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[[Category:Samson (subject)|1743 Haendel]]
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[[Category:Delilah (subject)|1743 Haendel]]
[[Category:Delilah (subject)|1743 Haendel]]
[[Category:Delilah--fiction (subject)|1743 Haendel]]
[[Category:Delilah--music (subject)|1743 Haendel]]

[[Category:Samson & Delilah (subject)|1743 Haendel]]
[[Category:Samson & Delilah (subject)|1743 Haendel]]

Revision as of 00:49, 11 July 2012

Samson (1743) is an oratorio by Georg Frideric Haendel (mus.) and Newburgh Hamilton (libr.). Based on Samson Agonistes (1671 Milton), play.


Editions, performances, translations

Premiered in London [England]: Covent Garden, 18 February 1743.

External links