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|title= [[Enochic Studies]] ([[1970s]])
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The page: '''Enochic Studies--1970s''', includes scholarly and literary works in the field of [[Enochic Studies]], made in the 1970s, or from 1970 and 1979.
[[File:Milik.jpg|thumb|200px|[[Józef T. Milik]]]]
[[File:Michael Knibb.jpg|thumb|150px|[[Michael A. Knibb]]]]
[[File:Michael Knibb.jpg|thumb|150px|[[Michael A. Knibb]]]]
[[File:David Suter.jpg|thumb|200px|David Suter]]
[[File:David Suter.jpg|thumb|150px|David Suter]]
|title= Highlights ([[1970s]])
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* [[Apocalypsis Henochi Graeca / Fragmenta Pseudepigraphorum, quae supersunt Graeca (1970 Black / Denis), book]]
* [[The Books of Enoch: Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4 (1976 Milik), book]]
* [[The Ethiopic Book of Enoch (1978 Knibb), book]]
* [[Tradition and Composition in the Parables of Enoch (1979 Suter), book]]
* [[Henoch (1979-2004 Zamorani / 2005- Morcelliana), journal]]
|title= [[Interpreters]] ([[1970s]])
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* [[Matthew Black]]
* [[Józef T. Milik]]
* [[Michael Knibb]]
* [[David Suter]]
* [[Paolo Sacchi]]
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|title= [[Timeline]] ([[1970s]])
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* [[:Category:Enochic Studies|BACK to the ENOCHIC STUDIES--INDEX]]
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* [[:Category:Made in the 1970s|BACK to the MADE IN THE 1970s--INDEX]]

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'''Enochic Studies in the 1970s--Works and Authors'''
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< [[:Category:Enochic Studies--Pre-Modern|Pre-Modern]] ([[:Category:Enochic Studies--Top Pre-Modern|Top]]) -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--1400s|1400s]] ([[:Category:Enochic Studies--Top 1400s|Top]]) -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--1500s|1500s]] ([[:Category:Enochic Studies--Top 1500s|Top]]) -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--1600s|1600s]] ([[:Category:Enochic Studies--Top 1600s|Top]]) -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--1700s|1700s]] ([[:Category:Enochic Studies--Top 1700s|Top]]) -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--1800s|1800s]] ([[:Category:Enochic Studies--Top 1800s|Top]]) -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--1850s|1850s]] ([[:Category:Enochic Studies--Top 1850s|Top]]) -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--1900s|1900s]] ([[:Category:Enochic Studies--Top 1900s|Top]]) -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--1910s|1910s]] ([[:Category:Enochic Studies--Top 1910s|Top]]) -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--1920s|1920s]] ([[:Category:Enochic Studies--Top 1920s|Top]]) -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--1930s|1930s]] ([[:Category:Enochic Studies--Top 1930s|Top]]) -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--1940s|1940s]] ([[:Category:Enochic Studies--Top 1940s|Top]]) -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--1950s|1950s]] ([[:Category:Enochic Studies--Top 1950s|Top]]) -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--1960s|1960s]] ([[:Category:Enochic Studies--Top 1960s|Top]]) -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--1970s|1970s]] ([[:Category:Enochic Studies--Top 1970s|Top]]) -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--1980s|1980s]] ([[:Category:Enochic Studies--Top 1980s|Top]]) -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--1990s|1990s]] ([[:Category:Enochic Studies--Top 1990s|Top]]) -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--2000s|2000s]] ([[:Category:Enochic Studies--Top 2000s|Top]]) -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--2010s|2010s]] ([[:Category:Enochic Studies--Top 2010s|Top]]) ... >
'''[[Enochic Studies]]''' : [[:Category:Enochic Studies--English|English]] -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--French|French]] -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--German|German]] -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--Italian|Italian]] -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--Latin|Latin]] -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--Spanish|Spanish]] -/- [[Enochic Studies|Other]]

== History of Research ([[1970s]]) -- Notes ==

The 1970s came and 1 Enoch was still in limbo. Not surprisingly, the only major studies of the period were Matthew Black's edition of the Greek fragments in 1970, and a translation in Modern Greek (1973).  
The 1970s came and 1 Enoch was still in limbo. Not surprisingly, the only major studies of the period were [[Matthew Black]]'s edition of the Greek fragments in 1970, and a translation in Modern Greek (1973).  

The edition of the Qumran fragments by Józef T. Milik in 1976 reopened the research on 1 Enoch. In 1978 Michael Knibb published of a new edition of the Ethiopic text, which for the first time compared it with the newly founded fragments (Knibb 1978).
The edition of the Qumran fragments by [[Józef T. Milik]] in 1976 reopened the research on 1 Enoch. In 1978 Michael Knibb published of a new edition of the Ethiopic text, which for the first time compared it with the newly founded fragments (Knibb 1978).

The late date of the [[Parables of Enoch]] advocated by Milik was sharply criticized by many scholars, who reiterated the importance of the document for the formation of early Christology. In his monograph in 1979 David Suter relocated the Parables of Enoch as a Second Temple Jewish document.   
The late date of the [[Parables of Enoch]] advocated by Milik was sharply criticized by many scholars, who reiterated the importance of the document for the formation of early Christology. In his monograph in 1979 David Suter relocated the Parables of Enoch as a Second Temple Jewish document.   
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The interest in 1 Enoch was on the rise again. In 1979 [[Paolo Sacchi]] launched in Italy the journal [[Henoch]].
The interest in 1 Enoch was on the rise again. In 1979 [[Paolo Sacchi]] launched in Italy the journal [[Henoch]].

==Bibliography (articles)==
== Selected Articles ([[1970s]])==
*[[Shlomo Pines]]. '''Eschatology and the Concept of Time in the Slavonic Book of Enoch'''. [[Types of Redemption (1970 Werblowsky), edited volume]], 72-87.
* [[Józef T. Milik]]. '''Fragments grecs du livre d'Hénoch: P.Oxy. XVII 2069'''. [[Chronique d'Egypte]] 46 (1971) 321-343. <French>
* [[Józef T. Milik]]. '''Problèmes de la littérature hénochique à la lumière des fragments araméens de Qumrân'''. [[Harvard Theological Review]] 64.2-3 (1971) 333-378. <French>
* [[Karlheinz Müller]]. '''Beobachtungen zur Entwicklung der Menschensohnvorstellung in den Bilderreden des Henoch und im Buche Daniel'''. [[Wegzeichen; Festgabe zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Hermenegild M. Biedermann. Hrsg. von Ernst Chr. Suttner und Coelestin Patock. Würzburg: Augustinus-Verlag, 1971]]. <German>
* [[Ath. Theocharis]]. '''The Idea of Sophia in the Ethiopic Henoch'''. [[Bulletin of Biblical Studies/ΔΕΛΤΙΟΝ ΒΙΒΛΙΚΩΝ ΜΕΛΕΤΩΝ]] 1 (1971-72) 287-311.
* [[Marc Philonenko]]. '''Une citation manichéenne du livre d'Hénoch'''. In [[Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses]] 52 (1972) 337-340. <French>
* [[Joseph Coppens]]. '''La vision du Très-Haut en Dan. 7 et Hen. Ethiop. 14'''. [[Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses]] 53.1 (1977) 187-189 <French>.
* [[William Adler]]. '''Enoch in Early Christian Literature'''. [[Society of Biblical Literature: Seminar Papers]] 13.1 (1978) 271-275.
* [[James Barr]]. '''Aramaic-Greek notes on the Book of Enoch'''. [[Journal of Semitic Studies]] 23,2 (1978) 184-198; 24.2 (1979) 179-192.
* [[Matthew Black]]. '''The Apocalypse of Weeks in the Light of 4Q En(g)'''. [[Vetus Testamentum]] 28.4 (1978) 464-469.
* [[Matthew Black]]. '''[On] Józef Tadeusz Milik (ed.), "The Books of Enoch; Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4" (1976)'''. [[Journal of Theological Studies]] 29.2 (1978) 517-530.
* [[John J. Collins]]. '''Methodological Issues in the Study of I Enoch: Reflections on the Articles of P.D. Hanson and G.W. Nickelsburg'''. [[Society of Biblical Literature: Seminar Papers]] 13.1 (1978) 315-322.
* [[Robert A. Coughenour]]. ''The Woe-Oracle in Ethiopic Enoch''. [[Journal for the Study of Judaism]] 9.2 (1978) 192-197.
* [[Devorah Dimant]], '''I Enoch 6-11: A Methodological Perspective'''. [[Society of Biblical Literature: Seminar Papers]] 13.1 (1978) 323-339.
* [[Jack Fellman]], '''Lines on Ethiopian Enoch'''. [[Milla wa-Milla]] 18 (1978) 12-14.
* [[Pierre Grelot]]. '''Daniel 7,9-10 et le livre d'Hénoch'''. [[Semitica]] 28 (1978) 59-83. <French>
* [[Martha Himmelfarb]]. '''A Report on Enoch in Rabbinic Literature'''. [[Society of Biblical Literature: Seminar Papers]] 13.1 (1978) 259-269.
* [[Robert A. Kraft]]. '''Philo (Josephus, Sirach and Wisdom of Solomon) on Enoch'''. [[Society of Biblical Literature: Seminar Papers]] 13.1 (1978) 253-257.
* [[Rainer Stichel]]. '''[On] Józef Tadeusz Milik (ed.), "The Books of Enoch; Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4" (1976)'''. [[Byzantinoslavica]] 39.1 (1978) 63-67.
* [[Michael E. Stone]]. '''The Book of Enoch and Judaism in the Third Century BCE'''. [[Catholic Biblical Quarterly]] 40.4 (1978) 479-492.

* [[David W. Suter]]. '''Apocalyptic Patterns in the Similitudes of Enoch'''. [[Society of Biblical Literature: Seminar Papers]] 13.1 (1978) 1-13.

*[[Shlomo Pines]]. ''Eschatology and the Concept of Time in the Slavonic Book of Enoch''. In [[Types of Redemption (1970 Werblowsky), edited volume]], 72-87.
* [[James C. VanderKam]]. '''Enoch traditions in Jubilees and other second-century sources'''. [[Society of Biblical Literature: Seminar Papers]] 13.1 (1978) 229-251.


* [[Józef T. Milik]]. ''Fragments grecs du livre d'Hénoch: P.Oxy. XVII 2069'' <French>. In [[Chronique d'Egypte]] 46 (1971) 321-343.
* [[James H. Charlesworth]]. '''The SNTS Pseudepigrapha Seminars at Tubingen and Paris on the Books of Enoch'''. [[New Testament Studies]] 25.3 (1979) 315-323.

* [[Józef T. Milik]]. ''Problèmes de la littérature hénochique à la lumière des fragments araméens de Qumrân'' <French>. In [[Harvard Theological Review]] 64.2-3 (1971) 333-378.
* [[John J. Collins]]. '''"The Son of Man Who Has Righteousness" (I Enoch 37-71)'''. [[Society of Biblical Literature: Seminar Papers]] 2 (1979) 1-13.

* [[Karlheinz Müller]]. ''Beobachtungen zur Entwicklung der Menschensohnvorstellung in den Bilderreden des Henoch und im Buche Daniel'' <German>. In [[Wegzeichen; Festgabe zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Hermenegild M. Biedermann. Hrsg. von Ernst Chr. Suttner und Coelestin Patock. Würzburg: Augustinus-Verlag, 1971]].
* [[Mathias Delcor]]. '''Le Livre des Paraboles d'Hénoch éthiopien : le problème de son origine à la lumière des découvertes récentes'''. [[Estudios Bíblicos]] 38.1-2 (1979-1980) 5-33. <French>

* [[Ath. Theocharis]]. ''The Idea of Sophia in the Ethiopic Henoch''. In [[Bulletin of Biblical Studies/ΔΕΛΤΙΟΝ ΒΙΒΛΙΚΩΝ ΜΕΛΕΤΩΝ]] 1 (1971-72) 287-311.
* [[Natalio Fernández Marcos]]. '''[On] Lars Hartman, "Asking for a Meaning; a Study of 1 Enoch 1-5".''' [[Sefarad]] 39.2 (1979) 361-363.

* [[Hans F. Fuchs]]. '''Die äthiopische Übersetzung des Henoch : ein Beitrag zur Apokalyptikforschung der Gegenwart'''. [[Biblische Notizen]] 8 (1979) 36-56. <German>

* [[Marc Philonenko]]. ''Une citation manichéenne du livre d'Hénoch'' <French>. In [[Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses]] 52 (1972) 337-340.  
* [[Jonas C. Greenfield]], and [[Michael E. Stone]]. '''The Books of Enoch and the Tradition of Enoch'''. [[Numen]] 26.1 (1979) 89-103.

* [[Michael A. Knibb]]. '''The Date of the Parables of Enoch: A Critical Review'''. [[New Testament Studies]] 25.3 (1979) 345-359.

* [[William Adler]]. ''Enoch in Early Christian Literature''. In [[Society of Biblical Literature 1978 Seminar Papers (1978 Achtemeier), edited volume]], 271-275.
* [[Christopher L. Mearns]]. '''Dating the Similitudes of Enoch'''. [[New Testament Studies]] 25.3 (1979) 360-69.

* [[Martha Himmelfarb]]. ''A Report on Enoch in Rabbinic Literature''. In [[Society of Biblical Literature 1978 Seminar Papers (1978 Achtemeier), edited volume]], 259-269.
* [[Leon Nemoy]]. '''The ascension of Enoch and Elijah : a tenth century Karaite interpretation'''. [[Essays on the Occasion of the Seventieth Anniversary of the Dropsie University (1979 Katsh, Nemoy), edited volume]] 361-364.

* [[George W.E. Nickelsburg]]. '''Riches, the rich, and God's judgement in 1 Enoch 92-105 and the Gospel according to Luke'''. [[New Testament Studies]] 25 (1979) 324-344.

* [[Michael A. Knibb]]. ''The Date of the Parables of Enoch: A Critical Review''. In NTS 25 (1979) 345-359.
* [[Paolo Sacchi]]. '''Il Libro dei Vigilanti e l'apocalittica'''. [[Henoch]] 1 (1979) 42-98. <Italian>

* [[Christopher L. Mearns]]. ''Dating the Similitudes of Enoch''. In [[New Testament Studies]] 25 (1979) 360-69.
* [[Michael Sokoloff]]. '''Notes on the Aramaic Fragments of Enoch from Qumran Cave 4.''' [[Maarav]] 1.2 (1979) 197-224.

* [[Paolo Sacchi]]. ''Il Libro dei Vigilanti e l'apocalittica''. In [[Henoch]] 1 (1979) 42-98. <Italian>
* [[David W. Suter]]. '''Fallen Angel, Fallen Priest: The Problem of Family Purity in 1 Enoch 6-16'''. [[Hebrew Union College Annual]] 50 (1979) 115-135.

* [[David W. Suter]]. ''Fallen Angel, Fallen Priest: The Problem of Family Purity in 1 Enoch 6-16''. In [[Hebrew Union College Annual]] 50 (1979) 115-135.
* [[James C. VanderKam]]. '''The Origin, Character, and Early History of the 364-Day Calendar : A Reassessment of Jaubert's Hypotheses'''. [[Catholic Biblical Quarterly]] 41.3 (1979) 390-411

Latest revision as of 15:14, 19 December 2019

Enoch Blake.jpg

The page: Enochic Studies--1970s, includes scholarly and literary works in the field of Enochic Studies, made in the 1970s, or from 1970 and 1979.

David Suter

Highlights (1970s)
Highlights (1970s)


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Timeline : 2020s -- 2010s -- 2000s -- 1990s -- 1980s -- 1970s -- 1960s -- 1950s -- 1940s -- 1930s -- 1920s -- 1910s -- 1900s -- 1850s -- 1800s -- 1700s -- 1600s -- 1500s -- 1450s -- Medieval -- Home

History of Research (1970s) -- Notes

The 1970s came and 1 Enoch was still in limbo. Not surprisingly, the only major studies of the period were Matthew Black's edition of the Greek fragments in 1970, and a translation in Modern Greek (1973).

The edition of the Qumran fragments by Józef T. Milik in 1976 reopened the research on 1 Enoch. In 1978 Michael Knibb published of a new edition of the Ethiopic text, which for the first time compared it with the newly founded fragments (Knibb 1978).

The late date of the Parables of Enoch advocated by Milik was sharply criticized by many scholars, who reiterated the importance of the document for the formation of early Christology. In his monograph in 1979 David Suter relocated the Parables of Enoch as a Second Temple Jewish document.

The interest in 1 Enoch was on the rise again. In 1979 Paolo Sacchi launched in Italy the journal Henoch.

Selected Articles (1970s)







  • Mathias Delcor. Le Livre des Paraboles d'Hénoch éthiopien : le problème de son origine à la lumière des découvertes récentes. Estudios Bíblicos 38.1-2 (1979-1980) 5-33. <French>
  • Hans F. Fuchs. Die äthiopische Übersetzung des Henoch : ein Beitrag zur Apokalyptikforschung der Gegenwart. Biblische Notizen 8 (1979) 36-56. <German>

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