Category:John Hyrcanus II (subject)

From 4 Enoch: : The Online Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism, and Christian and Islamic Origins
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John Hyrcanus II (1st century BCE) was a member of the Hasmonean dynasty. He ruled as High Priest from 76 to 66 BCE, after the death of his father Alexander Jannaeus, while his mother Salome Alexandra was ruling as Queen of Judea.

At the death of Salome Alexandra in 67 BCE, Hyrcanus was designated to succeed his mother as King, but was overpowered by his brother Aristobulus II, who took the throne and the office of High Priest, from 66 to 63 BCE.

With the Roman intervention in 63 BCE, John Hyrcanus II regained the High Priesthood, while political authority was given to the Idumean Antipater.

John Hyrcanus II was deposed in 40 BCE by his nephew Antigonus, the son of Aristobulus II who allied himself with the Parthians and thanks to their support was High Priest and King from 40 to 37 BCE. Hyrcanus was mutilated at his ears to make him permanently ineligible for the high priesthood and taken to Babylon.

After the Romans regained control of the region, the newly appointed King Herod the Great, invited Hyrcanus to return to Jerusalem in 36 BCE, but then executed him in 30 BCE.

John Hyrcanus II in ancient sources

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John Hyrcanus II in Fiction

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