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* Bibliography; see [[:Category:Italian Cinema (film subject)]]
* Bibliography; see [[:Category:Italian Cinema (film subject)]]
== 1900s ==
== 1900s ==
1905 Alberini (film).jpg|'''La presa di Roma''' (1905 Alberini)
== 1910s (I) ==
1910 Cines (film).jpg LOST|'''Il sogno dell'usuraio''' (1910 Cines)

* [[La presa di Roma (1905 Alberini), film]]
1911 Ambrosio (short).jpg|'''Le bolle di sapone''' (1911 Ambrosio)
== 1910s ==
1911 Antamoro (film).jpg|'''Pinocchio''' (1911 Antamoro)
1911 Bertolini (film) 2.jpg|'''L'Odissea''' (1911 Bertolini)
==== 1910 ====
1911 Bertolini (film).jpg|'''L'inferno''' (1911 Bertolini)
1911 Lo Savio (film).jpg|'''The Merchant of Venice''' (1911 Lo Savio)
* Il sogno dell'usuraio (1910 Cines), lost short (it)
1911 Paradisi (film).jpg|'''Il tamburino sardo''' (1911 Paradisi)
1911 Pastrone (film).png|'''La caduta di Troia''' (1911 Pastrone)
==== 1911 ====
* [[Le bolle di sapone (1911 Ambrosio), film]]
* [[Pinocchio (1911 Antamoro), film]]
* [[L'Odissea (1911 Bertolini), film]]
* [[L'inferno (1911 Bertolini), film]]
* [[Il tamburino sardo (1911 Paradisi), film]]
* [[La caduta di Troia (1911 Pastrone), film]]
==== 1913 ====
* '''Quo Vadis''' (1913 Guazzoni)
* '''Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei / The Last Days of Pompeii''' (1913 Caserini), film
* '''The Betrothed / I promessi sposi''' (1913 Rodolfi), film (it)
==== 1914 ====
* '''Cabiria''' (1914 Pastrone), film (it)
* Cajus Julius Caesar – Guazzoni 1914
* Sperduti nel buio – Martoglio 1914
==== 1915 ====
* Rapsodia satanica – Oxilia 1915
* Maciste – Borgnetto/Denizot 1915
* Assunta Spina – Bertini/Serena 1915
* La signora delle camelie – Negroni 1915
* '''I racconti del Cuore''' (1915-1916 Carlucci)
==== 1916 ====

* [[Maciste alpino (1916 Pastrone), film]]
1912 Degli Abbati (film).jpg|'''I mille''' (1912 Degli Abbati)

* [++] [[Christus (1916 Antamoro), film]]
1913 Guazzoni (film).jpg|'''Quo Vadis''' (1913 Guazzoni)
1913 Rodolfi & Caserini (film).jpg|'''Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei''' (1913 Rodolfi & Caserini)
1913 Rodolfi (film).jpg|'''I promessi sposi''' (1913 Rodolfi)

==== 1917 ====
1914 Pastrone (film).jpg|'''Cabiria''' (1914 Pastrone)
1914 Guazzoni (film).jpg|'''Cajus Julius Caesar''' (1914 Guazzoni)
1914 Martoglio (film).jpg|'''Sperduti nel buio''' (1914 Martoglio)

* Thais – A. G. Bragaglia 1917
* Malombra – Gallone 1917
* [++] '''La guerra ed il sogno di Momi''' (1917 Pastrone), film
=== 1910s (II) ===
1915 Borgnetto (film).jpg|'''Maciste''' (1915 Borgnetto & Denizot 1915)
1915 Carlucci (serial).jpg|['''I racconti del Cuore''' (1915-16 Carlucci) <serial>
1915 Negroni (film).jpg|'''La signora delle camelie''' (1915 Negroni)
1915 Oxilia (film).jpg|'''Rapsodia satanica''' (1915 Oxilia)
1915 Serena (film).jpg|'''Assunta Spina''' (1915 Serena)

==== 1919 ====
1916 Antamoro (film).jpg|'''Christus''' (1916 Antamoro)
1916 Borgnetto (film).jpg|'''Maciste alpino''' (1916 Borgnetto)

* Il padrone delle ferriere – Perego 1919
1917 Bragaglia (film).jpg|'''Thais''' (1917 Bragaglia)
1917 Gallone (film).jpg|'''Malombra''' (1917 Gallone)
1917 Pastrone (film).jpg|'''La guerra ed il sogno di Momi''' (1917 Pastrone)

* [++] '''Redenzione / Redemption''' (1919 Gallone / Mateldi), film -- The movie focuses on the character of Mary Magdalene.
1919 Gallone (film).jpg|'''Redenzione''' (1919 Gallone)
1919 Perego (film).jpg|'''Il padrone delle ferriere''' (1919 Perego)

== 1920s ==
== 1920s ==
=== (I) 1920-24 ===
1921 Gaido (film).jpg|'''Il ponte dei sospiri''' (1921 Gaido)

==== 1921 ====
1922 Bonnard (film).jpg|'''I promessi sposi''' (1922 Bonnard)
* Il ponte dei sospiri – Gaido 1921
1922 Notari (film).jpg|'''O’ piccirella''' (1922 Notari)
==== 1922 ====
* O’ piccirella – Notari 1922
* [++] '''The Betrothed / I promessi sposi''' (1922 Bonnard), film (it)
==== 1924 ====
* '''Quo Vadis?''' – D’Annunzio/Jacoby 1924
* Messalina – Guazzoni 1924
==== 1926 ====
* Maciste all’inferno – Brignone 1926
* Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei – Gallone 1926
* [++] '''The Last Lord / L'ultimo lord''' (1926 Genina), film (it) -- An American boy turns out to be the long-lost heir of a British fortune. He is sent to live with the cold and unsentimental lord who oversees the trust. In reality, she is a young lady in disguise.

==== 1928 ====
1924 D'Annunzio & Jacoby (film).jpg|'''Quo Vadis? (1924 D’Annunzio & Jacoby)
1924 Guazzoni (film).jpg|'''Messalina''' (1924 Guazzoni)

* Kif Tebby – Camerini 1928
=== (II) 1925-29 ===
1926 Brignone (film).jpg|'''Maciste all’inferno''' (1926 Brignone)
1926 Gallone (film).jpg|'''Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei''' (1926 Gallone)
1926 Genina (film).jpg|'''L'ultimo lord''' (1926 Genina)

==== 1929 ====
1928 Camerini (film).jpg|'''Kif Tebby''' (1928 Camerini)

* Sole Blasetti 1929
* Rotaie Camerini 1929
1929 Blasetti (film).jpg|'''Sole''' (1929 Blasetti)]
* La grazia De Benedetti 1929
1929 Camerini (film).jpg|'''Rotaie''' (1929 Camerini)
1929 De Benedetti (film).jpg|'''La grazia''' (1929 De Benedetti)

== 1930s ==
== 1930s ==
=== (I) 1930-34 ===
1930 Blasetti (film).jpg|'''Nerone''' (1930 Blasetti)
1930 Genina (film).jpg|'''Miss Europa''' (1930 Genina)
1930 Righelli (film).jpg|'''La canzone dell'amore''' (1930 Righelli)

==== 1930 ====
1931 Alessandrini (film).jpg|'''La segretaria privata''' (1931 Alessandrini)
* Nerone – Blasetti 1930
1931 Blasetti (film).jpg|'''Resurrectio''' (1931 Blasetti)
* Miss Europa – Genina 1930
* '''The Song of Love / La canzone dell'amore''' (1930 Righelli), film (it)
==== 1931 ====
* Resurrectio – Blasetti 1931
* La segretaria privata – Alessandrini 1931
==== 1932 ====
* '''Gli uomini, che mascalzoni! / What Scoundrels Men Are!''' (1932 Camerini), film (it)
==== 1933 ====
* Treno popolare – Matarazzo 1933
* O la borsa o la vita – C. L. Bragaglia 1933
==== 1934 ====
* '''1860''' (1934 Blasetti), film (it)
* Tempo massimo – Mattoli 1934
* [++] '''The Old Guard / Vecchia guardia''' (1934 Blasetti), film (it)
* [++] '''The Canal of the Angels / Il canale degli angeli''' (1934 Pasinetti), film (it)

==== 1935 ====
1932 Camerini (film).jpg|'''Gli uomini, che mascalzoni!''' (1932 Camerini)

* Darò un milione – Camerini 1935 (FILM COMPLETO AL LINK)
* [++] '''Don Bosco''' (1935 Alessandrini), film (it)
1933 Camerini (film).jpg|'''Treno popolare''' (1933 Matarazzo)
1933 Camerini (film).jpg|'''O la borsa o la vita''' (1933 Bragaglia)

==== 1937 ====
1934 Blasetti (film) 2.jpg|'''1860''' (1934 Blasetti)
1934 Blasetti (film).jpg|'''Vecchia guardia''' (1934 Blasetti)
1934 Mattoli (film).jpg|'''Tempo massimo''' (1934 Mattoli)
1934 Pasinetti (film).jpg|'''Il canale degli angeli''' (1934 Pasinetti)

* '''Il Signor Max''' – Camerini 1937
* Sono stato io! – Matarazzo 1937
* Fermo con le mani – Zambuto 1937
* '''Scipio Africanus / Scipione l'africano''' (1937 Gallone), film (it)

==== 1938 ====  
=== (II) 1935-39 ===

* Nonna Felicita – Mattoli 1938
* Ettore Fieramosca – Blasetti 1938 (FILM COMPLETO AL LINK)
1935 Alessandrini (film).jpg|'''Don Bosco''' (1935 Alessandrini)
1935 Camerini (film).jpg|'''Darò un milione''' (1935 Camerini)

* [++] The Life of Giuseppe Verdi / Giuseppe Verdi (1938 Gallone), film (it)
1937 Camerini (film).jpg|'''Il Signor Max''' (1937 Camerini)
1937 Gallone (film).jpg|'''Scipione l'africano''' (1937 Gallone)
1937 Matarazzo (film).jpg|'''Sono stato io!''' (1937 Matarazzo), film]]
1937 Zambuto (film).jpg|'''Fermo con le mani''' (1937 Zambuto), film]]

==== 1939 ====
1938 Blasetti (film).jpg|'''Ettore Fieramosca''' (1938 Blasetti)
1938 Gallone (film).jpg|'''Giuseppe Verdi''' (1938 Gallone)
1938 Mattoli (film).jpg|'''Nonna Felicita''' (1938 Mattoli)

* Mille lire al mese – Neufeld 1939
* Imputato, alzatevi! – Mattoli 1939
1939 Blasetti (film).jpg|'''Un’avventura di Salvator Rosa''' (1939 Blasetti)
* Animali pazzi – C. L. Bragaglia 1939 (FILM COMPLETO AL LINK)
1939 Bragaglia (film).jpg|'''Animali pazzi''' (1939 Bragaglia)
* '''Grandi magazzini / Department Store''' (1939 Camerini)
1939 Calzavara (film).jpg|'''Piccoli naufraghi''' (1939 Calzavara)
* Un’avventura di Salvator Rosa – Blasetti 1939
1939 Camerini (film).jpg|'''I grandi magazzini''' (1939 Camerini)
* + '''The Little Adventurers / Piccoli naufraghi''' (1939 Calzavara), film (it)
1939 Mattoli (film).jpg|'''Imputato, alzatevi!''' (1939 Mattoli)
1939 Neufeld (film).jpg|'''Mille lire al mese''' (1939 Neufeld)  

== 1940s ==
== 1940s ==

==== 1940 ====
=== (I) 1940-44 ===
* Addio giovinezza! – Poggioli 1940
* San Giovanni decollato – Palermi 1940
* La peccatrice – Palermi 1940
* Una romantica avventura – Camerini 1940
* [++] '''Piccolo Alpino''' (1940 Biancoli), film (it)
* [++] '''Melodie eterne''' (1940 Gallone), film (it)
==== 1941 ====
* L’assedio dell’Alcàzar – Genina 1941
* La corona di ferro – Blasetti 1941
* '''Piccolo mondo antico / Old-Fashioned World''' (1941 Soldati), film (it)
* Sissignora – Poggioli 1941
* Teresa Venerdì – V. De Sica 1941
* [++] '''The Betrothed / I promessi sposi''' (1941 Camerini), film (it)
==== 1942 ====
* Alfa Tau! – De Robertis 1942
* '''4 passi fra le nuvole''' – Blasetti 1942
* La cena delle beffe – Blasetti 1942
* Fari nella nebbia – Franciolini 1942
* Malombra – Soldati 1942
* La morte civile – Poggioli 1942
* Stasera niente di nuovo – Mattoli 1942
* Via delle cinque lune – L. Chiarini 1942
* [++] '''Rossini (1942 Bonnard)
==== 1943 ====
* '''Ossessione / Obsession''' (1943 Visconti)]] -- Gino, a drifter, begins an affair with inn-owner Giovanna, and they plan to get rid of her older husband.
* '''The Children Are Watching Us / I bambini ci guardano''' (1943 De Sica), film (it)
* Gelosia – Poggioli 1943
* Giacomo l’idealista – Lattuada 1943
* '''Sorelle Materassi''' – Poggioli 1943
* '''L'ultima carrozzella''' (1943 Ferroni)         
* [++] '''Dagli Appennini alle Ande''' (1943 Calzavara), film (it)
==== 1944 ====
* Zazà – Castellani 1944
==== 1945 ====
* Il cappello da prete – Poggioli 1945
* '''Rome, Open City / Roma città aperta''' (1945 Rossellini), film (it) --During the Nazi occupation of Rome in 1944, the Resistance leader, Giorgio Manfredi, is chased by the Nazis as he seeks refuge and a way to escape.
* '''Down with Misery / Abbasso la miseria!''' (1945 Righelli), film (it)
* [++] The Twentieth Duke / Il ventesimo duca (1945 De Caro), film (it)
==== 1946 ====
* Abbasso la ricchezza! – Righelli 1946
* Roma città libera – Pagliero 1946
* Il bandito – Lattuada 1946
* '''Paisà / Paisan''' (1946 Rossellini) -- American military personnel interact warily with a variety of Italian locals over a year and a half in the push north during the Italian Campaign of WWII as German forces make their retreat.
* Il sole sorge ancora – Vergano 1946
* Il testimone – Germi 1946
* Un giorno nella vita – Blasetti 1946
* '''Shoeshine / Sciuscià''' (1946 De Sica), film (it) -- Two shoeshine boys in postwar Rome, Italy save up to buy a horse, but their involvement as dupes in a burglary lands them in juvenile prison; the experience take a devastating toll on their friendship.
* '''Vivere in pace''' – Zampa 1946
* [++] '''Mio figlio professore''' (1946 Castellani)
==== 1947 ====
* '''L’onorevole Angelina''' (1947 Zampa) (FILM COMPLETO AL LINK)
* Caccia tragica – De Santis 1947
* I miserabili – Freda 1947
* [++] '''Pinocchio''' (1947 Guardone), film (it)
* [++] '''Il cavaliere del sogno / Life of Donizetti''' (1947 Mastrocinque)
==== 1948 ====
* '''Bicycle Thieves / Ladri di biciclette''' (1948 De Sica), film (it) -- In post-war Italy, a working-class man's bicycle is stolen, endangering his efforts to find work. He and his son set out to find it.
* '''L’amore''' – Rossellini 1948
* '''[[Germany Year Zero''' (1948 Rossellini)]] -- A young German boy faces the problems of the tough life in the immediate post-WWII Berlin
* Fifa e arena – Mattoli 1948
* Sotto il sole di Roma – Castellani 1948 (FILM COMPLETO SU PRIME VIDEO)

* '''[[La terra trema''' (1948 Visconti)]] -- In rural Sicily, the fishermen live at the mercy of the greedy wholesalers. One family risks everything to buy their own boat and operate independently.
1940 Biancoli (film).jpg|'''Piccolo Alpino''' <br> (1940 Biancoli)
1940 Camerini (film).jpg|'''Una romantica avventura''' <br> (1940 Camerini)
1940 Gallone (film).jpg|'''Melodie eterne''' <br> (1940 Gallone)
1940 Palermi 1 (film).jpg|'''San Giovanni decollato''' (1940 Palermi)
1940 Palermi 2 (film).jpg|'''La peccatrice''' <br> (1940 Palermi)
1940 Poggioli (film).jpg|'''Addio giovinezza!''' (1940 Poggioli)
1941 Blasetti (film).jpg|'''La corona di ferro''' (1941 Blasetti)
1941 Camerini (film).jpg|'''I promessi sposi''' <br> (1941 Camerini)
1941 De Sica (film).jpg|'''Teresa Venerdì''' <br> (1941 De Sica)
1941 Genina (film).jpg|'''L’assedio dell’Alcàzar''' (1941 Genina)
1941 Poggioli (film).jpg|'''Sissignora''' <br> (1941 Poggioli)
1941 Soldati (film).jpg|'''Piccolo mondo antico''' (1941 Soldati)
1942 Blasetti (film).jpg|'''Quattro passi tra le nuvole''' - (1942 Blasetti)
1942 Blasetti 2 (film).jpg|'''La cena delle beffe''' (1942 Blasetti)
1942 Bonnard (film).jpg|'''Rossini''' <br> (1942 Bonnard)
1942 Chiarini (film).jpg|'''Via delle cinque lune''' (1942 Chiarini)
1942 De Robertis (film).jpg|'''Alfa Tau!''' <br> (1942 De Robertis)
1942 Franciolini (film).jpg|'''Fari nella nebbia''' <br> (1942 Franciolini)
1942 Mattoli (film).jpg|'''Stasera niente di nuovo''' - (1942 Mattoli)
1942 Poggioli (film).jpg|'''La morte civile''' <br> (1942 Poggioli)
1942 Soldati (film).jpg|'''Malombra''' <br> (1942 Soldati)
1943 Calzavara (film).jpg|'''Dagli Appennini alle Ande''' - (1943 Calzavara)
1943 De Sica (film).jpg|'''I bambini ci guardano''' (1943 De Sica)
1943 Lattuada (film).jpg|'''Giacomo l’idealista''' (1943 Lattuada)
1943 Mattoli (film).jpg|'''L'ultima carrozzella''' (1943 Mattoli)         
1943 Poggioli (film).jpg|'''Gelosia''' <br> (1943 Poggioli)
1943 Visconti (film).jpg|'''Ossessione''' <br> (1943 Visconti)
1944 Ferroni (film).jpg|'''Senza famiglia''' <br> (1944 Ferroni)
1944 Poggioli (film).jpg|'''Sorelle Materassi''' <br> (1944 Poggioli)
1944 Castellani (film).jpg|'''Zazà''' <br> (1944 Castellani)

* Anni difficili – Zampa 1948 (FILM COMPLETO SU PRIME VIDEO)
=== (II) 19455-49 ===
1945 De Caro (film).jpg|'''Il ventesimo duca''' (1945 De Caro)
1945 Poggioli (film).jpg|'''Il cappello da prete''' (1945 Poggioli)
1945 Righelli (film).jpg|'''Abbasso la miseria!''' (1945 Righelli)
1945 Rossellini (film).jpg|'''Roma città aperta''' (1945 Rossellini)

* Assunta Spina – Mattoli 1948 (FILM COMPLETO SU PRIME VIDEO)
1946 Blasetti (film).jpg|'''Un giorno nella vita''' (1946 Blasetti)
1946 Castellani (film).jpg|'''Mio figlio professore''' (1946 Castellani)
1946 De Sica (film).jpg|'''Sciuscià''' <br> (1946 De Sica)
1946 Germi (film).jpg|'''Il testimone''' <br> (1946 Germi)
1946 Lattuada (film).jpg|'''Il bandito''' <br> (1946 Lattuada)
1946 Pagliero (film).jpg|'''Roma città libera''' <br> (1946 Pagliero)
1946 Righelli (film).jpg|'''Abbasso la ricchezza!''' (1946 Righelli)
1946 Rossellini (film).jpg|'''Paisà''' <br> (1946 Rossellini)
1946 Vergano (film).jpg|'''Il sole sorge ancora''' (1946 Vergano)

* [++] '''The Wandering Jew / L'ebreo errante''' (1948 Alessandrini), film (it)
* [++] '''Cuore''' (1948 Coletti)
1947 De Santis (film).jpg|'''Caccia tragica''' <br> (1947 De Santis)
* [++] '''Proibito rubare''' (1948 Comencini)
1947 Guardone (film).jpg|'''Pinocchio''' <br> (1947 Guardone)
* [++] '''I miserabili''' (1948 Freda)
1947 Mastrocinque (film).jpg|'''Il cavaliere del sogno''' (1947 Mastrocinque)
* [++] ''"Fuga in Francia''' (1948 Soldati)
1947 Zampa (film) 2.jpg|'''Vivere in pace''' <br> (1947 Zampa)
1947 Zampa (film).jpg|'''L’onorevole Angelina''' (1947 Zampa)

==== 1949 ====
1948 Alessandrini (film).jpg|'''L'ebreo errante''' <br> (1948 Alessandrini)
1948 Castellani (film).jpg|'''Sotto il sole di Roma''' (1948 Castellani)
1948 Coletti - De Sica (film).jpg|'''Cuore''' <br> (1948 Coletti)
1948 Comencini (film).jpg|'''Proibito rubare''' <br> (1948 Comencini)
1948 De Sica (film).jpg|'''Ladri di biciclette''' <br> (1948 De Sica)
1948 Freda (film).jpg|'''I miserabili''' <br> (1948 Freda)
1948 Mattoli 1 (film).jpg|'''Assunta Spina''' <br> (1948 Mattoli)
1948 Mattoli 2 (film).jpg|'''Fifa e arena''' <br> (1948 Mattoli)
1948 Rossellini (film) 2.jpg|'''L’amore''' <br> (1948 Rossellini)
1948 Rossellini (film).jpg|'''Germania anno zero''' (1948 Rossellini)
1948 Soldati (film).jpg|'''Fuga in Francia''' <br> (1948 Soldati)
1948 Visconti (film).jpg|'''La terra trema''' <br> (1948 Visconti)
1948 Zampa (film).jpg|'''Anni difficili''' <br> (1948 Zampa)

* Il conte Ugolino – Freda 1949
* Totò cerca casa – Steno / Monicelli 1949 (FILM COMPLETO AL LINK)
1949 Blasetti (film).jpg|'''Fabiola''' <br> (1949 Blasetti)
* '''Riso amaro''' De Santis 1949 (FILM COMPLETO AL LINK)
1949 Bonnard (film).jpg|'''La città dolente''' <br> (1949 Bonnard)
* '''La città dolente''' – Bonnard 1949
1949 Bragaglia (film).jpg|'''Totò le Mokò''' <br> (1949 Bragaglia)
* '''Cielo sulla palude''' Genina 1949
1949 De Santis (film).jpg|'''Riso amaro''' <br> (1949 De Santis)
* In nome della legge Germi 1949
1949 Freda (film).jpg|'''Il conte Ugolino''' <br> (1949 Freda)
* I pompieri di Viggiù – Mattoli 1949
1949 Genina (film).jpg|'''Cielo sulla palude''' (1949 Genina)
* '''Catene''' Matarazzo 1949
1949 Germi (film).jpg|'''In nome della legge''' (1949 Germi)
* Stromboli, terra di Dio – Rossellini 1949
1949 Matarazzo (film).jpg|'''Catene''' <br> (1949 Matarazzo)
* Fabiola – Blasetti 1949
1949 Mattoli (film).jpg|'''I pompieri di Viggiù''' (1949 Mattoli)
* Totò le Mokò – C. L. Bragaglia 1949 (FILM COMPLETO AL LINK)
1949 Steno (film).jpg|'''Totò cerca casa''' <br> (1949 Steno)

== 1950s ==
== 1950s ==
Line 298: Line 277:
==== 1951 ====
==== 1951 ====

* '''[[Bellissima (1951 Visconti)]]''' -- A woman from the lower class desperately tries to get her daughter into the movies.
* [[Bellissima (1951 Visconti), film]] -- A woman from the lower class desperately tries to get her daughter into the movies.

* '''Miracle in Milan / Miracolo a Milano''' (1951 De Sica), film (it) -- An open-hearted, unrelentingly energetic orphan struggles to make the best of his life on the streets of Milan.
* [[Miracolo a Milano (1951 De Sica), film]] -- An open-hearted, unrelentingly energetic orphan struggles to make the best of his life on the streets of Milan.

* La famiglia Passaguai Fabrizi 1951
* [[La famiglia Passaguai Fabrizi 1951

* '''[[Cops and Robbers (1951 Monicelli)]]''' -- Esposito is a thief who cons tourists in Rome. Officer Bottoni manages to catch him and starts persecuting him. When Esposito manages to flee, Bottoni's superiors inform him that he'll lose his job if he can't catch Esposito.
* [[Cops and Robbers (1951 Monicelli)]]''' -- Esposito is a thief who cons tourists in Rome. Officer Bottoni manages to catch him and starts persecuting him. When Esposito manages to flee, Bottoni's superiors inform him that he'll lose his job if he can't catch Esposito.

* Anna Lattuada 1951
* Anna Lattuada 1951
Line 315: Line 294:

* [++] '''Don Camillo'''  
* [++] '''Don Camillo'''  
* [++] '''The Angels of the Neighbourhood / Gli angeli del quartiere (1952 Borghesio), film (it)
* [++] [[Gli angeli del quartiere (1952 Borghesio), film]]

==== 1952 ====
==== 1952 ====
Line 333: Line 312:

* Amore in città AAVV 1953
* Amore in città AAVV 1953
* I vitelloni Fellini 1953
* La signora senza camelie Antonioni 1953
* La signora senza camelie Antonioni 1953
* '''Pane, amore e fantasia L. Comencini 1953
* '''Pane, amore e fantasia L. Comencini 1953
Line 343: Line 321:
* Napoletani a Milano E. De Filippo 1953
* Napoletani a Milano E. De Filippo 1953

* '''I Vitelloni (1953 Visconti) -- A character study of five young men at crucial turning points in their lives in a small town in Italy.
* [[I Vitelloni (1953 Visconti) -- A character study of five young men at crucial turning points in their lives in a small town in Italy.
* [++] '''Una di quelle (1953 Fabrizi)
* [++] [[Una di quelle (1953 Fabrizi)
* [++] '''Puccini (1953 Gallone)
* [++] [[Puccini (1953 Gallone)

==== 1954 ====
==== 1954 ====

* @ '''Journey to Italy (1954 Rossellini) -- An unhappily married couple attempts to find direction and insight while vacationing in Naples.
* @ [[Viaggio in Italia (1954 Rossellini), film]] -- An unhappily married couple attempts to find direction and insight while vacationing in Naples.
* La paura Rossellini 1954
* [[La paura (1954 Rossellini), film]]
* @ '''Senso Visconti 1954
* @ [[Senso (1954 Visconti), film]]
* @ '''An American in Rome / Un americano a Roma (1954 Steno), film (it)
* @ [[Un americano a Roma (1954 Steno), film]]
* @ '''La strada (1954 Fellini) -- A care-free girl is sold to a traveling entertainer, consequently enduring physical and emotional pain along the way.
* @ [[La strada (1954 Fellini), film]] -- A care-free girl is sold to a traveling entertainer, consequently enduring physical and emotional pain along the way.
* @ Miseria e nobiltà Mattoli 1954
* @ [[Miseria e nobiltà (1954 Mattoli), film]]
* @ La spiaggia Lattuada 1954
* @ [[La spiaggia (1954 Lattuada), film]]
* @ Pane, amore e gelosia L. Comencini 1954
* @ [[Pane, amore e gelosia (1954 Comencini), film]]
* @ '''L’oro di Napoli V. De Sica 1954
* @ [[L’oro di Napoli (1954 De Sica), film]]
* @ Cronache di poveri amanti Lizzani 1954
* @ [[Cronache di poveri amanti (1954 Lizzani), film]]
* @ La donna del fiume Soldati 1954
* @ [[La donna del fiume (1954 Soldati), film]]
* @ Carosello napoletano Giannini 1954
* @ [[Carosello napoletano (1954 Giannini), film]]
* @ Peccato che sia una canaglia Blasetti 1954
* @ [[Peccato che sia una canaglia (1954 Blasetti), film]]

* [++] '''Casa Ricordi (1954 Gallone)
* [++] [[Casa Ricordi (1954 Gallone), film]]
* [++] '''Scuola elementare (1954 Lattuada)
* [++] [[Scuola elementare (1954 Lattuada), film]]
* [++] '''Ho ritrovato mio figlio (1954 Piccon)
* [++] [[Ho ritrovato mio figlio (1954 Piccon), film]]

==== 1955 ====
==== 1955 ====
Line 381: Line 359:
* @ [[Siamo uomini o caporali? (1955 Mastrocinque), film]]
* @ [[Siamo uomini o caporali? (1955 Mastrocinque), film]]

* [++] [[Bravissimo (1955 D'Amico), film]]
* [++] [[Bravissimo (1955 D'Amico), film]] <YouTube>
* [++] [[Il bidone (1955 Fellini), film]]
* [++] [[Il bidone (1955 Fellini), film]]
* [++] [[Piccole donne (1955 Majano), TV miniseries]]
* [++] [[Piccole donne (1955 Majano), TV miniseries]]
Line 388: Line 366:
==== 1956 ====
==== 1956 ====

* @@ '''Il ferroviere / The Railroad Man (1956 Germi) -- The railroad engineer Andrea Marcocci has been working with his partner and friend Gigi Liverani for thirty years and feels happy and proud of his work.
* @@ [[Il ferroviere (1956 Germi), film]] -- The railroad engineer Andrea Marcocci has been working with his partner and friend Gigi Liverani for thirty years and feels happy and proud of his work.

* @ Totò, Peppino e la malafemmina Mastrocinque 1956
* @ [[Totò, Peppino e la malafemmina (1956 Mastrocinque), film]]

* @ '''La banda degli onesti Mastrocinque 1956
* @ [[La banda degli onesti (1956 Mastrocinque), film]]

* + '''Mio figlio Nerone (1956 Steno)
* + [[Mio figlio Nerone (1956 Steno), film]]

==== 1957 ====
==== 1957 ====

* @ Il grido Antonioni 1957
* @ [[Il grido (1957 Antonioni), film]]

* @@ '''Le notti di Cabiria / Nights of Cabiria (1957 Fellini) -- A waifish prostitute wanders the streets of Rome looking for true love but finds only heartbreak.
* @@ [[Le notti di Cabiria (1957 Fellini), film]] -- A waifish prostitute wanders the streets of Rome looking for true love but finds only heartbreak.

* @ [[White Nights (1957 Visconti)]] -- A humble clerk courts a woman who awaits her lover's return night after night.
* @ [[White Nights (1957 Visconti), film]] -- A humble clerk courts a woman who awaits her lover's return night after night.

* @ '''Il conte Max Bianchi 1957
* @ [[Il conte Max (1957 Bianchi), film]]

* @ Poveri ma belli D. Risi 1957
* @ [[Poveri ma belli (1957 Risi), film]]

* @ I vampiri Freda 1957
* @ [[I vampiri (1957 Freda), film]]

* < '''The Man Who Wagged His Tail / Un angelo è sceso a Brooklyn (1957 Vajda), film (it) >
* < '''The Man Who Wagged His Tail / Un angelo è sceso a Brooklyn (1957 Vajda), film (it) >

* + '''La finestra sul Luna Park (1957 Comencini)
* + [[La finestra sul Luna Park (1957 Comencini), film]]
* + '''Orgoglio e pregiudizio (1957 D'Anza)
* + [[Orgoglio e pregiudizio (1957 D'Anza), film]]
* + '''Il maestro (1957 Fabrizi)  
* + [[Il maestro (1957 Fabrizi), film]]

==== 1958 ====
==== 1958 ====
Line 430: Line 408:
==== 1959 ====
==== 1959 ====

* @@ '''La grande guerra Monicelli 1959
* @@ [[La grande guerra (1959 Monicelli), film]]

* @ I magliari Rosi 1959
* @ [[I magliari (1959 Rosi), film]]

* @ Estate violenta Zurlini 1959
* @ [[Estate violenta (1959 Zurlini), film]]

* @ '''Un maledetto imbroglio Germi 1959
* @ [[Un maledetto imbroglio (1959 Germi), film]]

* @ Il tempo si è fermato Olmi 1959
* @ [[Il tempo si è fermato (1959 Olmi), film]]

* @ '''Il vedovo D. Risi 1959
* @ [[Il vedovo (1959 Risi), film]]

* @@ '''[[General Della Rovere (1959 Rossellini)]] -- Bardone, a petty con man, is arrested by the Gestapo and coerced into impersonating a partisan leader in order to expose another resistance organizer.
* @@ [[General Della Rovere (1959 Rossellini), film]] -- Bardone, a petty con man, is arrested by the Gestapo and coerced into impersonating a partisan leader in order to expose another resistance organizer.

* @ Arrangiatevi! Bolognini 1959
* @ [[Arrangiatevi! (1959 Bolognini), film]]

* + '''I tartassati (1959 Steno)
* + [[I tartassati (1959 Steno), film]]
* + '''Erode il grande (1959 Tourjansky)
* + [[Erode il grande (1959 Tourjansky), film]]

== 1960s ==
== 1960s ==
Line 453: Line 431:
==== 1960 ====
==== 1960 ====

* La dolce vita (1960 Fellini) -- A series of stories following a week in the life of a philandering tabloid journalist living in Rome.  
* [[La dolce vita (1960 Fellini), film]] -- A series of stories following a week in the life of a philandering tabloid journalist living in Rome.
* [[L'Avventura (1960 Antonioni), film]] -- A woman disappears during a Mediterranean boating trip. During the search, her lover and her best friend become attracted to each other.

* L'Avventura (1960 Antonioni) -- A woman disappears during a Mediterranean boating trip. During the search, her lover and her best friend become attracted to each other.
* [[Rocco and His Brothers (1960 Visconti), film]] -- Having recently been uprooted to Milan, Rocco and his four brothers each look for a new way in life when a prostitute comes between Rocco and his brother Simone.

* Rocco and His Brothers (19690 Visconti)]] -- Having recently been uprooted to Milan, Rocco and his four brothers each look for a new way in life when a prostitute comes between Rocco and his brother Simone.
* [[Tutti a casa (1960 Comencini), film]]
* [[La ciociara (1960 De Sica), film]] -- In WWII Italy, a widow and her lonely daughter seek distance between themselves and the horrors of war.
* [[La ragazza con la valigia (1960 Zurlini), film]]
* [[La maschera del demonio (1960 Bava), film]]

* Tutti a casa L. Comencini 1960
* [++] [[Il piccolo lord (1960 Brignole), miniseries), film]]
* Two Women / La ciociara (1960 De Sica), film (it) -- In WWII Italy, a widow and her lonely daughter seek distance between themselves and the horrors of war.
* La ragazza con la valigia Zurlini 1960
* La maschera del demonio M. Bava 1960

* [++] Little Lord Fauntleroy / Il piccolo lord (1960 Brignole), miniseries (it)
* [[Il bell’Antonio (1960 Bolognini), film]]
* [[La lunga notte del ’43 (1960 Vancini), film]]
* [[Risate di gioia (1960 Monicelli), film]]
* [[Il vigile (1960 Zampa), film]]
* [[Adua e le compagne (1960 Pietrangeli), film]]
* [[Kapò (1960 Pontecorvo), film]]

* Il bell’Antonio Bolognini 1960
* La lunga notte del ’43 Vancini 1960
* Risate di gioia Monicelli 1960
* Il vigile Zampa 1960
* Adua e le compagne Pietrangeli 1960
* Kapò Pontecorvo 1960
==== 1961 ====
==== 1961 ====

* '''La notte''' (1961 Antonioni) -- A day in the life of an unfaithful married couple and their steadily deteriorating relationship.
* [[La notte (1961 Antonioni), film]] -- A day in the life of an unfaithful married couple and their steadily deteriorating relationship.

* Una vita difficile D. Risi 1961
* [[Una vita difficile (1961 Risi), film]]

* '''Divorzio all'italiana''' (Germi, 1961) -- A married Sicilian baron falls in love with his cousin and vows to wed her, but with divorce illegal he must concoct a crime of passion to do away with his wife.
* [[Divorzio all'italiana (Germi, 1961), film]] -- A married Sicilian baron falls in love with his cousin and vows to wed her, but with divorce illegal he must concoct a crime of passion to do away with his wife.

* [[Il posto (1961 Olmi)]] -- Bursting with big dreams and plans, an Italian teen goes to Milan to work in a big impersonal corporate office, where he becomes disillusioned and drained of all his individualism.
* [[Il posto (1961 Olmi), film]] -- Bursting with big dreams and plans, an Italian teen goes to Milan to work in a big impersonal corporate office, where he becomes disillusioned and drained of all his individualism.

* Accattone (1961 Pasolini) -- A pimp with no other means to provide for himself finds his life spiraling out of control when his prostitute is sent to prison.
* [[Accattone (1961 Pasolini), film]] -- A pimp with no other means to provide for himself finds his life spiraling out of control when his prostitute is sent to prison.

* [++] Il federale Salce 1961
* [++] [[Il federale (1961 Salce), film]]

* [++] '''Il giudizio universale (1961 De Sica)
* [++] [[Il giudizio universale (1961 De Sica), film]]

==== 1962 ====
==== 1962 ====

* Il sorpasso / He easy Life (1962 (Risi) -- An impulsive braggart takes a shy law student with him for a two-day road trip from Rome to Tuscany.
* [[Il sorpasso (1962 Risi), film]] -- An impulsive braggart takes a shy law student with him for a two-day road trip from Rome to Tuscany.

* Mamma Rosa (1962 Pasolini) -- An ex-prostitute reunites with her son, but an extortion scheme threatens her aspirations for a decent life.
* [[Mamma Rosa (1962 Pasolini), film]] -- An ex-prostitute reunites with her son, but an extortion scheme threatens her aspirations for a decent life.

* L'Eclisse (1962 Antonioni) -- A young woman meets a vital young man, but their love affair is doomed because of the man's materialistic nature.
* [[L'Eclisse (1962 Antonioni), film]] -- A young woman meets a vital young man, but their love affair is doomed because of the man's materialistic nature.

* Salvatore Giuliano (1962 Rosi) -- The unclear and complicated twists between governal powers, independentist party and Mafia in the Sicily of the '40s culminate with the death of Salvatore Giuliano.
* [[Salvatore Giuliano (1962 Rosi), film]] -- The unclear and complicated twists between governal powers, independentist party and Mafia in the Sicily of the '40s culminate with the death of Salvatore Giuliano.

* [[Mafioso (1962 Lattuada)]] -- When a good-natured factory supervisor living in Milan with his Northern wife returns to his native Sicily, a decades'-old oath forces him to fulfill a nightmarish obligation.
* [[Mafioso (1962 Lattuada), film]]]] -- When a good-natured factory supervisor living in Milan with his Northern wife returns to his native Sicily, a decades'-old oath forces him to fulfill a nightmarish obligation.

* [++] Agostino (1962 Bolognini), film (it)
* [++] [[Agostino (1962 Bolognini), film]]

* [++] La marcia su Roma D. Risi 1962
* [++] [[La marcia su Roma (1962 Risi), film]]
* [++] I giorni contati Petri 1962
* [++] [[I giorni contati (1962 Petri), film]]

==== 1963 ====
==== 1963 ====

* 8% (1963 Fellini) -- A harried movie director retreats into his memories and fantasies.
* [[8% (1963 Fellini), film]] -- A harried movie director retreats into his memories and fantasies.

* Il gattopardo / The Leopard (1963 Visconti) -- The Prince of Salina, a noble aristocrat of impeccable integrity, tries to preserve his family and class amid the tumultuous social upheavals of 1860s Sicily.
* [[Il gattopardo (1963 Visconti), film]] -- The Prince of Salina, a noble aristocrat of impeccable integrity, tries to preserve his family and class amid the tumultuous social upheavals of 1860s Sicily.

* Ieri oggi domani V. De Sica 1963
* [[Ieri oggi domani (1963 De Sica), film]]
* Le mani sulla città F. Rosi 1963
* [[Le mani sulla città (1963 Rosi), film]]

* [++] I compagni Monicelli 1963
* [++] [[I compagni (1963 Monicelli), film]]
* [++] Una storia moderna (L’ape regina) Ferreri 1963
* [++] [[Una storia moderna (L’ape regina) (1963 Ferreri), film]]
* [++] I mostri D. Risi 1963
* [++] [[I mostri (1963 Risi), film]]

==== 1964 ====
==== 1964 ====

* Seduced and Abandoned (1964 Germi) -- A desperate Sicilian man, whose 15-year-old daughter was seduced and impregnated by his older daughter's fiancé, tries to find a way to save the family's honor.
* [[Sedotta e abbandonata (1964 Germi), film]] -- A desperate Sicilian man, whose 15-year-old daughter was seduced and impregnated by his older daughter's fiancé, tries to find a way to save the family's honor.

* A Fistful of Dollars (1964 Leone) -- A wandering gunfighter plays two rival families against each other in a town torn apart by greed, pride, and revenge.
* A Fistful of Dollars (1964 Leone), film]] -- A wandering gunfighter plays two rival families against each other in a town torn apart by greed, pride, and revenge.

* Deserto Rosso / Red Desert (1964 Antonioni) -- In an industrial area, unstable Giuliana attempts to cope with life by starting an affair with a co-worker at the plant her husband manages.
* [[Deserto Rosso (1964 Antonioni), film]] -- In an industrial area, unstable Giuliana attempts to cope with life by starting an affair with a co-worker at the plant her husband manages.

* Marriage Italian Style (1964 De Sica) -- Wealthy businessman Domenico and penniless prostitute Filumena share a large part of their lives in post-WWII Italy.
* Marriage Italian Style (1964 De Sica), film]] -- Wealthy businessman Domenico and penniless prostitute Filumena share a large part of their lives in post-WWII Italy.

* The Gospel According to St. Matthew (1964 Pasolini) -- The life of Jesus Christ according to the Gospel of Matthew. Film shows Christ as a Marxist avant-la-lettre and therefore uses half of the text of Matthew.
* The Gospel According to St. Matthew (1964 Pasolini), film]] -- The life of Jesus Christ according to the Gospel of Matthew. Film shows Christ as a Marxist avant-la-lettre and therefore uses half of the text of Matthew.

* Prima della rivoluzione B. Bertolucci 1964
* [[Prima della rivoluzione (1964 Bertolucci), film]]

* [++] The Citadel / La cittadella (1964 Majano), miniseries (it)
* [++] [[La cittadella (1964 Majano), miniseries (it)

* [++] 6 donne per l’assassino M. Bava 1964
* [++] [[6 donne per l’assassino M. Bava), film]]
* [++] La donna scimmia Ferreri 1964
* [++] [[La donna scimmia Ferreri), film]]

==== 1965 ====
==== 1965 ====

I pugni in tasca Bellocchio 1965
* [[I pugni in tasca (1964 Bellocchio), film]]
Per qualche dollaro in più Leone 1965
* [[Per qualche dollaro in più (1964 Leone), film]]
Io la conoscevo bene Pietrangeli 1965
* [[Io la conoscevo bene (1964 Pietrangeli), film]]
Signore & signori Germi 1965
* [[Signore & signori (1964 Germi), film]]
Giulietta degli spiriti Fellini 1965
* [[Giulietta degli spiriti (1964 Fellini), film]]

* [++] David Copperfield (1965 Majano), miniseries (it)
* [++] [[David Copperfield (1965 Majano), miniseries]]
* [++] La decima vittima Petri 1965
* [++] [[La decima vittima Petri), film]]

==== 1966 ====
==== 1966 ====

* L’armata Brancaleone Monicelli 1966
* [[L’armata Brancaleone (1966 Monicelli), film]]
* The Battle of Algiers / La battaglia di Algeri (1966 Pontecorvo), film (it) -- In the 1950s, fear and violence escalate as the people of Algiers fight for independence from the French government.
* [[La battaglia di Algeri (1966 Pontecorvo), film]] -- In the 1950s, fear and violence escalate as the people of Algiers fight for independence from the French government.
* '''Blow-up''' (Antonioni, 1966) -- A fashion photographer unknowingly captures a death on film after following two lovers in a park.
* [[Blow-up (1966 Antonioni), film]] -- A fashion photographer unknowingly captures a death on film after following two lovers in a park.
* Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo Leone 1966
* [[Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo (1966 Leone), film]]
* Uccellacci e uccellini Pasolini 1966
* [[Uccellacci e uccellini (1966 Pasolini), film]]

* [++] Misunderstood / Incompreso (1966 Comencini), film (it)
* [++] [[Incompreso (1966 Comencini), film]]
* [++] Django Corbucci 1966
* [++] [[Django (1966 Corbucci), film]]

==== 1967 ====
==== 1967 ====

* [++] The Betrothed / I promessi sposi (1967 Bolchi), miniseries (it)
* [++] [[I promessi sposi (1967 Bolchi), miniseries]]
* [++] Il grande silenzio S. Corbucci 1967
* [++] [[Il grande silenzio (1967 Corbucci), film]]

==== 1968 ====
==== 1968 ====

* C’era una volta il West Leone 1968
* [[C’era una volta il West (1968 Leone), film]]
* Romeo e Giulietta Zeffirelli 1968
* [[Romeo e Giulietta (1968 Zeffirelli), film]]

* [++] '''Teorema''' (Pier Paolo Pasolini, 1968) [??]  
* [++] [[Teorema (1968 Pasolini), film]]  
* [++] Nostra signora dei turchi Bene 1968
* [++] [[Nostra signora dei turchi (1968 Bene), film]]
* [++] La ragazza con la pistola Monicelli 1968
* [++] [[La ragazza con la pistola (1968 Monicelli), film]]

==== 1969 ====
==== 1969 ====

* Dillinger è morto Ferreri 1969
* [[Dillinger è morto (1969 Ferreri), film]]

* [++] '''Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto''' (Elio Petri, 1969)
* [++] [[Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto (1969 Petri), film]]
* [++] Fellini Satyricon Fellini 1969
* [++] [[Fellini Satyricon (1969 Fellini), film]]

== 1970s ==
== 1970s ==
Line 586: Line 563:
==== 1970 ====
==== 1970 ====

* '''Il conformista''' (Bernardo Bertolucci, 1970) -- A weak-willed Italian man becomes a fascist flunky who goes abroad to arrange the assassination of his old teacher, now a political dissident.
* + [[Lo chiamavano Trinità (1970 Barboni), film]]
* [[Il conformista (1970 Bertolucci), film]] -- A weak-willed Italian man becomes a fascist flunky who goes abroad to arrange the assassination of his old teacher, now a political dissident.
* + [[Metello (1970 Bolognini), film]]
* + [[Lisa dagli occhi blu (1970 Corbucci), film]]
* + [[Mezzanotte d'amore (1970 Fizzarotti), film]]
* [[Il giardino dei Finzi Contini (1970 De Sica), film]] -- The story of the Finzi-Continis, a noble family of Ferrara, during the Jewish persecution in Italy's 1930s.
* + [[Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto (1970 Petri), film]]

* The Garden of the Finzi-Continis / Il giardino dei Finzi Contini (1970 De Sica), film (it) -- The story of the Finzi-Continis, a noble family of Ferrara, during the Jewish persecution in Italy's 1930s.
* + [[Uomini contro (1970 Rosi), film]]

==== 1971 ====
==== 1971 ====

* The Adventures of Pinocchio / Un burattino di nome Pinocchio (1971 Cenci), film animation (it)
* [[Nel nome del Padre (1971 Bellocchio), film]]
* [[La vita di Leonardo Da Vinci (1971 Castellani), miniseries]]
* [[Un burattino di nome Pinocchio (1971 Cenci), film]]
* [[Addio zio Tom (1971 Jacopetti & Prosperi), film]]
* [[Per grazia ricevuta (1971 Manfredi), film]]
* [[Il Decameron (1971 Pasolini), film]]
* [[Morte a Venezia (1971 Visconti), film]]

==== 1972 ====
==== 1972 ====

* Salome (1972 Bene), film (it)
* [[Salome (1972 Bene), film]]
* [[Le avventure di Pinocchio (1972 Comencini), miniseries]]

* The Adventures of Pinocchio / Le avventure di Pinocchio (1972 Comencini), miniseries (it)
* [[Lo scopone scientifico (1972 Comencini), film]]

==== 1973 ====
==== 1973 ====

* '''Una breve vacanza''' (1973 De Sica)  
* [[Una breve vacanza (1973 De Sica), film]]

* I remember / Amarcord (1973 Fellini), film (it) -- A series of comedic and nostalgic vignettes set in a 1930s Italian coastal town.
* [[Amarcord (1973 Fellini), film]]

==== 1974 ====
==== 1974 ====

* Abbasso tutti, viva noi (1974 Mangini), film (it)
* [[Abbasso tutti, viva noi (1974 Mangini), film]]

* La bellissima estate (1974 Martino), film (it)
* [[La bellissima estate (1974 Martino), film]]

==== 1975 ====
==== 1975 ====

* Deep Red / Profondo Rosso (1975 Argento), film (it) -- A jazz pianist and a wisecracking journalist are pulled into a complex web of mystery after the former witnesses the brutal murder of a psychic.
* [[Profondo Rosso (1975 Argento), film]]
* [[Bianchi cavalli d'agosto (1975 Del Balzo), film]]
* [[Amici miei (1975 Monicelli), film]]
* [[Il Messia (1975 Rossellini), film]]

* White Horses of Summer / Bianchi cavalli d'agosto (1975 Del Balzo), film (it)
* [[Fantozzi (1975 Salce), film]]

* '''Fantozzi''' (Luciano Salce, 1975) -- A good-natured but unlucky Italian is constantly getting into difficult situations, but never loses his positive mood.
* [[Un prete scomodo (1975 Tosini), film]]

==== 1976 ====
==== 1976 ====

* '''Novecento''' (Bernardo Bertolucci, 1976)
* [[Novecento (1976 Bertolucci), film]]

==== 1977 ====
==== 1977 ====

* '''Suspiria'' (Dario Argento, 1977) -- An American newcomer to a prestigious German ballet academy comes to realize that the school is a front for something sinister amid a series of grisly murders.
* [[Suspiria (1977 Argento), film]]
* [[In nome del papa re (1977 Magni), film]]
* [[Un borghese piccolo piccolo (1977 Monicelli), film]]

* Una giornata particolare (1977 Scola) -- Two neighbors, a persecuted journalist and a resigned housewife, meet during Hitler's visit to Italy in May 1938.
* [[Una giornata particolare (1977 Scola), film]]

* Padre Padrone (1977 Taviani) -- The son of a shepherd embarks in the quest of emancipating himself from a tough lifestyle that his condition and his father force on him.
* [[Padre Padrone (1977 Taviani), film]]

==== 1978 ====
==== 1978 ====

* The Tree of Wooden Clogs / L'albero degli zoccoli (1978 Olmi), film (it) -- Peasant life in a feudal farm in rural Italy at the end of the 19th century.
* [[Ecce bombo (1978 Moretti), film]]
* [[L'albero degli zoccoli (1978 Olmi), film]]
==== 1979 ====
* [[Dimenticare Venezia (1979 Brusati), film]]
* [[Don Giovanni (1979 Losey), film]]
* [[Cristo si è fermato a Eboli (1979 Rosi), film]]

== 1980s ==
== 1980s ==

* Il marchese del Grillo (1981 Monicelli) --A mischievous nobleman and his poor doppelganger get into serious troubles when a practical joke endangers the Pope.
* [[Il marchese del Grillo (1981 Monicelli), film]]
* [[C'era una volta in America (1984 Leone), film]]
* [[Kaos (1984 Taviani), film]] -- Five stories by Luigi Pirandello set in turn-of-the-century Italy.

* Once Upon a Time in America (1984 Leone) -- A former Prohibition-era Jewish gangster returns to the Lower East Side of Manhattan 35 years later, where he must once again confront the ghosts and regrets of his old life.
* [[L'ultimo imperatore (1987 Bertolucci), film]]

* Kaos (1984 Taviani) -- Five stories by Luigi Pirandello set in turn-of-the-century Italy.
* [[Cinema Paradiso (1988 Tornatore), film]]

* The Last Emperor (1987 Bertolucci) -- Bernardo Bertolucci's Oscar-winning dramatization of China's eleventh and final monarch of the Qing dynasty: Emperor Puyi.
* [[Scugnizzi (1989 Loy), film]]

* Cinema Paradiso (1988 Tornatore) -- Salvatore, a famous film director, returns to his hometown for the funeral of the local theater's film projectionist, Alfredo. He reminisces about his life as a young boy falling in love with cinema.
* [[Palombella rossa (1989 Moretti), film]]

== 1990s ==
== 1990s ==

* The Stolen Children (1992 Amelio) -- Antonio, a policeman (carabiniere), has an order to take two children (Rosetta and her brother Luciano) from Milan to Sicily to an orphanage.
==== 1990 ====
* [[La voce della luna (1990 Fellini), film]]
==== 1991 ====
* [[Mediterraneo (1991 Salvatores), film]]
==== 1992 ====
* [[Il ladro di bambini (1992 Amelio), film]] 
* [[La corsa dell'innocente (1992 Carlei), film]] 
* [[La discesa di Aclà a Floristella (1992 Grimaldi), film]]
* [[Io speriamo che me la cavo (1992 Wertmuller), film]]
==== 1993 ====
* [[Caro diario (1993 Moretti), film]]
==== 1994 ====
* [[Il piccolo Lord (1994 Albano), film]]
* [[Lamerica (1994 Amelio), film]]
* [[Il mostro (1994 Benigni), film]]
* [[Il postino (1994 Radford), film]]
==== 1996 ====
* [[Pianese Nunzio, 14 anni a maggio (1996 Capuano), film]]
==== 1997 ====

* Caro diario (1993 Moretti), film (it)
* [[Ardena (1997 Barbareschi), film]]

* Il piccolo Lord / Der kleine Lord (1994 Albano), film (it)
* [[La vita è bella (1997 Benigni), film]]

* Lamerica (1994 Amelio) -- Immediately after the fall of communism in Albania, two Italians go there to embezzle investment money by creating a fake company.
==== 1998 ====

* The Postman (1994 Troisi) -- A simple Italian postman learns to love poetry while delivering mail to a famous poet, and then uses this to woo local beauty Beatrice.
* [[Aprile (1998 Moretti), film]]

* Ardena (1997 Barbareschi), film (it)
==== 1999 ====

* Life Is Beautiful (1997 Benigni) -- When an open-minded Jewish waiter and his son become victims of the Holocaust, he uses a perfect mixture of will, humor and imagination to protect his son from the dangers around their camp.
* [[Un tè con Mussolini (1999 Zeffirelli), film]]

== 2000s ==
== 2000s ==

* The Son's Room (2001 Moretti) -- A psychoanalyst and his family go through profound emotional trauma when their son dies in a scuba-diving accident.
==== 2000 ====
* [[I cento passi (2000 Giordana), film]]
* [[Malena (2000 Tornatore), film]]
==== 2001 ====
* [[A.A.A.Achille (2001 Albanese), film]]
* [[La stanza del figlio (2001 Moretti), film]] -- A psychoanalyst and his family go through profound emotional trauma when their son dies in a scuba-diving accident.
* [[Le fate ignoranti (2001 Ozpetek), film]]
* [[Concorrenza sleale (2001 Scola), film]]
* [[Cuore (2001 Zaccaro), miniseries]]
==== 2002 ====
* [[Pinocchio (2002 Benigni), film]]
==== 2003 ====
* [[La meglio gioventù (2003 Giordana), film]] -- An Italian epic that follows the lives of two brothers from the 1960s to the 2000s.
* [[La finestra di fronte (2003 Ozpetek), film]]
* [[Io non ho paura (2003 Salvatores), film]] -- A young boy accidentally discovers a deep hole in the ground, where another boy is kept prisoner.
==== 2004 ====

* Pinocchio (2002 Benigni), film (it)
* [[Certi bambini (2004 Frazzi), film]]

* La meglio gioventù / The Best of Youth (2003 Giordana) -- An Italian epic that follows the lives of two brothers from the 1960s to the 2000s.
==== 2005 ====

* Facing Windows / La finestra di fronte (2003 Ozpetek), film (it)
* [[La guerra di Mario (2005 Capuano), film]]

* I'm Not Scared / Io non ho paura (2003 Salvatores), film (it) -- A young boy accidentally discovers a deep hole in the ground, where another boy is kept prisoner.
==== 2006 ====

* A Children's Story / Certi bambini (2004 Frazzi), film (it)
* [[Anche libero va bene (2006 Rossi Stuart), film]]

* Mario's War / La guerra di Mario (2006 Capuano), film (it)
==== 2007 ====
* Along the Ridge / Anche libero va bene (2006 Rossi Stuart), film (it)

* Hotel Meina (2007 Lizzani), film (it)
* [[Hotel Meina (2007 Lizzani), film]]

* Gomorrah / Gomorra (2008 Garrone), film (it) -- Scampia Vele is the Corbusian architecture which has become a stronghold for Mafia of Naples, Italy.
==== 2008 ====

* ''Pranzo di Ferragosto'' (Gianni Di Gregorio, 2008) [??]
* [[Gomorra (2008 Garrone), film]] -- Scampia Vele is the Corbusian architecture which has become a stronghold for Mafia of Naples, Italy.

* ''Il Divo'' (Paolo Sorrentino, 2008) -- The story of Italian politician Giulio Andreotti, who has served as Prime Minister of Italy seven times since the restoration of democracy in 1946.
* [[Pranzo di Ferragosto (2008 Di Gregorio), film]]

* Pinocchio (2009 Sironi), miniseries (it)
* [[Il Divo (2008 Sorrentino), film]] -- The story of Italian politician Giulio Andreotti, who has served as Prime Minister of Italy seven times since the restoration of democracy in 1946.

== 2010s ==
==== 2009 ====

* Loose Cannons / Mine vaganti (2010 Ozpetek), film (it)
* + [[Vincere (2009 Bellocchio), film]]

* We Have a Pope / Habemus Papam (2011 Moretti), film (it)
* [[Pinocchio (2009 Sironi), miniseries]]

* Pinocchio (2012 D'Alo), film animation (it)
== 2010s ==

* The Great Beauty / La grande bellezza (2013 Sorrentino), film (it) -- Jep Gambardella has seduced his way through the lavish nightlife of Rome for decades, but after his 65th birthday and a shock from the past, Jep looks past the nightclubs and parties to find a timeless landscape of absurd, exquisite beauty.
=== (I) 2010-14 ===
2010 Chiesa (film).jpg|'''Io sono con te''' (2010 Chiesa)
2010 Di Rosa (TV film).jpg|'''Filumena Marturano''' (2010 Di Rosa)
2010 Negrin (film).jpg|'''Mi Ricordo Anna Frank''' (2010 Negrin)
2010 Ozpetek (film).jpg|'''Mine vaganti''' (2010 Ozpetek)
2010 Zaccaro (TV miniseries).jpg|'''Le ragazze dello swing''' (TV 2010 Zaccaro)

* Leopardi / Il giovane favoloso (2014 Martone), film (it)
2011 Moretti (film).jpg|'''Habemus Papam''' <br> (2011 Moretti)

* ''Suburra'' (Stefano Sollima, 2015)
* ''Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot'' (Gabriele Mainetti, 2015)
2012 Bianchini (film).jpg|'''Il sole dentro''' <br> (2012 Bianchini)
* ''Perfetti sconosciuti'' (Paolo Genovese, 2016)
2012 D'Alo (film).jpg|'''Pinocchio''' <br> (2012 D'Alo)
2012 Taviani (film).jpg|'''Cesare deve morire''' <br> (2012 Taviani)

* Call Me by Your Name / Chiamami col tuo nome (2017 Guadagnino), film (it) -- It's the summer of 1983, and 17-year-old Elio is spending the days with his family at their villa in Lombardy, Italy. He soon meets Oliver, who's working as an intern for Elio's father. They discover the heady beauty of awakening desire.
2013 Gabbai (doc).jpg|'''Il viaggio più lungo, gli ebrei di Rodi''' <br> (2013 Gabbai) <doc>
2013 Sorrentino (film).jpg|'''La grande bellezza''' <br> (2013 Sorrentino)

* ''Dogman'' (Matteo Garrone, 2018) -- A timid dog groomer living in a poor suburb sells cocaine on the side and stays out of trouble, while trying to deal with his unstable, violent acquaintance who is a menace to the whole neighborhood.
2014 Martone (film).jpg|'''Il giovane favoloso''' <br> (2014 Martone)
2014 Munzi (film).jpg|'''Anime nere''' <br> (2014 Munzi)
=== (II) 2015-19 ===

* ''Sulla mia pelle'' (Alessio Cremonini, 2018)
2015 Mainetti (film).jpg|'''Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot''' - (2015 Mainetti)
2015 Marcon (video).jpg|'''Alcina''' <br> (2015 Marcon)
2015 Moretti (film).jpg|'''Mia madre''' <br> (2015 Moretti)
2015 Verdesca (doc).jpg|'''Protagonisti per sempre''' <br> (2015 Verdesca) <doc>
2015 Sollima (film).jpg|'''Suburra''' <br> (2015 Sollima)

* Pinocchio (2019 Garrone), film (it) -- Old woodcarver Geppetto's puppet creation, Pinocchio, magically comes to life with dreams of becoming a real boy. Easily led astray, Pinocchio tumbles from one misadventure to another as he is tricked, kidnapped and chased by bandits.
2016 Genovese (film).jpg|'''Perfetti sconosciuti''' <br> (2016 Genovese)
2016 Rosi (film).jpg|'''Fuocoammare''' <br> (2016 Rosi)
2016 Virzi (film).jpg|'''La pazza gioia''' <br> (2016 Virzi)

* When Mom Is Away / 10 giorni senza mamma (2019 Genovesi), film (it) -- What happens if an always-present mother decides to leave for 10 days, leaving the three children with a father who was practically absent until then?
2017 D'Alessandro (doc).jpg|'''Barbiana '65: La lezione di Don Milani''' (2017) D'Alessandro) <doc>
2017 Guadagnino (film).png|'''Chiamami col tuo nome''' <br> (2017 Guadagnino)

== 2020s ==
2018 Cremonini (film).jpg|'''Sulla mia pelle''' <br> (2018 Cremonini)
2018 Garrone (film).png|'''Dogman''' <br> (2018 Garrone)
2018 Pappano (video).jpg|'''
2018 Rohrwacher (film).jpg|'''Lazzaro felice''' <br> (2018 Rohrwacher)
2018 Suber (doc).jpg|'''1938: Quando scoprimmo di non essere più italiani''' (2018 Suber) <doc>

* The Hidden Child / Il bambino nascosto (2021 Ando), film (it)
2019 Garrone (film).png|'''Pinocchio''' <br> (2019 Garrone)
2019 Genovesi (film).jpg|'''10 giorni senza mamma''' <br> (2019 Genovesi)
2019 Lombardi (film).jpg|'''Il ladro di giorni''' <br> (2019 Lombardi)

* Three Floors / Tre piani (2021 Moretti), film (it)

* The Immensity / L'immensità (2022 Crialese), film (it)
== 2020s ==

* Kidnapped / Rapito (2023 Bellocchio), film (it) -- A Jewish boy is kidnapped and converted to Catholicism in 1858.
2020 Base (film).jpg|'''Un cielo stellato sopra il ghetto di Roma''' <br> (2020 Base)
2020 Ponti (film).png|'''La vita davanti a sé''' <br> (2020 Ponti)
2021 Ando (film).jpg|'''Il bambino nascosto''' <br> (2021 Ando)
2021 Moretti (film).jpg|'''Tre piani''' <br> (2021 Moretti)
2022 Amato (TV film).jpg|'''Filumena Marturano''' <br> (2022 Amato)
2022 Crialese (film).png|'''L'immensità''' <br> (2022 Crialese)
2022 Viola & Vitellaro (doc).jpg|'''Lettere da Barbiana''' <br> (2022 Viola) <doc>
2023 Bellocchio (film).png|'''Rapito''' <br> (2023 Bellocchio)
2023 Cortellesi (film).jpg|'''C'e' ancora domani''' (2023 Cortellesi)
2023 Garrone (film).jpg|'''Io capitano''' <br> (2023 Garrone)
2024 Comencini C (film).jpg|'''Il treno dei bambini''' <br> (2023 Comencini C)

[[Category:Film Studies|*]]
[[Category:Film Studies|*]]

Latest revision as of 23:40, 10 January 2025

Film Studies--Italian





1910s (I)



1910s (II)




(I) 1920-24



(II) 1925-29





(I) 1930-34



(II) 1935-39




(I) 1940-44


(II) 19455-49




  • Stromboli, terra di Dio Rossellini 1950
  • Luci del varietà Lattuada / Fellini 1950
  • Cronaca di un amore (1950 Antonioni)
  • Il cammino della speranza Germi 1950
  • Francesco giullare di Dio Rossellini / The Flowers of St. Francis (1950 Rossellini) -- A series of vignettes depicting the lives of the original Franciscan monks, including their leader and the bumbling Ginepro.
  • Domenica d’agosto Emmer 1950
  • Napoli milionaria De Filippo 1950
  • Non c’è pace tra gli ulivi De Santis 1950
  • 'Prima comunione / Father's Dilemma (1950 Blasetti), film (it)
  • Totò sceicco Mattoli 1950
  • [++] Mulatto]


  • [[La famiglia Passaguai Fabrizi 1951
  • Cops and Robbers (1951 Monicelli) -- Esposito is a thief who cons tourists in Rome. Officer Bottoni manages to catch him and starts persecuting him. When Esposito manages to flee, Bottoni's superiors inform him that he'll lose his job if he can't catch Esposito.
  • Anna Lattuada 1951
  • I figli di nessuno Matarazzo 1951
  • Filumena Marturano De Filippo 1951
  • Le ragazze di Piazza di Spagna 1951


  • Umberto D. (1952 De Sica), film (it) -- An elderly man and his dog struggle to survive on his government pension in Rome.
  • Europa ’51 Rossellini 1952
  • Altri tempi Blasetti 1952
  • Lo sceicco bianco Fellini 1952
  • Totò e i re di Roma Steno / Monicelli 1952
  • Totò a colori Steno 1952
  • Il cappotto Lattuada 1952
  • Processo alla città Zampa 1952
  • Roma ore 11 De Santis 1952


  • Amore in città AAVV 1953
  • La signora senza camelie Antonioni 1953
  • Pane, amore e fantasia L. Comencini 1953
  • La provinciale Soldati 1953
  • Sole negli occhi Pietrangeli 1953 (al link il film completo)
  • Un turco napoletano Mattoli 1953
  • Stazione Termini V. De Sica 1953
  • Siamo Donne AA VV 1953
  • Napoletani a Milano E. De Filippo 1953
  • [[I Vitelloni (1953 Visconti) -- A character study of five young men at crucial turning points in their lives in a small town in Italy.
  • [++] [[Una di quelle (1953 Fabrizi)
  • [++] [[Puccini (1953 Gallone)




  • @@ Il ferroviere (1956 Germi), film -- The railroad engineer Andrea Marcocci has been working with his partner and friend Gigi Liverani for thirty years and feels happy and proud of his work.


  • < The Man Who Wagged His Tail / Un angelo è sceso a Brooklyn (1957 Vajda), film (it) >


  • @@ Big Deal on Madonna Street / I soliti ignoti (1958 Monicelli), film (it) -- A motley quintet of inept small-time thieves attempt the burglary of a local pawnshop in this Italian farce.
  • @ La tempesta Lattuada 1958
  • @ La fatiche di Ercole Francisci 1958
  • @ La sfida F. Rosi 1958
  • @ L’uomo di paglia Germi 1958
  • + La spada e la croce (1958 Bragaglia)
  • + Toto e Marcellino (1958 Musu)




  • L'Avventura (1960 Antonioni), film -- A woman disappears during a Mediterranean boating trip. During the search, her lover and her best friend become attracted to each other.


  • Divorzio all'italiana (Germi, 1961), film -- A married Sicilian baron falls in love with his cousin and vows to wed her, but with divorce illegal he must concoct a crime of passion to do away with his wife.
  • Il posto (1961 Olmi), film -- Bursting with big dreams and plans, an Italian teen goes to Milan to work in a big impersonal corporate office, where he becomes disillusioned and drained of all his individualism.
  • Accattone (1961 Pasolini), film -- A pimp with no other means to provide for himself finds his life spiraling out of control when his prostitute is sent to prison.


  • Salvatore Giuliano (1962 Rosi), film -- The unclear and complicated twists between governal powers, independentist party and Mafia in the Sicily of the '40s culminate with the death of Salvatore Giuliano.
  • Mafioso (1962 Lattuada), film]] -- When a good-natured factory supervisor living in Milan with his Northern wife returns to his native Sicily, a decades'-old oath forces him to fulfill a nightmarish obligation.


  • Il gattopardo (1963 Visconti), film -- The Prince of Salina, a noble aristocrat of impeccable integrity, tries to preserve his family and class amid the tumultuous social upheavals of 1860s Sicily.


  • Sedotta e abbandonata (1964 Germi), film -- A desperate Sicilian man, whose 15-year-old daughter was seduced and impregnated by his older daughter's fiancé, tries to find a way to save the family's honor.
  • A Fistful of Dollars (1964 Leone), film]] -- A wandering gunfighter plays two rival families against each other in a town torn apart by greed, pride, and revenge.
  • Deserto Rosso (1964 Antonioni), film -- In an industrial area, unstable Giuliana attempts to cope with life by starting an affair with a co-worker at the plant her husband manages.
  • Marriage Italian Style (1964 De Sica), film]] -- Wealthy businessman Domenico and penniless prostitute Filumena share a large part of their lives in post-WWII Italy.
  • The Gospel According to St. Matthew (1964 Pasolini), film]] -- The life of Jesus Christ according to the Gospel of Matthew. Film shows Christ as a Marxist avant-la-lettre and therefore uses half of the text of Matthew.
  • [++] [[La cittadella (1964 Majano), miniseries (it)






































  • Il Divo (2008 Sorrentino), film -- The story of Italian politician Giulio Andreotti, who has served as Prime Minister of Italy seven times since the restoration of democracy in 1946.



(I) 2010-14



(II) 2015-19




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