Gustaf Dalman (1855-1941), scholar
Gustaf Dalman (1855-1941) was a German scholar.
- Grammatik des Jüdisch-Palästinischen Aramäisch. 1894. 2nd edition. Leipzig, 1905.
- Aramäische Dialektproben . . . mit Wörterverzeichnis. Leipzig, 1896.
- Worte Iesu. Leipzig, 1898. English trans., T. & T. Clark, 1902.
- Aramäisch-Neuhebräisches Handwörterbuch zu Targum, Talmud und Midrasch. 1901. 2nd revised and expanded edition. Frankfurt am Main, 1922.
- Jesus-Jeshua (1922 Dalman), book
- English trans., Jesus-Jeshua. Studies in the Aramaic Gospels. London, 1929.
- Arbeit und Sitte in Palastina. [Work and Customs in Palestine] 1937. Reprinted 1964.
- William Baird, in History of New Testament Research: 2. From Jonathan Edwards to Rudolf Bultmann (2003 Baird), book / pp. 195-199