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2:30pm – Kelley Coblentz Bautch, St. Edwards University, Austin, TX, USA - More than One Recension? The Evidence from Aramaic Book of the Watchers
2:30pm – Kelley Coblentz Bautch, St. Edwards University, Austin, TX, USA - More than One Recension? The Evidence from Aramaic Book of the Watchers

3:00pm –Torleif Elgvin, NLA University College, Oslo, Norway - [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1si40ra-y66YHTCNksJWvVi_12Wist3T_/view?usp=sharing Three Forged Fragments of 1 Enoch in the Schøyen Collection: How Were the Texts Designed by a Scholar, and How Did we Detect the Forgery?]
3:00pm – Eibert Tigchelaar, KU Leuven, Belgium - [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eRnnyD0yTg9U3RcTKWOBfon1-bL_dHIQ/view?usp=sharing The Scribes Who Copied the Works of Enoch]

3:30pm – Eibert Tigchelaar, KU Leuven, Belgium - [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eRnnyD0yTg9U3RcTKWOBfon1-bL_dHIQ/view?usp=sharing The Scribes Who Copied the Works of Enoch]
3:30pm –Torleif Elgvin, NLA University College, Oslo, Norway - [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1si40ra-y66YHTCNksJWvVi_12Wist3T_/view?usp=sharing Three Forged Fragments of 1 Enoch in the Schøyen Collection: How Were the Texts Designed by a Scholar, and How Did we Detect the Forgery?]

4:00pm Plenary discussion
4:00pm Plenary discussion

Revision as of 11:02, 16 September 2020

2020 Aramaic Enoch.jpg


+ + + Registration link + + +

From the Books of Enoch to Genesis Apocryphon:
Aramaic Manuscripts of 1 Enoch and Related Aramaic Traditions from Qumran
October 20-22, 2020

International Conference on the Aramaic Manuscripts of 1 Enoch

organized by the Institute of Biblical Studies (KUL, Lublin, Poland)

in collaboration with the Enoch Seminar

  • Chairs: Henryk Drawnel and Gabriele Boccaccini
  • Secretary: Joshua Scott

Tentative schedule

  • 6:00am to 1:45pm -- Los Angeles time
  • 9:00am to 4:45pm -- New York time
  • 2:00pm to 9:45 -- London time
  • 3:00pm to 10:45pm -- Europe time
  • 4:00pm to 11:45pm -- Jerusalem time
  • see World Clock Meeting Planner

DAY 1 – Tuesday, 20 October 2020

9am – 11:30am EST/EDT

9:00am – Gathering of participants and introductory remarks (Henryk Drawnel, Loren Stuckenbruck, & Gabriele Boccaccini)

Session I – The Book of Watchers (I) [chair Lawrence H. Schiffman]

9:30am – Mirjam Bokhorst, Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany - The Vision of the Heavenly Temple (1 En 14:8-25) Reconsidered

10:00am – Henryk Drawnel, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland - The Work of the Heaven and Earth (1 En. 2:1–5:2) in Its Context (1 En. 1:1–9; 5:4–9)

10:30am – James VanderKam, Notre Dame University, Notre Dame IN, USA - But What About the People?

11:00am – Plenary Discussion.

12:00pm–2:00pm EST/EDT

Session II – Aramaic Context of 1 Enoch [chair Kelley Coblentz Bautch]

12:00pm – Shlomi Efrati, KU Leuven, Belgium - On Angels and Mountains: Notes on the Levantine and Aramaic Background of the Fallen Angels

12:30pm – Ida Fröhlich, Péter Pázmány Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary - Behind the Name: ՙyryn, gbryn, nplyn, Protagonists of the Earliest Tradition concerning the Watchers

1:00pm – Helen Jacobus, University of Manchester, Manchester, Great Britain - A Comparative Look at the Lunar Fractions in the Aramaic Fragments of 4QAstronomical Enocha-b ar (4Q208–4Q209)

1:30pm – Plenary discussion

2:30pm–4:30pm EST/EDT

Session III – Redaction, Scribal Work, and Modern Forgery [chair Matthew Goff]

2:30pm – Kelley Coblentz Bautch, St. Edwards University, Austin, TX, USA - More than One Recension? The Evidence from Aramaic Book of the Watchers

3:00pm – Eibert Tigchelaar, KU Leuven, Belgium - The Scribes Who Copied the Works of Enoch

3:30pm –Torleif Elgvin, NLA University College, Oslo, Norway - Three Forged Fragments of 1 Enoch in the Schøyen Collection: How Were the Texts Designed by a Scholar, and How Did we Detect the Forgery?

4:00pm Plenary discussion

DAY 2 – Wednesday, 21 October 2020

8:30am - Gathering of participants

8:45am – DAY 1 recap [chair Gabriele Boccaccini]:

  • Lawrence H. Schiffman, Kelley Coblentz Bautch, Matthew Goff.

9:30am – 11:30am EST/EDT

Session IV – Genesis Apocryphon and the Book of Giants [chair James VanderKam]

9:30am – Jaap Doedens, Pápa Reformed Theological Seminary, Pápa, Hungary- Rehabilitating the Heroes: Exegetical Exoneration of Biblical Protagonists in the Genesis Apocryphon

10:00am – Matthew Goff, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA - The Qumran Book of Giants and Aramaic

10:30am – Itai Kagan, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel - ‘Righteous Plant’ or ‘Rightful Plant’? Unlocking a Key Term in 1 Enoch and Genesis Apocryphon

11:00am – Plenary discussion

12:30pm – 2:30pm EST/EDT

Session V – Enochic Astronomy and the Ancient Near East [chair Mirjam Bokhorst]

12:30pm – Jonathan Ben-Dov, Tel-Aviv University, Israel - The Nebuchadnezzar reliefs from Brisa (Lebanon) as Inspiration for the Myth of the Watchers

1:00pm – Eshbal Ratzon, Ariel University, Israel - The Role of the Calendar in the Sectarian Dispute in light of a New Reconstruction of 4Q318

1:30pm – John M. Steele, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA - Mesopotamian Astronomy in the so-called ‘Astronomical Book’ of Enoch: A Reappraisal

2pm – Plenary discussion

3.00pm – 5.00pm EST/EDT

Session VI – The Aramaic Books of 1 Enoch and the Qumran Community [chair Henryk Drawnel]

3:00pm – Kenneth Atkinson, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA, USA - What the Book of First Enoch and the Aramaic Dead Sea Scrolls Reveal about the History of the Qumran Community

3.30pm – Corrado Martone, University of Turin, Turin, Italy - The Teacher of Righteousness and the Scribe of Righteousness: Scribal Activity between Qumran and Enochism

4:00pm – Lawrence H. Schiffman, New York University, New York, NY, USA - Divine Appellations and Concepts of God in the Enoch Fragments and the Dead Sea Scrolls

4.30pm – Plenary discussion

DAY 3 -- Thursday, 22 October 2020

8:30am - Gathering of participants

8:45am – Day 2 Recap (panel) [chair Gabriele Boccaccini]

  • James VanderKam, Mirjam Bokhorst, Henryk Drawnel

9:30am-11:30am EST/EDT

Session VII – Philology and Linguistics [chair Eibert Tigchelaar]

9:30am – Mathias Coeckelbergs, Université libre de Bruxelles - KU Leuven, Belgium From Clustering to Interpretation. Lexical Differences in Light of Linguistic Features in the Enochic Texts from Qumran

10:00am – Edward M. Cook, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., USA The Language of Enoch in its Social and Historical Setting

10:30am – Steven Fassberg, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel The Language of the Qumran Aramaic Fragments of Enoch Revisited

11:00am – Plenary discussion

12.30pm–2.00pm EST/EDT

Session VIII – Slavonic Enoch and the Visions of Amram [Chair Ida Fröhlich]

12.30pm – Florentina Badanalova-Geller, University College London, London, Great Britain 1st and 2nd Enoch Compared and Contrasted

1.00pm – Jesper Høgenhaven, Melissa Sayyad Bach and Kasper Siegismund University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Apocalypticism and Authority in the Visions of Amram

1:30pm – Plenary discussion

3:00pm-4:30pm EST/EDT

Final panel: Summary & conclusions

  • Panelist: Gabriele Boccaccini, Kelley Coblentz Bautch, Henryk Drawnel, Lawrence Schiffman, James VanderKam

Prospective participants

1. Kenneth Atkinson, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA, USA

  • What the Book of First Enoch and the Aramaic Dead Sea Scrolls Reveal about the History of the Qumran Community

2. Jonathan Ben-Dov, Tel-Aviv University, Israel

  • The Nebuchadnezzar reliefs from Brisa (Lebanon) as Inspiration for the Myth of the Watchers

3. Mirjam Bokhorst, Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany

  • The Vision of the Heavenly Temple (1 En 14:8-25) reconsidered

4. Kelley Coblentz Bautch, St. Edwards University, Austin, TX, USA

  • To be announced

5. Mathias Coeckelbergs, Université libre de Bruxelles - KU Leuven

  • From Clustering to Interpretation: A Neural Network Approach to the Classification of the Genesis Apocryphon

6. Edward M. Cook, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., USA

  • To be announced

7. Jaap Doedens, Pápa Reformed Theological Seminary, Pápa, Hungary

  • Rehabilitating the Heroes: Exegetical Exoneration of Biblical Protagonists in the Genesis Apocryphon

8. Henryk Drawnel, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland

  • An Invitation to Study Astronomy (1 En. 2:1–5:2) and the Eschatological Judgment (1 En. 1:1–9; 5:4–9)

9. Shlomi Efrati, KU Leuven, Belgium

  • On Angels and Mountains: Notes on the Levantine and Aramaic Background of the Fallen Angels

10. Torleif Elgvin, NLA University College, Oslo, Norway

  • Three forged fragments of 1 Enoch in the Schøyen Collection: How were the texts designed by a scholar, and how did we detect the forgery?

11. Holger Gzella, Ludwig-Maximilans University, Munich, Germany

  • To be announced

12. Steven Fassberg, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel (teaches Wednesdays- talk on Thursday)

  • To be announced

13. Ida Fröhlich, Péter Pázmány Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary

  • Behind the name: ՙyryn, gbryn, nplyn, protagonists of the earliest tradition on the Watchers

14. Matthew Goff, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA

  • The Qumran Book of Giants and Aramaic

15. Helen Jacobus, University of Manchester, Manchester, Great Britain

  • A comparative look at the lunar fractions in the Aramaic fragments of 4QAstronomical Enocha-b ar (4Q208–4Q209)

16. Corrado Martone, University of Turin, Turin, Italy

  • The Teacher of Righteousness and the Scribe of Righteousness. Scribal Activity between Qumran and Enochism

17. Matthew Morgenstern, Tel Aviv University, Israel (teaches Wednesdays, paper on Thursday)

  • To be announced

18. Eshbal Ratzon, Ariel University, Israel (teaches Thursdays)

  • The Role of the Calendar in the Sectarian Dispute in light of a New Reconstruction of 4Q318

19. Lawrence H. Schiffman, New York University, New York, NY, USA

  • Divine Appelations and concepts of God in the Enoch fragments and the Dead Sea Scrolls

20. John M. Steele, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA

  • To be announced

21. Eibert Tigchelaar, KU Leuven, Belgium

  • To be announced

22. James VanderKam, Notre Dame University, South Bend, IN, USA

  • But What About the People?