Torleif Elgvin, scholar
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Torleif Elgvin is a Norwegian scholar, at Høgskolen i Staffeldtsgate, Norway. Pastor in Alta, Norway 1980-85. PhD (1988) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Research associate Norwegian Lutheran School of Theology, Oslo 1993-96. Lecturer (from 1999 Associate Professor) in Biblical and Jewish Studies, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Oslo, 1997-2004. Associate Professor, Høgskolen i Staffeldtsgate, Oslo, from 1 Aug 2004. Director Caspari Center of Biblical and Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 1986-93. Since 1992 member of publication team, Dead Sea Scrolls Publication Project. Coordinator of the Nordic Network in Qumran Studies (2003-2007). Member of the Enoch Seminar.
- (with Joseph A. Fitzmeyer). Qumran Cave 4. Sapiential Texts, part 1 / XV (Oxford 1997)