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* [[Karlheinz Müller]]. ''Beobachtungen zur Entwicklung der Menschensohnvorstellung in den Bilderreden des Henoch und im Buche Daniel''. In [[Wegzeichen; Festgabe zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Hermenegild M. Biedermann. Hrsg. von Ernst Chr. Suttner und Coelestin Patock. Würzburg: Augustinus-Verlag, 1971]]. | * [[Karlheinz Müller]]. ''Beobachtungen zur Entwicklung der Menschensohnvorstellung in den Bilderreden des Henoch und im Buche Daniel''. In [[Wegzeichen; Festgabe zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Hermenegild M. Biedermann. Hrsg. von Ernst Chr. Suttner und Coelestin Patock. Würzburg: Augustinus-Verlag, 1971]]. | ||
* [[Ath. Theocharis]]. ''The Idea of Sophia in the Ethiopic Henoch''. In [[Bulletin of Biblical Studies/ΔΕΛΤΙΟΝ ΒΙΒΛΙΚΩΝ ΜΕΛΕΤΩΝ]] 1 (1971-72) 287-311. | |||
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Revision as of 08:45, 27 March 2015
Enochic Studies in the 1970s--Works and Authors
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The 1970s came and 1 Enoch was still in limbo. Not surprisingly, the only major studies of the period were Matthew Black's edition of the Greek fragments in 1970, and a translation in Modern Greek (1973).
The edition of the Qumran fragments by Józef T. Milik in 1976 reopened the research on 1 Enoch. In 1978 Michael Knibb published of a new edition of the Ethiopic text, which for the first time compared it with the newly founded fragments (Knibb 1978).
The late date of the Parables of Enoch advocated by Milik was sharply criticized by many scholars, who reiterated the importance of the document for the formation of early Christology. In his monograph in 1979 David Suter relocated the Parables of Enoch as a Second Temple Jewish document.
The interest in 1 Enoch was on the rise again. In 1979 Paolo Sacchi launched in Italy the journal Henoch.
Bibliography (articles)
- Shlomo Pines. Eschatology and the Concept of Time in the Slavonic Book of Enoch. In Types of Redemption (1970 Werblowsky), edited volume, 72-87.
- Józef T. Milik. Fragments grecs du livre d'Hénoch: P.Oxy. XVII 2069. In Chronique d'Egypte 46 (1971) 321-343.
- Józef T. Milik. Problèmes de la littérature hénochique à la lumière des fragments araméens de Qumrân. In Harvard Theological Review 64.2-3 (1971) 333-378.
- Karlheinz Müller. Beobachtungen zur Entwicklung der Menschensohnvorstellung in den Bilderreden des Henoch und im Buche Daniel. In Wegzeichen; Festgabe zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Hermenegild M. Biedermann. Hrsg. von Ernst Chr. Suttner und Coelestin Patock. Würzburg: Augustinus-Verlag, 1971.
- Ath. Theocharis. The Idea of Sophia in the Ethiopic Henoch. In Bulletin of Biblical Studies/ΔΕΛΤΙΟΝ ΒΙΒΛΙΚΩΝ ΜΕΛΕΤΩΝ 1 (1971-72) 287-311.
- William Adler. Enoch in Early Christian Literature. In Society of Biblical Literature 1978 Seminar Papers (1978 Achtemeier), edited volume, 271-275.
- Martha Himmelfarb. A Report on Enoch in Rabbinic Literature. In Society of Biblical Literature 1978 Seminar Papers (1978 Achtemeier), edited volume, 259-269.
- Michael A. Knibb. The Date of the Parables of Enoch: A Critical Review. In NTS 25 (1979) 345-359.
- Christopher L. Mearns. Dating the Similitudes of Enoch. In New Testament Studies 25 (1979) 360-69.
- Paolo Sacchi. Il Libro dei Vigilanti e l'apocalittica. In Henoch 1 (1979) 42-98.
- David W. Suter. Fallen Angel, Fallen Priest: The Problem of Family Purity in 1 Enoch 6-16. In Hebrew Union College Annual 50 (1979) 115-135.
Pages in category "Enochic Studies--1970s"
The following 33 pages are in this category, out of 33 total.
- Apocalypsis Henochi Graeca / Fragmenta Pseudepigraphorum, quae supersunt Graeca (1970 Black / Denis), book
- Messias og "menneskesøn." I Daniels Bog, Første Enoksbog og Fjerde Ezrabog (1972 Müller), book
- Τό βιβλίον τοῦ Ἐνώχ (The Book of Enoch / 1973 Katsareas), book
- Der auserwählte Richter: Untersuchungen zum traditionsgeschichtlichen Ort der Menschensohngestalt der Bilderreden des Äthiopischen Henoch (1975 Theisohn), book
- The Seventh Enochian Key (1976 Shipley), music
- Historical Setting of the Hebrew Book of Enoch (1977 Alexander), essay
- Henochs Zehnwochenapokalypse und offene Probleme der Apokalyptikforschung (1977 Dexinger), book
- Apocalyptic and Myth in 1 Enoch 6-11 (1977 Nickelsburg), essay
- Il libro di Enoc (The Book of Enoch / 1977 Pincherle), arch-fi
- The Woe-Oracles in Ethiopic Enoch (1978 Coughenour), essay
- 1 Enoch 6-11: A Methodological Perspective (1978 Dimant), essay
- The Ethiopic Book of Enoch (1978 Knibb), book
- The Parables of Enoch: Origin and Date (1978 Mearns), essay
- The Book of Enoch and Judaism in the Third Century BCE (1978 Stone), essay
- Aramaic-Greek Notes on the Book of Enoch (1978-79 Barr), essay
- The Books of Enoch and the Traditions of Enoch (1979 Greenfield, Stone), essay
- Henoch (1979-2004 Zamorani / 2005- Morcelliana), journal
- Józef T. Milik (1922-2006), Polish-French scholar
- Une citation manichéenne du livre d'Hénoch (1972 Philonenko), essay
- The Son of Man in Enoch (1973 Agourides), essay
- Die Beschwörungsserie Bīt mēseri und die Himmelfahrt Henochs (1974 Borger), essay
- Léviathan et Béhémoth dans la troisième "parabole" d’Hénoch (1975 Caquot), essay
- Hénoch et ses écritures (1975 Grelot), essay
- Henoch und die Metanoia (1975 Lührmann), essay
- The 'Parables' of Enoch (1 En 37-71) and the 'Son of Man' (1976 Black), essay
- The Use of Term "Son of Man" in the Similitudes of Enoch (1976 Casey), essay
- Das Weltverständnis in der jüdischen Apokalyptik, dargestellt am äthiopischen Henoch und am 4. Esra (1976 Luck), essay
- Remarques sur les chapitres 70 et 71 du livre éthiopien d'Hénoch (1977 Caquot), essay
- The Enochic Pentateuch and the Date of the Similitudes (1977 Greenfield, Stone), essay
- Rebellion in Heaven, Azazel, and Euhemeristic Heroes in 1 Enoch 6-11 (1977 Hanson), essay
- The Apocalyptic Message of 1 Enoch 92-105 (1977 Nickelsburg), essay
Media in category "Enochic Studies--1970s"
The following 6 files are in this category, out of 6 total.
- 1976 * Milik.jpg 471 × 640; 17 KB
- 1978 Knibb.jpg 352 × 500; 18 KB
- 1978 Laycock.jpg 333 × 500; 37 KB
- 1979 * Suter.jpg 260 × 402; 7 KB
- 1979 Hartman.jpg 360 × 585; 28 KB
- 1979 Zamorani.jpg 424 × 592; 20 KB