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Translations of the Bible into Hungarian language have appeared since the 15th century.  
#REDIRECT [[:Category:Bible--Hungarian tr. (text)]]

== Overview ==
The first known translations have been made in all probability by Hungarian Hussite theologians between 1436-1439. Portions of this translation have survived in three 15th century codices. A couple of 15-16th century codices preserved translations made by Catholic theologians.
During the 16th century, protestant translators made efforts to translate into Hungarian parts of the Bible. [[Benedek Komjáti]] published the Epistles of Paul in Krakkau, 1533 (the first printed book in Hungarian language). [[Gábor Pesti]]'s four Gospels was published in Vienna, 1536. The first complete NT in Hungarian was published by [[János Sylvester]], in 1541. [[István Bencédi Székely]] has translated the Book of Psalms, and published in Krakkau, 1548. [[Gáspár Heltai]], the renowned Transsylvanian pastor and writer published a nearly complete translation in Kolozsvár/Clausenburg. In 1551 he published the Pentateuch, in 1552 the historical and poetic books, and in a separate volume the prophets, in 1661 the NT. Missing from his work are Chronicles, esther, Ezra, Nehemiah and Job. [[Péter Méliusz Juhász]] published Isaiah and the New Testament in 1567. [[Tamás Félegyházi]] published the NT in Debrecen, 1586.
The first complete Hungarian translation of the Bible is the two-volume "Vizsolyi Biblia", the work of the Calvinist pastor [[Gáspár Károli]]. It was published in Vizsoly, 20th July, 1590. From the Catholis side, the Jesuit [[György Káldi]] published the complete Bible in Vienna, 1626. While Károli's work was based on the Hebrew and Greek originals, Káldi has translated the Latin Vulgate version.
Later versions...
* György Benyik: Ungarische Bibelübersetzungen, Szeged: JATEPress 1997.
* György Benyik: "Hungarian Bible Translations", in: Folia Theologica 9 (1998) 213-244.
==External links==
[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bible_translations_into_Hungarian wikipedia]]


Latest revision as of 05:49, 17 August 2013