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- DICTIONARY: see Chinese language
List of scholarly and fictional works in Chinese.
Pages in category "Chinese language"
The following 89 pages are in this category, out of 89 total.
- 新遺詔書 (New Testament / 1813 Morrison), book
- 神天聖書 (Holy Bible / 1823 Morrison, Milne), book
- 聖經新遺詔全書 (New Testament / 1853 Goddard), book
- 第四博士傳 = The Story of the Other Wise Man (1903 Van Dyke / Fitch, Hang-Tong), novel (Chinese ed.)
- 评基督抹殺論 (1925 Sheng), book
- 舊新約間之宗敎 (1926 Charles / Throop, Huang) = Religious Development between the Old and the New Testaments (1914 Charles), book (Chinese ed.)
- 基督傳 (Jesus Christ / 1957 Luo), book
- 聖經考古學 = Biblical Archaeology (1967 Wright / Xia), book (Chinese ed.)
- 新舊約全書 (Old and New Testaments / 1968 Allegra, et al.), book
- 死海卷與基督敎信仰 = The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Christian Faith (1969 LaSor / Shen), book (Chinese ed)
- 聖經 (The Bible / 1970 Lü), book
- 以色列史 = A History of Israel (1971 Bright / Xiao), book (Chinese ed.)
- 信證學與聖經中的基督 = Apologetics and the Biblical Christ (1972 @1963 Dulles / Huang), book (Chinese ed.)
- 新約全書 : 給現代人的福音 (現代中文譯本) (Gospels for Modern Man: The New Testament in Today's Chinese / 1975 Bible Society), book
- 死海古卷與聖經 = The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible (1978 Pfeiffer / Yuan Rong), book (Chinese ed.)
- 兩約中間史略 (Intertestamental History / 1978 Xie), book
- 聖經 : 現代中文譯本 (The Bible: Today's Chinese Version / 1979 Bible Society), book
- 耶穌 : 我們的夫子我們的主 = Jesus, Master and Lord (1979 @1953 Turner / Zhang, Gong), book (Chinese ed.)
- 恩賜與事奉 : 保羅神學点滴 (Ministry, Community and Spiritual Gifts: An Aspect in Paul's Theology / 1980 Fung), book (Chinese)
- Zhi hui pian shi yi (1981 Han), book
- 耶穌基督 : 史實與宣道 = Jesus Christus (Jesus Christ / 1981 @1953 Zimmermann / Yue), book (Chinese ed.)
- 古經之風俗及典章制度 = Les institutions de l’Ancien Testament (Ancient Israel: Its Life and Institutions / 1981 Vaux / Yang), book (Chinese ed.)
- 眞理與自由 : 加拉太書註釋 (Gospel Truth and Christian Liberty: A Commentary on Galatians / 1982 Fung), book
- 耶穌 = Jesus (1983 @1980 Carpenter / Tian), book (Chinese ed.)
- 新約背景 = New Testament Times (1985 Tenney / Liang, Li), book (Chinese ed.)
- 新約背景 (The New Testament Background / 1986 Chen), book
- 從巴比倫到伯利恆 = From Babylon to Bethlehem (1987 Ellison / Chen), book (Chinese ed.)
- 腓立比書 (Philippians / 1987 Fung), book
- 我信歷史上的耶穌 = I Believe in the Historical Jesus (1988 @1977 Marshall / Huang), book (Chinese ed.)
- 死海卷軸 = The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Biblical Studies, 2nd ed. (1989 @1961 Cross / Wu), book (Chinese ed.)
- 帖撒羅尼迦前書 (1 Thessalonians / 1989 Fung), book
- 兩約之間 = Between the Testaments (1989 Russell / Xuan), book (Chinese ed.)
- 帖撒羅尼迦後書 (2 Thessalonians / 1990 Fung), book
- 擘開生命之餅 : 路加五個獨有的比喻 (Perspective on Life: Five Lucan Parables / 1990 Fung), book
- 圣经百科辞典 (Encyclopedia of the Bible / 1990 Liang), book
- 猶太百科全書 = Encyclopedia Judaica (1993 Roth / Xu, Ling), book (Chinese ed.)
- 建道學刊 (1994- Alliance Bible Seminary), journal
- 希伯來書 (Hebrews / 1995 Fung), book (Chinese)
- 死海古卷 = The Dead Sea Scriptures (1995 @1976 Gaster / Wang, Cao, Mo), book (Chinese ed.)
- 耶稣传 : 一部革命性的传记 = Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography (1997 Crossan / Gao, Duan), book (Chinese ed.)
- 創世紀 (Genesis / 1997-99 Kuang), book
- 羅馬書註釋 (Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans / 1999-2003 Fung), book
- 耶稣的一生 = Vie de Jésus (The Life of Jesus / 1999 Renan / Liang), book (Chinese ed.)
- 四福音與經外平行經文合參 (Synopsis of the Four Gospels / 2000 Wong), book
- 末世與盼望 : 帖撒羅尼迦前、後書的現代詮釋 (Eschatology and Hope: 1 & 2 Thessalonians / 2000 Yeo), book
- 自由的眞理 : 保羅神學觀 = Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free (2001 Bruce / Fan, Zhang), book (Chinese ed.)
- 沙塵中的榮耀 : 死海古卷與聖經 (Dust in Glory: The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible / 2001 Zhuang), book
- 耶穌 : 天啓的末日先知 = Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium (2002 Ehrman / Chen), book (Chinese ed.)
- 圣经时代的犹太社会与民俗 (Social Life and Customs of the Jews in Biblical Times / 2002 Liang), book
- 希腊化世界中的犹太人 : 斐洛思想引论 = Jews in the Hellenistic World: Philo (2003 Williamson / Kailai, Qinghua), book (Chinese ed.)
- 達文西密碼 = The Da Vinci Code (2004 Brown / You), novel (Chinese ed.)
- 提摩太前書 (1 Timothy / 2004 Chen), book
- 帖撒羅尼迦前書 (1 Thessalonians / 2004 Fung), book
- 從伯利恆到全世界 : 神的兒子耶穌 (From Bethlehem to the World: Jesus the Son of God / 2004 Wang, Ruan), children's novel
- 密碼在說謊 : 揭開達文西密碼的眞相 = Breaking the Da Vinci Code (2005 Bock / Zhang), book (Chinese ed.)
- 聖經隱藏的歷史 : 破解達・文西密碼 (The Concealed History of the Bible: To Decode Da Vinci / 2005 Fang), non-fiction
- 創世記 (卷上) (2005 Kuang), book
- 西方圣经批评引论 (Introduction to Western Biblical Criticism / 2005 Liang), book
- 提摩太後書 (2 Timothy / 2005 Lin), book
- 達文西密碼大揭祕 = The Real History behind the Da Vinci Code (2005 Newman / Pan), book (Chinese ed.)
- 圖片兩約之間四百年 (400 Years of Intertestamental History in Pictures / 2005 Ta), book
- 古猶太教 = Das antike Judentum (Ancient Judaism / 2005 Weber / Kang, Jian), book (Chinese ed.)
- 傳道書 (Ecclesiastes / 2005 Xie), book
- 聖血與聖杯之謎 : 公審達文西密碼 = Secrets of the Code (2006 Burstein / Wang, Zhou), book (Chinese ed.)
- 腓立比書 (Philippians / 2006 Huang), book
- 破解達文西密碼 (Cracking the Da Vinci Code / 2006 Jiang), non-fiction
- 玩骨頭的女人 = Cross Bones (2006 Reichs / Tan), novel (Chinese ed.)
- 帖撒羅尼迦後書 (2 Thessalonians / 2006 Sun), book
- 耶穌新觀 = A New Perspective on Jesus (2007 Dunn / Zhou), book (Chinese ed.)
- 俄巴底亞書, 約拿書 (Obadiah, Jonah / 2007 Huang), book
- 圣经视阈中的东西方文学 (Oriental and Western Literature in the Horizon of the Bible / 2007 Liang), book
- 啟示錄 (Revelation of John / 2007 Sun), book
- 加拉太書註釋 = A Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians (2008 Fung), book
- 路加的耶穌故事 = Conflict in Luke: Jesus, Authorities, Disciples (2008 Kingsbury / Ou), book (Chinese ed.)
- 摩尼教与古代西域史研究 (Manichaeism and Ancient Western History / 2008 Ma), book
- 《圣经》纵览 = The Bible: A Very Short Introduction (2008 Riches / Liang), book (Chinese ed.)
- 以弗所書 (Ephesians / 2009 Huang), book
- 移山之信 = Faith in Jesus and Paul (2009 Yeung / Shen), book (Chinese ed.)
- 製造耶穌 = Misquoting Jesus (2010 Ehrman), book (Chinese ed.)
- 彼得前書 (1 Peter / 2010 Lai), book
- 論盡羅馬 : 透析保羅寫羅馬書之目的 = Paul's Purpose in Writing Romans (2010 Lo / Wang), book (Chinese ed.)
- 孔子与保罗 (Confucius and Paul / 2010 Yeo), book
- 耶穌的另一面 = Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time (2011 Borg / Wang), book (Chinese ed.)
- 馬可福音 (The Gospel of Mark / 2011 Sun), book
- 布氏舊約導論 : 正典與基督教的想像 = An Introduction to the Old Testament: The Canon and Christian Imagination (2012 @2003 Brueggemann / Xu), book (Chinese ed.)