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12:30pm –Torleif Elgvin, NLA University College, Oslo, Norway - [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1si40ra-y66YHTCNksJWvVi_12Wist3T_/view?usp=sharing Three Forged Fragments of 1 Enoch in the Schøyen Collection: How Were the Texts Designed by a Scholar, and How Did we Detect the Forgery?]
12:30pm –Torleif Elgvin, NLA University College, Oslo, Norway - [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1si40ra-y66YHTCNksJWvVi_12Wist3T_/view?usp=sharing Three Forged Fragments of 1 Enoch in the Schøyen Collection: How Were the Texts Designed by a Scholar, and How Did we Detect the Forgery?]

1.00pm – Jesper Høgenhaven, Melissa Sayyad Bach and Kasper Siegismund, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark - [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R8wCOMCdgzHq0ceU2jWKp5f_577INIgG/view?usp=sharing Apocalypticism and Authority in the Visions of Amram]
1.00pm – Jesper Høgenhaven and Melissa Sayyad Bach, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark - [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R8wCOMCdgzHq0ceU2jWKp5f_577INIgG/view?usp=sharing Apocalypticism and Authority in the Visions of Amram]

1:30pm – Plenary discussion
1:30pm – Plenary discussion

Revision as of 11:34, 17 October 2020

2020 Aramaic Enoch.jpg


+ + + Registration link + + +

From the Books of Enoch to Genesis Apocryphon:
Aramaic Manuscripts of 1 Enoch and Related Aramaic Traditions from Qumran
October 20-22, 2020

International Conference on the Aramaic Manuscripts of 1 Enoch

organized by the Institute of Biblical Studies (KUL, Lublin, Poland)

in collaboration with the Enoch Seminar

  • Chairs: Henryk Drawnel and Gabriele Boccaccini
  • Secretary: Joshua Scott

Tentative schedule

  • 6:00am to 1:45pm -- Los Angeles time
  • 9:00am to 4:45pm -- New York time
  • 2:00pm to 9:45 -- London time
  • 3:00pm to 10:45pm -- Europe time
  • 4:00pm to 11:45pm -- Jerusalem time
  • see World Clock Meeting Planner

DAY 1 – Tuesday, 20 October 2020

8:30am – 11:30am EST/EDT

8:30am - Informal gathering of participants

9:00am – Introductory remarks (Henryk Drawnel, Loren Stuckenbruck, & Gabriele Boccaccini)

Session I – The Book of Watchers (I) [chair Lawrence H. Schiffman]

9:30am – Mirjam Bokhorst, Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany - The Vision of the Heavenly Temple (1 En 14:8-25) Reconsidered - Handout

10:00am – Henryk Drawnel, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland - The Work of the Heaven and Earth (1 En. 2:1–5:2) in Its Context (1 En. 1:1–9; 5:4–9)

10:30am – James VanderKam, Notre Dame University, Notre Dame IN, USA - But What About the People?

11:00am – Plenary Discussion.

12:00pm–2:00pm EST/EDT

Session II – Aramaic Context of 1 Enoch [chair Kelley Coblentz Bautch]

12:00pm – Shlomi Efrati, KU Leuven, Belgium - On Angels and Mountains: Notes on the Levantine and Aramaic Background of the Fallen Angels

12:30pm – Ida Fröhlich, Péter Pázmány Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary - Behind the Name: ՙyryn, gbryn, nplyn, Protagonists of the Earliest Tradition concerning the Watchers

1:00pm – Helen Jacobus, University of Manchester, Manchester, Great Britain - “And all the rest of its light is taken.” A comparative look at the lunar fractions in 4QAstronomical Enocha-b (4Q208–4Q209)

1:30pm – Plenary discussion

2:30pm–4:30pm EST/EDT

Session III – Redaction, Scribal Work, and Slavonic Enoch [chair Matthew Goff]

2:30pm – Kelley Coblentz Bautch, St. Edwards University, Austin, TX, USA - More than One Recension? The Evidence from Aramaic Book of the Watchers

3:00pm – Eibert Tigchelaar, KU Leuven, Belgium - The Scribes Who Copied the Works of Enoch

3.30pm – Florentina Badanalova-Geller, University College London, London, Great Britain - 1st and 2nd Enoch Compared and Contrasted

4:00pm Plenary discussion

DAY 2 – Wednesday, 21 October 2020

8:30am - Gathering of participants

8:45am – DAY 1 recap [chair Gabriele Boccaccini]:

  • Lawrence H. Schiffman, Matthew Goff, Gerbern Oegema

9:30am – 11:30am EST/EDT

Session IV – Genesis Apocryphon and the Book of Giants [chair James VanderKam]

9:30am – Jaap Doedens, Pápa Reformed Theological Seminary, Pápa, Hungary- Rehabilitating the Heroes: Exegetical Exoneration of Biblical Protagonists in the Genesis Apocryphon

10:00am – Matthew Goff, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA - The Qumran Book of Giants and Aramaic

10:30am – Itai Kagan, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel - ‘Righteous Plant’ or ‘Rightful Plant’? Unlocking a Key Term in 1 Enoch and Genesis Apocryphon

11:00am – Plenary discussion

12:30pm – 2:30pm EST/EDT

Session V – Enochic Astronomy and the Ancient Near East [chair Mirjam Bokhorst]

12:30pm – Jonathan Ben-Dov, Tel-Aviv University, Israel - The Nebuchadnezzar reliefs from Brisa (Lebanon) as Inspiration for the Myth of the Watchers

1:00pm – Eshbal Ratzon, Ariel University, Israel - The Role of the Calendar in the Sectarian Dispute in light of a New Reconstruction of 4Q318

1:30pm – John M. Steele, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA - Mesopotamian Astronomy in the so-called ‘Astronomical Book’ of Enoch: A Reappraisal

2pm – Plenary discussion

3.00pm – 5.00pm EST/EDT

Session VI – The Aramaic Books of 1 Enoch and the Qumran Community [chair Henryk Drawnel]

3:00pm – Kenneth Atkinson, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA, USA - What the Book of First Enoch and the Aramaic Dead Sea Scrolls Reveal about the History of the Qumran Community

3.30pm – Corrado Martone, University of Turin, Turin, Italy - The Teacher of Righteousness and the Scribe of Righteousness: Scribal Activity between Qumran and Enochism

4:00pm – Lawrence H. Schiffman, New York University, New York, NY, USA - Divine Appellations and Concepts of God in the Enoch Fragments and the Dead Sea Scrolls

4.30pm – Plenary discussion

DAY 3 -- Thursday, 22 October 2020

8:30am - Gathering of participants

8:45am – Day 2 Recap (panel) [chair Gabriele Boccaccini]

  • James VanderKam, Mirjam Bokhorst, Henryk Drawnel

9:30am-11:30am EST/EDT

Session VII – Philology and Linguistics [chair Eibert Tigchelaar]

9:30am – Mathias Coeckelbergs, Université libre de Bruxelles - KU Leuven, Belgium From Clustering to Interpretation. Lexical Differences in Light of Linguistic Features in the Enochic Texts from Qumran

10:00am – Edward M. Cook, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., USA The Language of Enoch in its Social and Historical Setting

10:30am – Steven Fassberg, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel The Language of the Qumran Aramaic Fragments of Enoch Revisited

11:00am – Plenary discussion

12.30pm–2.00pm EST/EDT

Session VIII – Modern Forgery and Ancient Apocalyptic Authority [Chair Ida Fröhlich]

12:30pm –Torleif Elgvin, NLA University College, Oslo, Norway - Three Forged Fragments of 1 Enoch in the Schøyen Collection: How Were the Texts Designed by a Scholar, and How Did we Detect the Forgery?

1.00pm – Jesper Høgenhaven and Melissa Sayyad Bach, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark - Apocalypticism and Authority in the Visions of Amram

1:30pm – Plenary discussion

3:00pm-4:30pm EST/EDT

Final panel: Summary & conclusions

  • Panelist: Gabriele Boccaccini, Kelley Coblentz Bautch, Henryk Drawnel, Lawrence Schiffman, James VanderKam

Registered participants

  1. Sofanit T. Abebe, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
  2. Oren Shalom Ableman, Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), Israel
  3. Sławomir Wacław Abramowski, PWTW Warsaw (Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Warsaw), Polska
  4. Moritz F. Adam, University of Zurich, Switzerland
  5. Quinetta Adderley, Alliance Theological Seminary, USA
  6. Carlos Montiel Álvarez, Autonomous National University of Mexico, México
  7. Anuj Amin, Stanford University, USA
  8. Jeff S. Anderson, Wayland Baptist University, USA
  9. Joseph L. Angel, Yeshiva University, USA
  10. Patrick Joseph Angiolillo, New York University, USA
  11. Magdalena Díaz Araujo, Universidad Nacional de La Rioja / Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina
  12. Verónica Moreno Arjona, Université de Lorraine and Israel Institute of Biblical Studies, Spain
  13. Fernando Raul Arce, Escuela de Alexandria, El Salvador
  14. Ambrose Arralde, Father Catholic University of America, USA
  15. Edna Assor, École Pratique des Hautes Études, France
  16. Kenneth Atkinson, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA, USA
  17. Hector Avalos, Iowa State University, USA
  18. Manaen Ayala, Seteca, Guatemala
  19. Ruben Ramírez Balderas, UTESCO, Mexico
  20. Silvio Barbaglia, Studio Teologico San Gaudenzio – Novara, Italia
  21. Gad Barnea, Haifa University, Israel
  22. Gustavo Bernardo Barroso, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  23. Dariusz Kazimierz Bartoszewicz, adiunkt Papieski Wydział Teologiczny w Warszawie, Poland
  24. Kelley Coblentz Bautch, St. Edwards University, Austin, TX, USA
  25. Moisés Jonathan Zelada Bazán, Independent Translator, Perú
  26. Jacob Andrew Beebe, Toronto School of Theology, USA
  27. Jonathan Ben-Dov, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
  28. Paweł Zdzisław Bieniek, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Poland
  29. Kirill Bitner, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
  30. Laura Bizzarro, Universidad Catolica Argentina, Argentina
  31. Laurence Gregory Bloomquist, Theology of Saint Paul University, Canada
  32. Gabriele Boccaccini, University of Michigan, USA
  33. Florin Ciprian Bodin, International Institute of Bible Archeology and Lingustic Reasearch "Beit Dina," Romania
  34. Mirjam Bokhorst, Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
  35. Catherine Bonesho, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
  36. Lourdes Bonhome-Pulido, University of Córdoba, Spain
  37. Francis Borchardt, Lutheran Theological Seminary Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  38. Connor Boyd, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
  39. Jose S. Braga, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
  40. Lucas Scott Brandon, Florida State University, USA
  41. George Brooke, University of Manchester, England
  42. Maria Brutti, Independent Scholar (Em.), Italia
  43. Tamaz Bukhaidze, Gelati Theological Academy and Seminary, Georgia
  44. Rolex Macatdon Cailing, Asia Graduate School of Theology, Philippines
  45. Karina Casanova de Ortíz, Seminario Teológico Centroamericano, Guatemala
  46. David Cielontko, The Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
  47. Sara Chan, CCCOWE, Hong Kong
  48. Abel Chavez, UAdeC, Mexico
  49. Maria Chen, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Alumna), Hong Kong
  50. Pingling Cheung, P5 Society, Hong Kong
  51. Dorota Katarzyna Chwiła, KUL, Poland
  52. Mathias Coeckelbergs, Université libre de Bruxelles - KU, Leuven
  53. R. Dennis Cole, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, USA
  54. Paolo Collini, Independent Scholar, Italia
  55. Cristiana Conti-Easton, York University, Canada
  56. Edward M. Cook, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., USA
  57. Sebastiano Crestani, Bologna University, Italy
  58. Charles Crouch, Catholic University of America, USA
  59. Marianne Josephine Dacy, University of Sydney, Australia
  60. Justin Daniel, Southern California Seminary, USA
  61. Hila Dayfani, Tel Aviv University, Israel
  62. James Joseph DeFrancisco, Independent Scholar, United States
  63. Michael DeVries, University of Birmingham, UK
  64. Matt Derrenbacher, Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion, USA
  65. Lorenzo DiTommaso, Concordia University Montreal, Canada
  66. Elena Dinu, Independent Translator, Romania
  67. Jaap Doedens, Pápa Reformed Theological Seminary, Pápa, Hungary
  68. Henryk Drawnel, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
  69. Robert Duke, Azusa Pacific University, USA
  70. Dariusz Dziadosz, KUL Lublin, Polska
  71. Sarah Susan Eckert, Claremont Graduate University, USA
  72. Florence Abimbola Egbeyale, Florida State University, USA
  73. Beate Ego, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
  74. Shlomi Efrati, KU Leuven, Belgium
  75. Torleif Elgvin, NLA University College, Oslo, Norway
  76. Steven Fassberg, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
  77. Crispin Fletcher-Louis, Whymanity Research and Training, UK
  78. Michele Stopera Freyhauf, Durham University/John Carroll University, UK/USA
  79. Peter Gadalla, Pontifical Biblical Institute, USA
  80. Leonardo Fernandez Galanza Jr., Center for Biblical Studies Institute & Seminary, Philippines
  81. Magdalena Gawlik, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Polska
  82. Florentina Kirilova Badalanova Geller, University College London, UK
  83. Agustinus Gianto, Pontifical Biblical Institute, Italy
  84. Maciej Głębocki, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland
  85. Matthew Goff, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA
  86. Aure Ben-Zvi Goldblum, New York University, USA
  87. David M. Goldenberg, Univ. of Pennsylvania (Em.), United States
  88. Lester L. Grabbe, University of Hull, United Kingdom
  89. Angel Javier Grabovieski, Moriah / Limud, Argentina
  90. Dan Gurtner, Independent Researcher, USA
  91. Holger Gzella, Ludwig-Maximilans University, Munich, Germany
  92. Steven E. Fassberg, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
  93. Randolf Carino Flores , Divine Word Seminary - School of Theology, Philippines
  94. Lisbeth S. Fried, Visiting Scholar, University of Michigan, USA
  95. Ida Fröhlich, Péter Pázmány Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary
  96. Rebekah Haigh, Princeton, USA
  97. Yoel Halevi, University of Haifa, Israel
  98. David Hamidovic, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
  99. Matthew Herzog, Florida State University, USA
  100. Søren Holst, Univ. of Copenhagen, Denmark
  101. Justyna Ewa Horbowska, KUL, Poland
  102. Rumyana Yordanova Hristova, Evangel University, USA
  103. David R. Jackson (Em.), Australia
  104. Helen Jacobus, University of Manchester, Manchester, Great Britain
  105. Alexei Jankowski-Diakonoff, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russia
  106. Andrzej Jędrzejczak, University of Adam Mickiewicz, Polska
  107. Luiz Flávio Curvelo de Jesus, Akademia Cristã, Brasil
  108. David Johnson, Hebrew Union College - Pine School of Graduate Studies, USA
  109. Årstein Justnes, University of Agder, Norway
  110. Itai Kagan, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
  111. Daniel Assefa Kassaye, Tibeb Research and Retreat Center, Ethiopia
  112. David Katzin, UCLA, USA
  113. William Kennedy, Methodist Theological School - Ohio, USA
  114. Martina Kepper, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany
  115. Bethany Kinderman, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
  116. Krzysztof Kinowski, Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, Poland
  117. Hanne Irene Kirchheiner, Independent Researcher, Denmark
  118. Aaron Koller, Yeshiva University, USA
  119. Tomasz Kornek, Jan Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland
  120. Wojciech Piotr Kosek, Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, Poland
  121. Piotr Kot, Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Legnicy, Polska
  122. Karina Krainer, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
  123. Mateusz Krawczyk, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Polska
  124. Aleksandra Kubiak-Schneider, Université Toulouse 2, Austria
  125. Adam Kubis, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland
  126. Mateusz Kusio, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
  127. Peter Lanfer, Occidental College, USA
  128. Joe Lee, William Jessup University, USA
  129. Joseph Levi, Pontifical Gregorian University, Bea Centre, Rome, Italy
  130. Susan Leybourne, University of Wales Trinity - Saint David, United Kingdom
  131. Emerald Joy Romanos Lictawa, Sultan Kudarat State University, Philippines
  132. Drew Longacre, University of Groningen, Netherlands
  133. Kwang Meng Low, National University of Singapore, Singapore
  134. Renata Ani Łukiewicz-Kostro, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II w Lublinie, Poland
  135. Paweł Lupa, Wyższe Baptystyczne Seminarium Teologiczne, Polska
  136. Hubert Michał Maciejewicz, WBST, Polska
  137. Katie Maguire, University of Toronto, Canada
  138. Paul Mandel, Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, Israel
  139. Michał Marciniak, Pontifical Faculty of Theology (Wroclaw), Poland
  140. Angel Fernandino Martín, Alexandria, España
  141. Corrado Martone, University of Turin, Turin, Italy
  142. Ryan Masterson, Colorado Christian University, USA
  143. Joshua Mark Matson, Florida State University, USA
  144. Natalia Matuszewska, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Polska
  145. Alexander McCarron, University of Oxford, UK
  146. Gavin McDowell, Université Laval, Canada
  147. Louisa None Miller, Ponticial University Angelicum (Em.), Italy
  148. Daniele Minisini, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
  149. Zoheir Mirkarimi, Macquarie University, Australia
  150. Eva-Charlotta Mebius, UCL/Watts Gallery, United Kingdom
  151. Theron Clay Mock III, Ludwig Maximilian University, Germany
  152. Jonathan Chase Morgan, Rogers Park Community Church, USA
  153. Matthew Morgenstern, Tel Aviv University, Israel
  154. Michael J. Morris, University of Mary, USA
  155. Steve Kaplan, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, USA
  156. Dorota Katarzyna Muszytowska, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Poland
  157. Menahem Kister, The Hebrew University, Israel
  158. Uri Kraut, International Institute of Secular Humanistic Judaism, Canada
  159. Paweł Jan Lupa, Wyższe Baptystyczne Seminarium Teologiczne, Polska
  160. Natanael Muñoz Farfan Natanael, Seminario Teológico Presbiteriano de México, México
  161. James Nati, Santa Clara University/Graduate Theological Union, USA
  162. Matthew Neville, Birmingham University, UK
  163. Sam Newington, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
  164. Low John Ny, STM, Malaysia
  165. Gerbern S. Oegema, McGill University, Canada
  166. Emily T. Olsen, Florida State University, USA
  167. Oscar Mauricio Ortíz Chacón, Seminario Teológico Centroamericano, Guatemala
  168. Panayotis Coutsoumpos Otis, University of Montemorelos, Mexico
  169. Willian Edson Pereira, Unopar, Brazil
  170. Carina Perstadius, Lund Ubiversity/ Oslo University, Nederländerna
  171. Nestor H. Petruk, Italian Adventist University, Italia
  172. Kirill Porubaev, Pontifical Biblical University, Italia
  173. Patrick Pouchelle, Centre Sevres, France
  174. Richard Putman, Independent Researcher, Cambridge University, UK
  175. Eshbal Ratzon, Ariel University, Israel
  176. Andrea Ravasco, ISSR Genoa, Italy
  177. Yosef Razin, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
  178. Naila Razzaq, Yale University, USA
  179. Megan Remington, UCLA, USA
  180. Liliana Rosso, Independent Researcher (Em.), Unito, Italy
  181. Stefanie Rudolf, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
  182. Carlos Alberto Saraiva, Teologo Mackenzie, Brasil
  183. Jeffrey A. Schesnol, International Institute of Secular and Humanistic Judaism, USA
  184. Lawrence H. Schiffman, New York University, New York, NY, USA
  185. Eileen Schuller, McMaster University, Canada
  186. Joshua Scott, University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, USA
  187. James Senturk, Open University, UK
  188. Ibrahim Shafiee, University of Tehran, I.R. Iran
  189. Anna Shirav, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
  190. Kasper Siegismund, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  191. Joseph Sievers , Pontifical Biblical Institute, Italy
  192. Liliana Siewierska-Suchy, Papieski Wydział Teologiczny, Poland
  193. Ari Silbermann, Bar Ilan, Israel
  194. Willem Frederik Smelik, University College London, Netherlands/UK
  195. Maria Filomena Perdigão Soares, Universidade de Lisboa- Faculdade de Letras, Portugal
  196. Wojciech Maciej Stabryla, Salesian Pontifical University, Faculty of Theology - Jerusalem Campus, Studium Theologicum Salesianum, Israel
  197. John M. Steele, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA
  198. Sacha Stern, UCL, United Kingdom
  199. Carla D. Sulzbach, Independent Researcher, McGill University, Canada
  200. Stefan Szymik, WT KUL, Sekcja Nauk Biblijnych, Poland
  201. Balazs Tamasi, Jewish Theological Seminary - University of Jewish Studies, Hungary
  202. Mateusz Targoński, Pontifical Biblical Institute, Italy/Poland
  203. Seng Tawng, Myanmar Institute of Theology, Myanmar
  204. Fatemeh Tayebi, Independent Researcher, Iran
  205. Dieter Leon Thom, Australian College of Kuwait, Kuwait
  206. Eibert Tigchelaar, KU Leuven, Belgium
  207. Mariano Alejandro Troiano, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina
  208. Mariola Anna Trojanowska, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Poland
  209. James M. Tucker, University of Toronto, Canada
  210. Steve Ulrich, Independent Researcher, USA
  211. Ana T. Valdez, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  212. Juan Sebastián Hernández Valencia, Universidad católica Luis Amigó, Colombia
  213. James VanderKam, Notre Dame University, South Bend, IN, USA
  214. Harvey Van Bik, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Hong Kong
  215. Hanneke van der Schoor, KU Leuven, Belgium
  216. Marcelo Wall, Universidad Evangélica del Paraguay, Paraguay
  217. Jim West, Hua Theological College, USA
  218. Tommy Woodward, Florida State University, USA
  219. Archibald T. Wright, London School of Theology, USA
  220. Miroslaw Stanislaw Wrobel, John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin, Poland
  221. Ho Yi Yeung, Evangel Seminary of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  222. Kin Pok Yu, HKCH, Hong Kong
  223. Yan Yu, Lutheran Theological Seminary, HK
  224. Chi Yau Yue, Lutheran Theological Seminary, 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區
  225. Asad Uz Zaman, Ohio State University, USA
  226. Alana Rebecca Zimath, Florida State University, USA