Difference between revisions of "Category:People's generations"

From 4 Enoch: : The Online Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism, and Christian and Islamic Origins
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(21 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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The category: '''People's generations''', offers a chronological survey, decade by decade, of scholars and authors.  
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|title= [[Main Page]] -> [[Biography]]
|backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
|logo= history.png
|px= 38

[[Category:History of research| ]]
The '''People's generations--Index''' offers a chronological survey, decade by decade, of the many generations of [[Scholars]], [[Authors]] and [[Artists]], who have contributed to the field of Second Temple Judaism (Jewish, Christian and Islamic Origins), from the mid-15th century to the present.
* '''[[People's Generations]]''' : [[:Category:Born in the 2000s|2000-09]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1990s|1990-99]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1980s|1980-89]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1970s|1970-79]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1960s|1960-69]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1950s|1950-59]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1940s|1940-49]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1930s|1930-39]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1920s|1920-29]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1910s|1910-19]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1900s|1900-09]] -/- [[:Category:Born in 1850s|19th cent. (2nd half)]] : ''[[:Category:Born in the 1890s|1890-99]] - [[:Category:Born in the 1880s|1880-89]] - [[:Category:Born in the 1870s|1870-79]] - [[:Category:Born in the 1860s|1860-69]] - [[:Category:Born in the 1850s|1850-59]]'' -/- [[:Category:Born in 1800s|19th cent. (1st half)]] : ''[[:Category:Made in the 1840s|1840-49]] - [[:Category:Made in the 1830s|1830-39]] - [[:Category:Made in the 1820s|1820-29]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1810s|1810-19]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1800s|1800-09]]'' -/- [[:Category:Born in 1700s|18]] -- [[:Category:Born in 1600s|1600s]] -- [[:Category:Born in 1500s|1500s]] -- [[:Category:Born in 1450s|1450s]]
-- [[:Category:Made in the 1790s|1790s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1780s|1780s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1770s|1770s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1760s|1760s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1750s|1750s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1740s|1740s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1730s|1730s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1720s|1720s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1710s|1710s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1700s|1700s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1690s|1690s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1680s|1680s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1670s|1670s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1660s|1660s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1650s|1650s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1640s|1640s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1630s|1630s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1620s|1620s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1610s|1610s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1600s|1600s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1590s|1590s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1580s|1580s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1570s|1570s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1560s|1560s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1550s|1550s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1540s|1540s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1530s|1530s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1520s|1520s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1510s|1510s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1500s|1500s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1490s|1490s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1480s|1480s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1470s|1470s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1460s|1460s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1450s|1450s]] -- [[:Category:Made in the 1400s|1450s]] [[:Category:Medieval|Medieval]]
|title= Died in the 21st century
|backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
|logo= contents.png
|px= 38
[[:Category:Died in the 2010s|2010s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 2000s|2000s]]
|title= Died in the 20th century
|backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
|logo= contents.png
|px= 38
[[:Category:Died in the 1990s|1990s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1980s|1980s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1970s|1970s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1960s|1960s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1950s|1950s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1940s|1940s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1930s|1930s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1920s|1920s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1910s|1910s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1900s|1900s]]
|title= Died in the 19th century
|backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
|logo= contents.png
|px= 38
[[:Category:Died in the 1890s|1890s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1880s|1880s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1870s|1870s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1860s|1860s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1850s|1850s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1840s|1840s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1830s|1830s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1820s|1820s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1810s|1810s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1800s|1800s]]
|title= Died in the 18th century
|backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
|logo= contents.png
|px= 38
[[:Category:Died in the 1790s|1790s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1780s|1780s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1770s|1770s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1760s|1760s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1750s|1750s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1740s|1740s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1730s|1730s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1720s|1720s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1710s|1710s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1700s|1700s]]
|title= Died in the 17th century
|backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
|logo= contents.png
|px= 38
[[:Category:Died in the 1690s|1690s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1680s|1680s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1670s|1670s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1660s|1660s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1650s|1650s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1640s|1640s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1630s|1630s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1620s|1620s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1610s|1610s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1600s|1600s]]
|title= Died in the 16th century
|backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
|logo= contents.png
|px= 38
[[:Category:Died in the 1590s|1590s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1580s|1580s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1570s|1570s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1560s|1560s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1550s|1550s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1540s|1540s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1530s|1530s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1520s|1520s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1510s|1510s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1500s|1500s]]
|title= Died in the 15th century
|backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
|logo= contents.png
|px= 38
[[:Category:Died in the 1490s|1490s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1480s|1480s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1470s|1470s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1460s|1460s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1450s|1450s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1440s|1440s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1430s|1430s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1420s|1420s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1410s|1410s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1400s|1400s]]
|title= See [[Scholars]] -- [[Authors]] -- [[Artists]]
|backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
|logo= history.png
|px= 38
|<!-- SPAZI TRA LE COLONNE --> style="border:5px solid transparent;" |
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{| id="mp-right" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" style="width:100%; vertical-align:top; background:#f5faff; background:transparent;"
|title= [[Timeline]]
|backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
|logo= history.png
|px= 38
|title= Born in the 20th century
|backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
|logo= contents.png
|px= 38
[[:Category:Born in the 1990s|1990s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1980s|1980s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1970s|1970s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1960s|1960s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1950s|1950s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1940s|1940s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1930s|1930s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1920s|1920s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1910s|1910s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1900s|1900s]]
|title= Born in the 19th century
|backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
|logo= contents.png
|px= 38
[[:Category:Born in the 1890s|1890s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1880s|1880s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1870s|1870s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1860s|1860s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1850s|1850s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1840s|1840s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1830s|1830s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1820s|1820s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1810s|1810s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1800s|1800s]] 
|title= Born in the 18th century
|backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
|logo= contents.png
|px= 38
[[:Category:Born in the 1790s|1790s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1780s|1780s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1770s|1770s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1760s|1760s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1750s|1750s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1740s|1740s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1730s|1730s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1720s|1720s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1710s|1710s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1700s|1700s]]
|title= Born in the 17th century
|backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
|logo= contents.png
|px= 38
[[:Category:Born in the 1690s|1690s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1680s|1680s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1670s|1670s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1660s|1660s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1650s|1650s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1640s|1640s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1630s|1630s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1620s|1620s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1610s|1610s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1600s|1600s]]
|title= Born in the 16th century
|backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
|logo= contents.png
|px= 38
[[:Category:Born in the 1590s|1590s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1580s|1580s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1570s|1570s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1560s|1560s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1550s|1550s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1540s|1540s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1530s|1530s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1520s|1520s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1510s|1510s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1500s|1500s]]
|title= Born in the 15th century
|backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
|logo= contents.png
|px= 38
[[:Category:Born in the 1490s|1490s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1480s|1480s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1470s|1470s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1460s|1460s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1450s|1450s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1440s|1440s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1430s|1430s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1420s|1420s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1410s|1410s]] -- [[:Category:Born in the 1400s|1400s]]  

Latest revision as of 16:35, 10 December 2019


The People's generations--Index offers a chronological survey, decade by decade, of the many generations of Scholars, Authors and Artists, who have contributed to the field of Second Temple Judaism (Jewish, Christian and Islamic Origins), from the mid-15th century to the present.

-- 1790s -- 1780s -- 1770s -- 1760s -- 1750s -- 1740s -- 1730s -- 1720s -- 1710s -- 1700s -- 1690s -- 1680s -- 1670s -- 1660s -- 1650s -- 1640s -- 1630s -- 1620s -- 1610s -- 1600s -- 1590s -- 1580s -- 1570s -- 1560s -- 1550s -- 1540s -- 1530s -- 1520s -- 1510s -- 1500s -- 1490s -- 1480s -- 1470s -- 1460s -- 1450s -- 1450s Medieval

Died in the 21st century
Died in the 21st century

Died in the 20th century
Died in the 20th century

1990s -- 1980s -- 1970s -- 1960s -- 1950s -- 1940s -- 1930s -- 1920s -- 1910s -- 1900s

Died in the 19th century
Died in the 19th century

1890s -- 1880s -- 1870s -- 1860s -- 1850s -- 1840s -- 1830s -- 1820s -- 1810s -- 1800s

Died in the 18th century
Died in the 18th century

1790s -- 1780s -- 1770s -- 1760s -- 1750s -- 1740s -- 1730s -- 1720s -- 1710s -- 1700s

Died in the 17th century
Died in the 17th century

1690s -- 1680s -- 1670s -- 1660s -- 1650s -- 1640s -- 1630s -- 1620s -- 1610s -- 1600s

Died in the 16th century
Died in the 16th century

1590s -- 1580s -- 1570s -- 1560s -- 1550s -- 1540s -- 1530s -- 1520s -- 1510s -- 1500s

Died in the 15th century
Died in the 15th century

1490s -- 1480s -- 1470s -- 1460s -- 1450s -- 1440s -- 1430s -- 1420s -- 1410s -- 1400s

Born in the 20th century
Born in the 20th century

1990s -- 1980s -- 1970s -- 1960s -- 1950s -- 1940s -- 1930s -- 1920s -- 1910s -- 1900s

Born in the 19th century
Born in the 19th century

1890s -- 1880s -- 1870s -- 1860s -- 1850s -- 1840s -- 1830s -- 1820s -- 1810s -- 1800s

Born in the 18th century
Born in the 18th century

1790s -- 1780s -- 1770s -- 1760s -- 1750s -- 1740s -- 1730s -- 1720s -- 1710s -- 1700s

Born in the 17th century
Born in the 17th century

1690s -- 1680s -- 1670s -- 1660s -- 1650s -- 1640s -- 1630s -- 1620s -- 1610s -- 1600s

Born in the 16th century
Born in the 16th century

1590s -- 1580s -- 1570s -- 1560s -- 1550s -- 1540s -- 1530s -- 1520s -- 1510s -- 1500s

Born in the 15th century
Born in the 15th century

1490s -- 1480s -- 1470s -- 1460s -- 1450s -- 1440s -- 1430s -- 1420s -- 1410s -- 1400s