Difference between revisions of "Biblia és Korán ami összeköti és ami elválasztja oket = Bibel und Koran: was sie verbindet, was sie trennt (Bible and Qur'an: What Unites, What Divides / 2007 Gnilka / Sasvári), book (Hungarian ed.)"

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(Created page with "'''Biblia és Korán ami összeköti és ami elválasztja oket''' (2007) is the Hungarian edition of [[Bibel und Koran: was sie verbindet, was sie trennt (Bible and Qur'an: What ...")
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Published in Budapest [Hungary]: Szent István Társ., 2007.
Published in Budapest [Hungary]: Szent István Társ., 2007.
====Other Translations====
*[[Biblia y Corán lo que los une, lo que los separa = Bibel und Koran: was sie verbindet, was sie trennt (Bible and Qur'an: What Unites, What Divides / 2005 Gnilka / Villanueva), book (Spanish ed.)]]
*[[Biblia a Koran: podobienstwa i róznice = Bibel und Koran: was sie verbindet, was sie trennt (Bible and Qur'an: What Unites, What Divides / 2005 Gnilka / Szymona), book (Polish ed.)]]
*[[Bibbia e Corano: che cosa li unisce, che cosa li divide = Bibel und Koran: was sie verbindet, was sie trennt (Bible and Qur'an: What Unites, What Divides / 2006 Gnilka / Colombo), book (Italian ed.)]] 
*[[Biblija i Kur'an sto ih povezuje, sto razdvaja = Bibel und Koran: was sie verbindet, was sie trennt (Bible and Qur'an: What Unites, What Divides / 2007 Gnilka / Zovkić), book (Croatian ed.)]] 
*[[聖書とコーラン : どこが同じで, どこが違うか = Bibel und Koran: was sie verbindet, was sie trennt (Bible and Qur'an: What Unites, What Divides / 2012 Gnilka / Yauchi), book (Japanese ed.)]]

==Table of contents==
==Table of contents==

Revision as of 07:17, 6 March 2013