Difference between revisions of "Sapientia Szerzetesi Hittudományi Főiskola Bibliatudomány Tanszékének Kiadványai (2009- L'Harmattan), book series"

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Series founded by [[Géza G. Xeravits]] at the Department of Bible, [[Sapientia College of Theology]] (Budapest). Publishes monographs, edited volumes and translations on Biblical and Cognate Literature in Hungarian. Series editors: [[Géza G. Xeravits]], Katalin Balogh, Györgyi Szatmári and [[Xavér Szabó]].
Series founded by [[Géza G. Xeravits]] at the Department of Bible, [[Sapientia College of Theology]] (Budapest). Publishes monographs, edited volumes and translations on Biblical and Cognate Literature in Hungarian. Series editors: Györgyi Szatmári and [[Xavér Szabó]].

==Books in the series==
==Books in the series==

Latest revision as of 10:01, 13 June 2016