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==Performing Nero (cinema & television)==
==Performing Nero (cinema & television)==

* [[Neron essayant des poisons sur des esclaves (Nero Trying Poisons on Slaves / 1896 Hatot), short film]]

* [[Quo Vadis? (1901 Zecca, Nonguet), short film]]

* [[The Sign of the Cross (1904 Haggar), short film]]
==== ====

* [[Kejser Nero paa krigsstien (Emperor Nero on the Warpath / 1907 Larsen), short film]] -- (Danimarca 1907)Regia: Viggo Larsen Produzione: Nordisk Film
{| border="1" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"
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| [[1906]] || [[--]] || [[Neron essayant des poisons sur des esclaves (Nero Trying Poisons on Slaves / 1896 Hatot), short film]] ||  ||

* [[Néron et Locuste essayant leurs poisons sur les esclaves (1907 Méliès), short film]] -- (Francia 1907)  La civilisation à travers les ages III: - An 65de notre ère Regia: Georges Méliès Produzione: Star Film
==== ====

* [[Nero and the Burning of Rome (1908 Porter), short film]] -- (USA 1908)Regia: Edwin Porter Produzione: Edison
{| border="1" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"
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| [[1901]] || [[--]] || [[Quo Vadis? (1901 Zecca, Nonguet), short film]]
| [[1904]] || [[James Haggar]] || [[The Sign of the Cross (1904 Haggar), short film]]
| [[1907]] || [[--]] || [[Kejser Nero paa krigsstien (Emperor Nero on the Warpath / 1907 Larsen), short film]] -- (Danimarca 1907)Regia: Viggo Larsen Produzione: Nordisk Film
| [[1901]] || [[--]] || [[Néron et Locuste essayant leurs poisons sur les esclaves (1907 Méliès), short film]] -- (Francia 1907)  La civilisation à travers les ages III: - An 65de notre ère Regia: Georges Méliès Produzione: Star Film
| [[1908]] || [[--]] || [[Nero and the Burning of Rome (1908 Porter), short film]] -- (USA 1908)Regia: Edwin Porter Produzione: Edison
| [[1909]] || [[--]] || [[Nerone (Nero / 1909 Maggi), short film]] -- (Italia 1909)Regia: Luigi MaggiSceneggiatura: Arrigo Frusta Cast: Alberto A. Capozzi (Nerone),Mirra Principi (Ottavia), Lydia De Roberti (Poppea), Luigi Maggi = Epafrodito -- Produzione: Ambrosio Film Durata: 14m

* [[Nerone (Nero / 1909 Maggi), short film]] -- (Italia 1909)Regia: Luigi MaggiSceneggiatura: Arrigo Frusta Cast: Alberto A. Capozzi (Nerone),Mirra Principi (Ottavia), Lydia De Roberti (Poppea), Luigi Maggi = Epafrodito -- Produzione: Ambrosio Film Durata: 14m
==== ====

* [[Au temps des premiers chrétiens (In the Time of the First Christians / 1910 Calmettes), short film]]
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| [[1910]] || [[--]] || [[Au temps des premiers chrétiens (In the Time of the First Christians / 1910 Calmettes), short film]]
| [[1910]] || [[--]] || [[Dall'amore al martirio (From Love To Martyrdom / 1910 Cines), short film]]
| [[1911]] || [[--]] || [[Le fils de Locuste (1911 Feuillade), short film]] -- (Francia 1911)Regia: Louis Feuillade Cast: Renée Carl ( Locusta), Luitz-Morat( Il figlio), Paul Manson ( Nerone) Produzione: Gaumont Durata: 18’
| [[1911]] || [[--]] || [[Poppea ed Ottavia (1911 Latium), short film]] -- (Italia 1911)Produzione: Latium FilmDurata: 20’
| [[1912]] || [[--]] || [[Kri Kri e il 'Quo vadis?' (Kri Kri and the 'Quo vadis?' / 1912 Cines), short film]]
| [[1912]] || [[Raymond Lyon]] || [[Androclès (Androcles and the Lion / 1912 Feuillade), short film]]
| [[1912]] || [[Jean Hervé]] || [[Britannicus (1912 Morlhon), short film]] -- (Francia 1912) Regia: Camille de Morlhon Cast: Jean Hervé ( Nerone), Romuald Joubé ( Britannico),JeanneGrumbach (Agrippina -- Produzione: Pathé
| [[1913]] || [[P.W. Nares]] || [[The Daughter of the Hills (1913 Dawley), short film]]
| [[1914]] || [[Carlo Cattaneo]] || [[(++) Quo Vadis? (1913 Guazzoni), feature film]]
| [[1914]] || [[Sheridan Block]] || [[The Sign of the Cross (1914 Thomson), feature film]]
| [[1914]] || [[Vittorio Rossi Pianelli]] || [[Nerone e Agrippina (1914 Caserini), feature film]]
| [[1918]] || [[John Stepplin]] || [[Restitution (1918 Gaye), feature film]]

* [[Dall'amore al martirio (From Love To Martyrdom / 1910 Cines), short film]]

* [[Le fils de Locuste (1911 Feuillade), short film]] -- (Francia 1911)Regia: Louis Feuillade Cast: Renée Carl ( Locusta), Luitz-Morat( Il figlio), Paul Manson ( Nerone) Produzione: Gaumont Durata: 18’
==== ====

* [[Poppea ed Ottavia (1911 Latium), short film]] -- (Italia 1911)Produzione: Latium FilmDurata: 20’
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| [[1922]] || [[Jacques Grétillat]] || [[Nero (1922 Edwards), film]]
| [[1925]] || [[William Irving]] || [[Nero (1925 Watson), film]]
| [[1922]] || [[Emil Jannings]] || [[Quo Vadis? (1925 D'Annunzio, Jacoby), film]]

* [[Kri Kri e il 'Quo vadis?' (Kri Kri and the 'Quo vadis?' / 1912 Cines), short film]]

* [[Androclès (Androcles and the Lion / 1912 Feuillade), short film]]
==== ====

* [[Britannicus (1912 Morlhon), short film]] -- (Francia 1912) Regia: Camille de Morlhon Cast: Jean Hervé ( Nerone), Romuald Joubé ( Britannico),JeanneGrumbach (Agrippina -- Produzione: Pathé
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| [[1930]] || [[Ettore Petrolini]] || [[Nerone (Nero / 1930 Blasetti), feature film]]
| [[1932]] || [[Charles Laughton]] ||[[(++) The Sign of the Cross (1932 DeMille), feature film]]
| [[1934]] || [[Vernon Dent]] ||[[Good Morning, Eve! (1934 Mack), short musical film]]
| [[1938]] || [[George Hayes]] ||[[Life of St. Paul (1938 Walker), feature film]]

* [[The Daughter of the Hills (1913 Dawley), short film]]

* [[(++) Quo Vadis? (1913 Guazzoni), feature film]]
==== ====

* [[The Sign of the Cross (1914 Thomson), feature film]]
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| [[1951]] || [[--]] || [[(++) Quo Vadis (1951 LeRoy), feature film]]
| [[1951]] || [[--]] || [[O.K. Nerone (O.K. Nero / 1951 Soldati), feature film]]
| [[1952]] || [[--]] || [[Androcles and the Lion (1952 Erskine, Ray / @1912 Shaw), feature film]]
| [[1953]] || [[--]] || [[Nerone e Messalina (1953 Zeglio), feature film]]
| [[1954]] || [[--]] || [[The Silver Chalice (1954 Saville), feature film]]
| [[1956]] || [[--]] || [[Mio figlio Nerone (1956 Steno), feature film]]
| [[1957]] || [[--]] || [[The Story of Mankind (1957 Allen), feature film]] (USA 1957)Regia: Irwin AllenSceneggiatura: Irwin AlleneCharles BennettCast: Ronald Colman ( Lo Spiritodell’Uomo), Vincent Price (Belzebù),Peter Lorre (Nerone -- )Produzione: Cambridge Productions Inc.Durata: 100

* [[Nerone e Agrippina (1914 Caserini), feature film]]

* [[Restitution (1918 Gaye), feature film]]
==== ====

* [[Nero (1922 Edwards), film]]
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* [[Nero (1925 Watson), film]]
* [[Quo Vadis? (1925 D'Annunzio, Jacoby), film]]
| [[1961]] || [[--]] || [[(+) Barabbas (1961 Fleischer), feature film]]
* [[Nerone (Nero / 1930 Blasetti), feature film]]
* [[(++) The Sign of the Cross (1932 DeMille), feature film]]
* [[Life of St. Paul (1938 Walker), feature film]]
* [[(++) Quo Vadis (1951 LeRoy), feature film]]
* [[O.K. Nerone (O.K. Nero / 1951 Soldati), feature film]]
* [[Androcles and the Lion (1952 Erskine, Ray / @1912 Shaw), feature film]]
* [[Nerone e Messalina (1953 Zeglio), feature film]]
* [[The Silver Chalice (1954 Saville), feature film]]
* [[Mio figlio Nerone (1956 Steno), feature film]]
* [[The Story of Mankind (1957 Allen), feature film]] (USA 1957)Regia: Irwin AllenSceneggiatura: Irwin AlleneCharles BennettCast: Ronald Colman ( Lo Spiritodell’Uomo), Vincent Price (Belzebù),Peter Lorre (Nerone -- )Produzione: Cambridge Productions Inc.Durata: 100
* [[(+) Barabbas (1961 Fleischer), feature film]]

* [[Bianco, rosso, giallo, rosa (1964 Mida), short film]]
* [[Bianco, rosso, giallo, rosa (1964 Mida), short film]]

* [[L'incendio di Roma (1965 Malatesta), film]]
* [[L'incendio di Roma (1965 Malatesta), film]]

* [[Up Pompeii (1971 Kellett), feature film]]
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| [[1906]] || [[--]] || [[Up Pompeii (1971 Kellett), feature film]]

* [[Poppea, una prostituta al servizio dell’Impero (Poppea: A Prostitute in Service of the Emperor / 1972 Brescia), feature film]]
* [[Poppea, una prostituta al servizio dell’Impero (Poppea: A Prostitute in Service of the Emperor / 1972 Brescia), feature film]]
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* [[I, Claudius (1976 Wise), film]]
* [[I, Claudius (1976 Wise), film]]
* [[Peter and Paul (1981 Day), TV mini-series]]
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{| border="1" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"
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| [[1981]] || [[--]] || [[Peter and Paul (1981 Day), TV mini-series]]

* [[Nerone e Poppea (1982 Mattei), feature film]]
* [[Nerone e Poppea (1982 Mattei), feature film]]
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* [[Quo Vadis? (1985 Rossi), TV mini-series]]
* [[Quo Vadis? (1985 Rossi), TV mini-series]]

* [[Quo Vadis? (2001 Kawalerowicz), feature film]]
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{| border="1" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"
|- bgcolor=yellow
| [[2001]] || [[--]] || [[Quo Vadis? (2001 Kawalerowicz), feature film]]

* [[Boudica, Warrior Queen (2003 Anderson), feature film]]
* [[Boudica, Warrior Queen (2003 Anderson), feature film]]
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* [[Ancient Rome: Nero (2006 Murphy), TV film]]
* [[Ancient Rome: Nero (2006 Murphy), TV film]]
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| [[2010]] || [[--]] || [[

== External links==
== External links==

* [http://www.academia.edu/524339/Nerone_superstar_2011_ Giuseppe Pucci, Nerone Superstar (2011)]
* [http://www.academia.edu/524339/Nerone_superstar_2011_ Giuseppe Pucci, Nerone Superstar (2011)]

Revision as of 16:07, 1 June 2017

Works of cinema related to Nero.


Performing Nero (cinema & television)

1890s Nero Cinema Country Notes
1906 -- Neron essayant des poisons sur des esclaves (Nero Trying Poisons on Slaves / 1896 Hatot), short film

1900s Nero Cinema Country Notes
1901 -- Quo Vadis? (1901 Zecca, Nonguet), short film
1904 James Haggar The Sign of the Cross (1904 Haggar), short film
1907 -- Kejser Nero paa krigsstien (Emperor Nero on the Warpath / 1907 Larsen), short film -- (Danimarca 1907)Regia: Viggo Larsen Produzione: Nordisk Film
1901 -- Néron et Locuste essayant leurs poisons sur les esclaves (1907 Méliès), short film -- (Francia 1907) La civilisation à travers les ages III: - An 65de notre ère Regia: Georges Méliès Produzione: Star Film
1908 -- Nero and the Burning of Rome (1908 Porter), short film -- (USA 1908)Regia: Edwin Porter Produzione: Edison
1909 -- Nerone (Nero / 1909 Maggi), short film -- (Italia 1909)Regia: Luigi MaggiSceneggiatura: Arrigo Frusta Cast: Alberto A. Capozzi (Nerone),Mirra Principi (Ottavia), Lydia De Roberti (Poppea), Luigi Maggi = Epafrodito -- Produzione: Ambrosio Film Durata: 14m

1910s Nero Cinema Country Notes
1910 -- Au temps des premiers chrétiens (In the Time of the First Christians / 1910 Calmettes), short film
1910 -- Dall'amore al martirio (From Love To Martyrdom / 1910 Cines), short film
1911 -- Le fils de Locuste (1911 Feuillade), short film -- (Francia 1911)Regia: Louis Feuillade Cast: Renée Carl ( Locusta), Luitz-Morat( Il figlio), Paul Manson ( Nerone) Produzione: Gaumont Durata: 18’
1911 -- Poppea ed Ottavia (1911 Latium), short film -- (Italia 1911)Produzione: Latium FilmDurata: 20’
1912 -- Kri Kri e il 'Quo vadis?' (Kri Kri and the 'Quo vadis?' / 1912 Cines), short film
1912 Raymond Lyon Androclès (Androcles and the Lion / 1912 Feuillade), short film
1912 Jean Hervé Britannicus (1912 Morlhon), short film -- (Francia 1912) Regia: Camille de Morlhon Cast: Jean Hervé ( Nerone), Romuald Joubé ( Britannico),JeanneGrumbach (Agrippina -- Produzione: Pathé
1913 P.W. Nares The Daughter of the Hills (1913 Dawley), short film
1914 Carlo Cattaneo (++) Quo Vadis? (1913 Guazzoni), feature film
1914 Sheridan Block The Sign of the Cross (1914 Thomson), feature film
1914 Vittorio Rossi Pianelli Nerone e Agrippina (1914 Caserini), feature film
1918 John Stepplin Restitution (1918 Gaye), feature film

1920s Nero Cinema Country Notes
1922 Jacques Grétillat Nero (1922 Edwards), film
1925 William Irving Nero (1925 Watson), film
1922 Emil Jannings Quo Vadis? (1925 D'Annunzio, Jacoby), film

1930s Nero Cinema Country Notes
1930 Ettore Petrolini Nerone (Nero / 1930 Blasetti), feature film
1932 Charles Laughton (++) The Sign of the Cross (1932 DeMille), feature film
1934 Vernon Dent Good Morning, Eve! (1934 Mack), short musical film
1938 George Hayes Life of St. Paul (1938 Walker), feature film

1950s Nero Cinema Country Notes
1951 -- (++) Quo Vadis (1951 LeRoy), feature film
1951 -- O.K. Nerone (O.K. Nero / 1951 Soldati), feature film
1952 -- Androcles and the Lion (1952 Erskine, Ray / @1912 Shaw), feature film
1953 -- Nerone e Messalina (1953 Zeglio), feature film
1954 -- The Silver Chalice (1954 Saville), feature film
1956 -- Mio figlio Nerone (1956 Steno), feature film
1957 -- The Story of Mankind (1957 Allen), feature film (USA 1957)Regia: Irwin AllenSceneggiatura: Irwin AlleneCharles BennettCast: Ronald Colman ( Lo Spiritodell’Uomo), Vincent Price (Belzebù),Peter Lorre (Nerone -- )Produzione: Cambridge Productions Inc.Durata: 100

1960s Nero Cinema Country Notes
1961 -- (+) Barabbas (1961 Fleischer), feature film

1970s Nero Cinema Country Notes
1906 -- Up Pompeii (1971 Kellett), feature film

1980s Nero Cinema Country Notes
1981 -- Peter and Paul (1981 Day), TV mini-series

2000s Nero Cinema Country Notes
2001 -- Quo Vadis? (2001 Kawalerowicz), feature film

2010s Nero Cinema Country Notes
2010 -- [[

External links

Media in category "Nero--cinema (subject)"

The following 13 files are in this category, out of 13 total.