E (4QHistorical Text F): an annalistic calendar documenting portentous events? / Kenneth Atkinson / Dead Sea Discoveries 14.2 (2007) 125-151
  • The Salome No One Knows: Long-time Ruler of a Prosperous and Peaceful Judea Mentioned in Dead Sea Scrolls. Biblical Archaeology Review 34 (2008) 60-65, 72.
  • Women in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Evidence for a Qumran Renaissance During the Reign of Queen Salome Alexandra. Qumran Chronicle 11 (2003): 37-56.

Entries in 4 Enoch

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